Starbound Bases - Starbase Overwatch
Starbase Overwatch is the crown jewel of the Alfirk Stream System. This fortified command center is the nexus for every installation in the region, with micro-fabrication facilities capable creating virtually anything from the raw materials produced elsewhere.
• Hovercar Hanger - The Hovercar Hanger connects Starbase Overwatch to the eastern Star-Way Transit System. The structure maintains three fueled and powered hovercars at all times, as well as a gross of exploratory equipment and maintenance gear. A Security Passcode Panel prevents unauthorized access, and a defense turret will open fire on hostile intruders while the bay's pressure hatch is open.
- Click HERE, HERE and HERE to view the Hovercar Hanger's contents.

• Cargo Bay - The Cargo Bay holds uncountable tonnage of building materials and non-printable furnishings. Massive shipping containers and storage crates contain enough building blocks to construct a large facility from scratch. Additionally, a trove of sealed water-tight barrels store thousands of measures of various liquids - enough for any sized project. Finally, the area features a reinforced security locker, filled with enough raw currency to purchase anything a Ship Captain might need.
- Click HERE, HERE, and HERE to view a sample of the Cargo Bay's contents.

• Greenhouse - A modest Greenhouse provides for Starbase Overwatch's day-to-day needs. Automated sprinklers, lights, climate control and nutrient systems make growing any known plant life a trivial matter. While a faint shadow of the system's Primary Greenhouse, the garden is ample enough to feed the installation's crew and colonists, making it entirely self-sufficient in the event of some catastrophe befalling the Primary Greenhouse.
- Click HERE and HERE to view the Greenhouse's contents.

• Micro-Fabrication Facility - The Micro-Fabrication Facility allows Starbase Overwatch to rapidly convert raw materials into an uncountable number of useful products - from building components to weapons to tools and more. Its ample storage bays hold nearly any conceivable crafting material, while carefully positioned Fabrication Centers minimize roaming while manufacturing complex items.
- Click HERE, HERE and HERE to view a sampling of the facility's contents.

• Station Crew Quarters - The Station Crew Quarters is where Starbase Overwatch's U.E.P. personnel sleep and relax. Memory foam beds ensure a comfortable rest, a top grade restroom sees to sanitation needs, and space is provided for off-duty crew to unwind.

• Mess Hall - Starbase Overwatch's Mess Hall is staffed by a Full-Time Chef, who sells a variety of delicious foods at reasonable prices. For those so inclined, a fully stocked kitchen is available, with scores of coolers packed with enough ingredients and spices to tantalize any palate. The open concept dining area features a stunning view of the Alfirk Stream V Asteroid Field, and enough room to seat the entire off-duty crew roster simultaneously.
- Click HERE, HERE and HERE to view a sampling of the Mess Hall's Contents.

• Vending Area - For those uninterested in cooking or sitting down for a gourmet meal, Starbase Overwatch hosts a wide selection of vending machines. Each dispenser is well-stocked with Soda, Snacks and even freshly fried doughnuts - all at reasonable prices.
- Click HERE and HERE to see samples of the Vending Area's offerings.

• Security Center - The Security Center works to protect Starbase Overwatch from outside threats - and keep the peace internally. A Pressurized Durasteel cell and energy dampening field is capable of securing any prisoner while preventing beam-outs. Additionally, nearby munitions crates store enough weapons to arm all active duty U.E.P. personnel in the event of invasion. Finally, the closed-circuit camera system enables remote surveillance of every inch of the station during an emergency.
- Click HERE to view the Security Center's armaments.

• Pet Station - The Pet Station caters to the needs of those taking on animal companions. The center offers a selection of useful collars for enhancing a servitor, as well as regeneration stations to heal wounded creatures. Additionally, a nearby micro-crafting center can fabricate pet related items, such as Capture Pods and Tethers. Finally, two large overhead lockers hold a wide assortment of filled Capture Pods, with creatures running the gamete from combat to cosmetic or utilitarian.
- Click HERE and HERE to view a sample of the Pet Station's contents.

• Spacewalk Bay - The Spacewalk Bay is Starbase Overwatch's secondary access point. Protected by an auto-turret and a Security Passcode Panel, the exit connects to the installation to the western Star-Way Transit System. Several suits of combat rated of battle armor and charged EPP packs are always on standby, while nearby lockers contain a wide assortment of space suits specialized for different missions. The area also holds a selection of important EPP Augments to further customize an astronaut's load-out.
- Click HERE and HERE to view the Spacewalk Bay's contents.

• Shield & System Gravity Generator - The shield generator protects the facility from accidental - or deliberate - misuse of the Matter Manipulator. It also hardens the facility against meteor strikes and combat damage. The generator is a fragile piece of hardware however, and reacts poorly to weapons fire - players are advised to use caution when in its vicinity. Also note that the Shield Generator will need to be deactivated to make any alterations to Starbase Overwatch or its immediate surroundings.
The powerful System Gravity Generator allows manipulation of the entire Alfirk Stream V Asteroid Field's ambient gravity. A player can adjust the local gravity to be stronger than a Class M planet, or even emulate weightlessness. (Zero-G environments are recommended for mining operations and mech-based expeditions - this is the station's default setting).

• Target Range - Marksmanship is a skill that requires custom upkeep, and the U.E.P. crew of Starbase Overwatch practice constantly. The Target Range features an automated scoring system and a wide selection of low-tier weapons to train with. Adjustable targets and lighting conditions help simulate difficult combat environments, while a Range Marshall makes certain safe weapon handling and muzzle discipline is observed.
- Click HERE and HERE to view the Target Range's contents.

• Pixel Refinery - The Pixel Refinery is an automated installation used to break precious ores into raw Pixels. Valuable materials are mined from Alfirk Stream V's asteroids, which are converted into currency, and then used to purchase supplies or power the Pixel Printers to fabricate sundry items. The Pixel Refinery is critical to keeping the installation operational, as the associated upkeep expenses would be otherwise untenable.

• Sickbay - The Sickbay is filled with life-saving medical and scientific equipment. A Mark-IXX Executive Grade Auto-Medical Bed will rapidly regenerate almost any injury, while a host of sensors and diagnostic equipment can diagnose most conditions in organic, mechanical and gaseous beings. The cupboards and shelves are packed with high grade medical supplies, and a micro-fabrication station enables the creation of more from raw materials.
- Click HERE, HERE and HERE to view the Sickbay's contents.

• Teleporter & Tech Console - A full-range Telepad and Tech Console inhabits the installation's next floor. This not only allows a player to beam out, but lets them bookmark that particular Teleporter for quick return visits. Additionally, a Tech Console is provided in the event players must customize their Tech load-out for specialized tasks -such as spacewalks or mining asteroids.

• Livestock Suite F1 - The first floor of the Livestock Suite contains a small feedlot, and is home to an assortment of cattle. Their exotic furs can be harvested for medical and material components, and they may also be slaughtered as a source of meat. Ample grains and roughage are kept on hand to feed the animals, and assigned crewmembers are experts in the field of animal husbandry.

• Livestock Suite F2 - The second floor of the Livestock Suite holds large numbers of chickens - both terrestrial and robotic. These birds produce a steady supply of eggs and AA batteries, used in cooking or sold via the nearby TerraMart Shipments Station.

• Command Center - The Command Center is the central nervous system of Starbase Overwatch. From this control tower, the station's primary combat systems and long-range sensors are monitored. An array of consoles and panels allow control of the installation's sub-systems, such as lighting, ventilation, turret defense grids and the hazardous liquid purging system.
• Skywalk - The Skywalk connects the U.E.P. military wing of Starbase Overwatch to the Civilian Space Colony. This magnificent transparent structure proudly flies the flags of the United Earth Protectorate's member worlds, while granting an unparalleled view of the surrounding asteroid field. Members of the crew and colonists are often found relaxing and mingling in this spacious environment.

• Pool & Regenerative Hot Tub - The lowest strata of Starbase's Space Colony hosts an Olympic sized swimming pool with an automated drain and self-cleaning system. Nearby is a relaxing hot tub with mineral water from plant Ba'ku, which possesses documented regenerative properties. Overhead UV lamps can simulate a warm beach, and a tanning table is provided for those interested catching some rays.

• Colonist's Quarters - After Planet Earth's destruction, propagating the human race has become the chief priority of the U.E.P. By orders of Grand Protector Esther Bright, every sanctioned United Earth Protectorate installation must house a significant human colony - and Starbase Overwatch is no exception. Each colonist's suite features a well appointed kitchen, living room, full bathroom and furnished bedroom - each decorated to their owner's specifications.

• Library - The library warehouses the combined lore of the Human, Apex, Hylotl, Glitch, Avian, Floran and Nova Kid races. The voluminous shelves contain books, newspapers, magazines, research papers, digital media and even primitive scribbling on bark. The floor also boasts an impressive collection of design schematics and blueprints for those interested in learning to create new types of equipment.

• Colony Shopping Mall - The Colony Shopping Mall has a massive assortment of products for sale. Everything from weapons to clothing to food to apartment decorations are offered in a dazzling assortment of colors and sizes. The merchants are quite willing to purchase goods and ores, making them a quick way to earn quick pixels in a pinch.

• Arcade - The Arcade houses an amusing collection of video game consoles and arcade machines. From shooters to air-hockey tables the Arcade is a great way to spend a few hours.
• Landing Platform - Perched atop Starbase Overwatch is the station's primary Landing Platform. An auto-turret repels unwanted visitors, while a Security Passcode Panel prevents unauthorized entry. The landing pad is rated for one-man craft, mechs and even smaller jump-ships, making it an ideal dock for merchants and traders restocking the Colony Mall.

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