News Archives
What Will You Do?

Time grows short. Bombs are going off and infrastructure is being torn out from under the illegitimate government lording over us. What in the hell will you do to protect your families? Think fast, you're all but out of time...
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The Left's Trash Collectors

The "conservative" movement is the text-book definition of failure. They are useless, or worse, and the only purpose they serve is to clean up the left's garbage. Will you contribute to that? Will you enable the people who killed this country further?
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Face-Diapers and the Cowards who Wear Them

Today's rant features a how-to-guide on dealing with the finger-wagging scolds. You know the type - stuffy mask-Nazi's who pitch-six-flavors of sh*t when you refuse to be-clown yourself in a face-diaper. From store clerks to SJW land-orcas, we got you covered.
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Files Section Completed

We've finally got the Files Section up and running. The new area contains scores of compressed manuals and booklets for topics ranging from survival to medicine to combat or even guides on field communication and intelligence gathering.
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Dungeons & Dragons Skill and Weath Trackers Added

We've added ten new Tracking Cards to the Dungeons & Dragons Posters & Info Cards Section, useful for tallying Masterwork Proficiency Kits as well as banking the a party's acquired and earned assets.
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Trifecta of Defiance

The Republic is dead. Slain. The Constitution openly declared null and void. The right to vote stripped. Forever. What follows is a Response to Weary Patriot, a Declaration of Rebellion and A Call to Action. Read and heed. There is to be war, God help us all, there is to be war.
Tipping Points

There are always tipping points in a nation. Those horrible moments where a population snaps under the weight of one callous indignity too many. With the obvious and blatant theft of the 2020 presidential election, we're hurtling uncontrollably towards one such event.
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PSX Section Completed

The Sony Playstation Section of the Miscellaneous Game Page has been completed. The sub-category is now filled with completed game saves, emulators and detailed FAQS from the late 1990's era of gaming.
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2020 Just Keeps Shittin' in our Mouths

2020 is to years as what Rwanda is to sh*t-holes. A non-stop tram-ride through fetid sewage. At our current trajectory we expect this corn-holing to go to guns by spring. And that's the best possible outcome. Gun-up, train-up, and learn how to take a proper scalp.
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Nintendo DS Section Completed

The Nintendo DS section of the Miscellaneous Game Page has been completed. All of the completed cartridge saves, game guides, FAQs and emulators are available for download.
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Cuckish Reality - A Two-fer

We have a double rant for you today - one on the dangers of turning your back on Republicucks, the other a short essay on maintaining realism in the face of impending civil war. Read and heed.
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NPC Card Updates

The NPC Card Section has been updated with several new non-player characters and summoned creatres, as well as a new Character Card for Xaylla the second.
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Not-So-Friendly Fire

Sometimes you watch a social media poster attack a movement they purport to identify as with a savagery so intense that you not only question their sanity, but their legitimacy. Fed-plant-meter buried at eleven here folks.
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Miscellaneous Games Section: 3DS and PC Sections Finished

We've finished up the PC Games and the Nintendo 3DS sections - the only thing left to do now is actually complete some of these titles. So many games, and yet, life so fleeing - and filled with other critical responsibilities.
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Miscellaneous Games Section: Gameboy Section Completed

The Nintendo Gameboy and Gameboy Advanced sections are complete, with maximized saves of several "legendary" system titles. Additionally, there are game guides, game back-up files and emulators to play them on. As time progresses, (and we get around to playing them), we'll add more entries.
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I Will Say This Once Here:

I will say this once and only once here:
This is North-Korea levels of voter f*ckery. If people will not reach for their weapons over this, then they've demonstrated they'll reach for them over nothing. Ever. You may as well sell them or turn them over to the "legitimate-authorities."
I don't want answers in reply, I don't want fed-posts, or internet bluster. I want you to think about what I just wrote. Say nothing more on enemy internet. Think. Think like the lives of your children and grand-children depend on it.
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Civil War Part I: Harden Your Life

We're in a fog of war right now fellow travelers. These moments are when you take stock of your life and begin hardening it. You must assume the worst possible outcome and prepare for it. At the link below is a sampling of the things you MUST be thinking on RIGHT NOW.
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A Man Ought to Enjoy His Work

We've got a twofer lined up in the rants section - the first a speech for morale. The second, a reminder that a man should relish his work. Especially when his work is destroying the wreckers creations. Merry men indeed, Sir Robin.
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Play Starcraft: Remastered Demastered Offline

One of the most wretched things Blizzard has done over the last few years, (and that's saying something!), was crippling Classic Starcraft. They gutted the Map Editor, removed the wonderful LAN options, and forced you to log into their servers to enjoy the game - even if you're simply playing alone. (There's a damn good reason we have the old patches up for the Starcraft CD installs).
People who no longer have their CD's - or who bought the digital versions in the years before Blizzard turned into Bobby Kotick's used tampon - were just plain screwed. Until now. A clever chap figured out how those poor souls forced to play Starcraft: Remastered, (Read: Starcraft: Gutted), can bypass Blizzard's launcher - and other associated malware - to play the game. We've hosted the video HERE and in the Starcraft Downloads Section for when Actilizzard's cloven-hooved leagal sh*t-bags nuke it from Youtube.
‣ Click HERE to read more.
Starbound Section Completed

The Starbound section is now Finished! With the completion of the Custom Universe section, the site is now fully live and ready for anyone to peruse. We hope you enjoy the Alfirk Stream System in all its glory - the mass-transit system alone took a week to build!
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Miscellaneous Games Section Under Construction

We've began work on the Miscellaneous Games section of the site. This is a repository of powerful game saves which can be loaded into emulators (or cartridges with the proper hardware).
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Starbound Section Updates

The Starbound site has been updated! The Downloads section is finished, and we've added two new guides - one for the ships of each race, and an extensive section on gaining crewmembers for your vessel. Only the Custom Universe section remains.
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Starbound Section Updates

The Starbound sections is seeing its first additions. The Character Packs section is up, with numerous races and custom ships to choose from, as well as the Console Commands area. Finally, the Starbound Mods section is live, with dozens of enhancements and alterations to keep things lively.
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New AD&D Wall Posters & Projectile Trackers

We've created an accurate wall poster calendar for the 2nd Edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, as well as six projectile weapon ammunition trackers. We've also updated the template files so people may create their own custom projectile tracking cards if they wish.
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NWN Section Updates

The Neverwinter Nights section is now finished. This includes updates to the Nightsinger's Bane Campaign section as well as the completion of the rather monstrous Character Packs page, which features over three hundred custom characters of levels 1-30.
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Simmer in Hell You Malignant Old Crone:

It would seem that Satan has summoned his wretched shrew back to his hearth - Ruth Bader Ginsberg's decrepit, cancer riddled corpse finally gives out:
"RBG In Hell: If You Can't Say Anything Good... and I can't, beyond that she is dead..."
- Bill Quick
For most of my adult life, this foul tumor upon everything that is decent, true and right in this world has squatted over her cauldron on the Supreme Court, vomiting forth affronts to my prosperity, my liberty and my intelligence - in equal measure. To say that I draw unparalleled satisfaction from this horrific hag's demise would be an understatement on par with calling the surface of a neutron star "somewhat radioactive."
I wish only the absolute worst on her - a miserable, hatful crone, and I will sleep tonight peacefully and content knowing that she's been dragged home to the Morning Star's realm... where the ogress will enjoy a place of honor among the very worst of humanity.
My only remorse regarding her ejection from this world is the fact I can only enjoy the harridan's death but once. I hope the last moments of her existence, (as the darkness and demons closed in), were indescribable in their sheer horror and agony.
C'est la vie you wretched witch. /Spit.

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New AD&D Magical Items

We've added thirteen new items to the magical cards section. These artifacts are tailored toward epic level campaigns, and address some of the shortcomings in the lesser used races, classes and kits.
Click the link below for more information.
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Quote of the Week:

"The most dangerous person in the world is the man who has nothing left to live for and is looking for the people who took it from him."
- Karl Denninger
Nut-cutting time approaches. You better be ready.
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NWN Section Updates

The Custom Equipment, Character Portraits, Nightsinger's Bane, Debug Commands, and Downloads sections are finished.
Pound for pound, this is the largest section of the entire site, with gigs of downloads and information.
Only the character packs section remains.
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We're So Fucked Quote of the Day:

"Wherever there is a jackboot stomping on a human face there will be a well-heeled Western liberal to explain that the face does, after all, enjoy free health care and 100 percent literacy."
- John Derbyshire
We grow weary of condescending yap-heads justifying all manner of barbarity from the comfort of their ten-million dollar estates and gold-plated media-jobs. Insulated from every horror they unleash, these cretins would be drenched in pine-tar and dipped in duck-feathers in better times.
And then exiled by rail.
Forever.‣ Click HERE to read more.
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

"Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
- Luke 22:36
"Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle."
- Psalm 144:1
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PSA: 100 Head Life Insurance Policy Active - Kyle Rittenhouse

You fucking commies are just so cute - and too smart by half. Do you have any idea what you're about to unleash? No. You don't. You wretched spoiled, evil children. Fine. This is on you:

SPREAD THIS FAR AND WIDE: I am calling for all patriots to activate Mike Vanderboegh's 100-Head Life Insurance policy on Kyle Rittenhouse. The terrorists and commies are thusly warned - If they kill this American hero while awaiting trial in jail, we will take 100 commie scalps in reprisal. And we include their propagandists, political supporters and financers in that potential list - the higher up the totem pole the better.
You want to play stupid games? You'll win stupid Goddamned prizes. Horrible, horrible, stupid prizes. We're through playing with you shit-bag Blackshirts as you rampage around torching cities and murdering people in the streets. You don't touch this kid MAN - or you Reds will swiftly understand the meaning of the phrase "Disproportionate Retribution."
Chose wisely Reds. You pull this string, you will unleash hell.

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NX4 - Nightsinger's Bane

The NX4: Nightsinger's Bane section of the site is coming together. The Features area is completed, and we're importing the news items from various forums before they vanish forever. We'll be adding information over the next week.
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The Grey-pill

Quite a few people are getting black-pilled about Donald Trump. I can't blame them. These folk are correctly noting he's not doing anything to save Heritage America. DJT is about promoting DJT.
These same people wisely note that our "choice" is between a party who openly wants us dead in the immediate term, and one who wants us to die out on a more gradual timeline.
This is dilemma not accidental . (Mark Twain had a thing or two to say about voting). That said, before we just say "fuggit," allow me to disseminate a grey-pill or two.
There is value in the feds openly attacking Trump instead of being able to expend ALL of their energy going after us. Just by virtue of taking up space in the White House, DJT divides the enemy's resources. Their energy and political capital is not infinite.
Second point - DJT buys us time. Time is fleeing and precious. While he's not helping Heritage America, he's not openly moving to destroy it either. That gives us precious weeks, months and years to lay in munitions, food, gold, silver, move out of blue hives and grab combat/comms training.
We can buy ourselves another four years of partial reprieve in November. It's not going to reverse a century of Marxist rot. This nation is toast. A zombie staggering along on inertia. Accept as fact that we will have a horrible war. Sure, Trump won't do anything of value to help anyone but Trump. But making himself the prog's number one target sure won't hurt FREEFOR's prospects...
Recognize that We WILL NOT be getting anyone who has our backs. That's not happening. The system is rigged to prevent that. What we CAN get someone who deflects much of the attention we'd be otherwise getting.
You think it's bad now? Wait until the half of the swamp/press who've been throwing hatchets at Trump unite and turn their full attention towards Heritage America.
Don't look at Trump as someone who's going to save you. He's not - and he couldn't even if he wanted to. Look as DJT as a way to give you time to prepare your heart, mind, body and soul for the horrible war that's coming.
If you've already got preps up to your eyeballs, a nice house in rural Wyoming and could teach John Mosby a thing or two... GREAT. Work on getting your family and community prepared.
I can't speak for the rest of you. But if you give me the choice between Civil War come May of 2021, or May of 2025, I'll pick 2025 in a heartbeat. I can do a lot in my community and with my family in four years. And make no mistake - this battle will take PLEANTY of hard-hearted comrads at your side.
How many people do you know who will help you bury a body? Be BRUTALLY HONEST in your answer. How much can you up that number in three months? How about four years?
Use whatever time we have left to the upmost. God speed friends.
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The Silence is Deafening

The following cartoon is sickening in its accuracy:

Some wretched black drug addled thug dies of a dope-induced heart attack while white pigs manhandle him? A national tragedy! Burn down all the cities!
An innocent little white child, gunned down by a black creature in a fit of racist rage? Complete media Silence.
It occurs to us that if white people started burning down cities and rampaging through the streets when sh*t like this happens, LESS sh*t like this would happen.
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This is the Left in Its Purest Form

Below you can see the Prog-Nazi's behaving in the manner they've always yearned. As we've warned, the only thing stopping them from filling cattle-cars is their lack of political power. They already have the evil in their hearts and the will to slaughter anyone disagreeing with their wretched ideology.
The shit-libs want you and every person you love dead. They mean to make it happen. You had damn well better be gunning-up and hardening your heart. You're already in a fucking Civil War - whether you want to be or not.
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Be This Guy...

Be the man with the balls to stand up to a stupid mob of fucking mewling sheep. Cringing cowards are pathetic - and easily lead by wolves to their slaughter.
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Empty Husks to the Left of Me, Chicken-Shits to the Right

The brown-eyed-beauty below has the right of it. This cretinous mask fetish is nothing more than meaningless preening. The braying howls of lazy, virtueless, hollow people - desperately trying to find some significance in their empty lives. These stuttering dumbfucks, having purged themselves of religion, then proceede to fill the void with.... another... religion. Global Warming. Socialized-medicine. Adulation of the state. And now they've Fetishized useless cloth masks as the newest addition to their mythos.
There is no distinction between the worthless garbage people shrieking about wearing face-masks and the Flagellants of the 13th century. Just the latest iteration of hyper-religious fucking nut-rolls looking for heretics to burn... all so they can feel better about the complete worthlessness of their own dreary existence.
"The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it."
- H.L. Mencken
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Politics & Rants Section Back Up

The Politics and Rants section has been restored, an indescribably awful process. Every post had to be re-styled and formatted by hand. But, considering the "attention" this part of the site garners from the Feds, the effort was absolutely necessary.
PS: Eat sh*t NSA. Edward Snowden is our f*cking hero.
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Dungeons & Dragons Section Added

We've added a Dungeons & Dragons section to the site. This new area hosts hundreds of custom cards to use in your game, including magical items, monsters, NPC's and commoners. We've also created scores of maps, character sheets and a huge adventure log detailing our Time's Tapestry Campaign.
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Neverwinter Nights Section Created

Quite possibly the gold standard in user-created Dungeons & Dragons adventures, the Neverwinter Nights series released with the full campaign creation suit. This has allowed the players to build campaigns and modules on par with - and sometimes exceeding - those of the developers.
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Starbound Section Created
Din's Curse Section Finished

The Din's Curse section is back up and operational. We also took the time to finish the Character Class section, a project that's been languishing for the better part of six years.
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Torchlight Section Back Up

The Torchlight section of the site has been restored - and none too soon, as it seems a great many of the other on-line resources and fan-sites have vanished in the last seven years.
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Warcraft Section Back Up

We've put all the Warcraft content back up. We also made some balance changes to the custom maps section. This includes tweaks to the heroes, fixed typos and repairing several trigger issues with the computer A.I.
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Diablo Section Back Up

The Diablo section is once again operational. We've uploaded the last set of patches in case blizzard does something horrible...
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Starcraft Section Back Up

We now have the Starcraft section up and running again. We also took the time to fix some of the broken maps, and created two new ones - why not. Twenty-five years out, and the game still delivers.
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Baldur's Gate Section Finished

The Baldur's Gate section is back up. We've also took the time to finish the Character Pack Downloads and Cespenar's Recipes. Only took us seven years.
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Rising From The Ashes - Welcome Back to 1999

And now, after being hacked repeatedly, physically intimidated by the F.B.I., dealing with a host of horrid .php disasters - and the ever increasing nightmare that is Wordpress - we're back.
F*ck all the bells, whistles, comment fields and especially the garbage-tier Wordpress backend. The site's now static - welcome back 1999. As with everything else in the modern world, instead of using advances in technology to improve life, humanity learns so they can sh*t all over one another. Typical.
Read Older Posts in the News Archives

The older posts from 2012 to 2019 are available in the News Archives Section. Here you can read old updates and articles from years long past - which is rather interesting for seeing the evolution of people's thoughts and opinions over time.
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The League of Outlaw Bloggers
‣ 12 Round Blog‣ Alt-Market
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‣ Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
‣ Ann Barnhardt
‣ Captain Capitalism
‣ Chateau Heartiste
‣ Cold Fury
‣ Daily Pundit
‣ Everything Yet Nothing
‣ Kiwi Farms
‣ Knuckle-Draggin' M.L.A.
‣ L.O. Outlaw Bloggers
‣ Liberty's Torch
‣ Men of the West
‣ NC Renegades
‣ Raconteur Report
‣ Sipsey Street Irregulars
‣ Sum. Patriot, Win. Soldier
‣ The Burning Platform
‣ The Captain's Journal
‣ The Intrepid Reporter
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‣ Woodpile Report
Comedy, Satire & Comics
‣ All the Tropes‣ Bounding Into Comics
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