Personal Computer Games
PC Games
This is the Gameboy Advanced section of the site, featuring a host of saves for the platform. Each game has a small section dedicated to it, which includes:
• Guides and information packet.
• Several perfect or near perfect saves.
• Some include the game itself.
• A few have custom mod files.
• Many include an emulator.
The save files can be easily imported into emulators, or even real cartridges, using a variety of third party hardware options. (Most are a USB dongle with a cartridge slot).
The manufacturers and products used for importing/exporting game saves to physical cartridges are regularly sued into oblivion, so listing actual products is mostly pointless. The best option is to web search console name backup game saves, and then read some reviews - from other websites - about the product before you buy it. A decent one should run you about $25.00 to $30.00 USD.
Game Index
PC Titles
Divinity: Origional Sin

On its face, Divinity: Original Sin is a marvelous game - but unfortunately, it is mired in save destroying bugs that make a completionist playthrough all but impossible.
Note: Click on the image to the left to enlarge.
After investing about 120 hours building the homestead plane and collecting every item thus far, we discovered that the game is unable to exceed a certain number of items created - if that number of objects is reached, the game crashes forever more - opening a merchant window "creates" several dozen items every time - and as we were fueling the run with crafting, we rapidly exceeded the allowable limit on items.
Worse yet, is there is no way to remove the items once generated, (to free up "handles"), so when you hit the limit, boom, that's it - dead save file. The game cannot continue. Over the course of 28 days, we crafted over nine million gold in items and sold them - which resulted in the game freezing up anytime a monster was slain or a merchant inventory opened. So the save file is at the fifty-percent marker, and the Homestead is quite impressive if you want to take a peek. Just don't try to kill anything or buy stuff.
For their part, Larian announced, "they're aware of the defect, they won't fix it, and that you should just not craft to make money... or open too many containers." No shit? That was a summary of their official and very dismissive "response." We advise against buying Baldur's Gate III - (and we certainly won't!) - since your save data is not a priority to Larian Studios.
If we had not played Divinity: Original Sin II prior to this title, we'd have never purchased it, based on the miserable experience Original Sin provided. Stay far, FAR, FAR away from this title if you're a completionist or an item crafter.
(We suspect the reason Larian stripped most of the crafting from Original Sin's sequel is to avoid - rather than fix - this bug).
Update: 4/23/21:
A moderator named GM Raze on the Larian community forums contacted us in response to this review and a post we left with regards to Divinity: OS running out of handles during completionist game play. He requested we provide him with the broken save, which we did. He passed it on to a member of their development team, who somehow cleansed it - allows us to properly finished the game. The file download has been updated with a level 22 party, with perfect gear and a heavily customized homestead. Every possible quest is completed, and all of the henchmen's side-quests are tied up.
We appreciate the time Larian took to assist us, and acknowledge this is extremely good customer support for even a new game - let alone a very old title.
Divinity: Origional Sin II - Definative Edition

These saves include over-leveled characters at the end of each chapter. Each has backpacks filled with useful tools, potions, and food, and are garbed in the best gear for their level. The Lady Vengeance has every merchant, and the unique items have been up-leveled. The saves use the increased party size mod so each NPC is available for story purposes.
Note: Click on the Image above to enlarge.
Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep

This save features four saves, one in each chapter. The final save features a balanced and overpowered party wearing the game's best equipment, with a multiple masteries on each character. The party inventory is filled with essential adventuring gear, consumables and backup weapons aplenty. The Homestead is stocked with equipment and backup money.
Note: Click on the Image above to enlarge.
Eye of the Beholder

Eye of the Beholder is the progenitor of the first-person dungeon crawler, and it spawned a huge number of sequels, spin-offs and knock-offs. This save features a level capped party, equipped with an arsenal of the best items. Every special quest has been completed, all of the portal keys collected, the main quests finished and all of the game's gear is cached in a secure chamber with a direct portal to the main hub.
Eye of the Beholder II

The much beloved sequel to Eye of the Beholder, the Legend of Darkmoon takes what made its predecessor great and ramps the difficulty. The saves feature an imported and level capped party with every spell and the game's best equipment. (Including the items from EotB I). Additionally, all of the game's equipment has been gathered into a secure hideout.
Eye of the Beholder III

The finale to the Eye of the Beholder series, Assault on Myth Drannor is a stunning disappointment. With the Exception of the Mage's Guild and Final Dungeon, the game's overall design is a mess. And just forget about the sound. The Save features a maxed out party with two strong NPC's, the best equipment imported from all three games, and a massive cache of items in a secure starting local.
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