Eat Like a F*cking King
What's best in life? (Well, other than cleaving your enemies upon the battlefield, leaving their civilization a smoking ruin and claiming their finest women as war-brides?)
Why... excellent food of course!
So bend an ear, gather around, and start scribbling notes. Every recipe here is five star, grade-S, top-flight eats. Some are simply recipes passed down from grandparents to children. Some are entirely new creations. All are the culinary equivalent of you and Kathy Ireland stranded alone on a lush tropical island with no hope of rescue and no clothing.
So go grab your pans, your knives, your spices and get ready to make the best tasting shit since God combined raw meat with roaring fire. Dig in men.
• Silver's Beef Lasagna
• Silver's Chicken Lettuce Wraps
• Silver's Chicken Noodle Soup
• Silver's Deluxe Grilled Turkey Cheese
• Silver's Egg Muffins
• Silver's Fried Potatoes
• Silver's Kung Pao Chicken
• Silver's Picante Sauce
• Silver's Pigs in a Blanket
• Silver's S Rank Mac Cheese
• Silver's Skewered Pepper Meatballs
• Silver's Spicy Sausage Vegetables
• Silver's Supreme Nachos or Tacos
• Dad's Baked Potato Dices
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