Baldur's Gate
De'Arnise Hold
De'Arnise Hold is the ancestral fortress of the De'Arnise family. Owned by Nalia de'Arnise, she has made the PC the "proxy" lord of the keep to avoid an arranged marriage into a snotty noble family. This naturally resulted in some... tensions that were politely resolved at sword-point.
The keep has a vast array of services and stored equipment, and generates a substantial monthly income for the player character, making it the ideal base of operations. Just don't tax the peasants too much, else you'll find yourself kicked out of your lair.

De'Arnise Hold is a classically designed keep, with strong outer walls, a stout draw-bridge, and enough supplies to keep any adventuring company well stocked for the battles ahead. A small wooden stockade stands near the castle itself, providing a secondary defense point, as well as keeping watch over the carefully concealed postern door. The draw bridge mechanism is controlled from a small walkway only accessible from the second floor of the fortress, an added security feature in the event of a wall breach.
A kennel, well and large stable take up most of the courtyard, while a host of thick oak doors allow access to each level of the keep.
Last but not least, a Fletching Merchant has taken up residence near the keep, loitering far to the southeast, and his shop is packed with the best missile weapons and ammunition available outside of Amn.
Floorplan: Floor 1

Floor 1: Amenities
The ground floor features a host of useful services, such as an Armor Merchant, an arsenal containing every weapon from Baldur's Gate, Tales From the Sword Coast, and Baldur's Gate II. Additionally, there is a fully stocked larder, trophy room, a great meeting hall, and a forge for assembling the pieces of the Flail of Ages.
In the extreme southwest of the first level, concealed behind a sliding wall, is a hidden stairwell leading outside the keep. This is useful as a shortcut to the outdoors, or for those parties looking to be discrete in their comings and goings. Additionally, numerous times-based scripted events will NOT occur when leaving the fortress this way, which can be very advantageous.
Finally, the Keep's Major Domo is located in the great feasting hall, and the PC may converse with him to manage the fortress or raise and lower taxes.
Floor 1: NPCs
The first floor features the castle's garrison, separated into two rooms and then further segregated by alignment. While seemingly inconvenient, the reality is quartering characters like Minsc and Edwin together would be the textbook definition of a "bad idea." (While rare, it is possible to wander back to a pile of corpses if evil and good NPCs are left alone in close proximity).
When recruiting some NPCs, be wary of disbanding them - some will take it very personally, and leave forever.

Floorplan: Floor 2

Floor 2: Amenities
The second level opens to a massive library and ready room, well stocked with nearly every important book and document from the series, the keep's treasury, as well as a scroll merchant selling nearly every spell known to the Sword Coast.
To the northwest is a massive temple, run by a cleric of Tempus, who offers a wide array of services and maintains a fully stocked apothecary, brimming with potions and healing scrolls. For those in need of dedicated healers, several NPC clerics also worship here, and are more than willing to accompany a party in need.
Finally, to the northeast is the master's bedroom and personal quarters, with the PC's personal storage and private dining area. Several important NPC's like to loiter in this area, and towards the center of the master's quarters is a stairwell leading into the basement.
Floor 2: NPCs
In addition to the party and their personal quarters, the second story of the fortress harbors numerous divine and arcane spell casters, fitting as the level houses both the temple and the great library.

Floorplan: Basement

Basement: Amenities
The basement is where standard troops are garrisoned, and they have a well stocked guard-room and armory at their disposal. In an adjoining room is a large collection of interrogation implements for the times that cohesion becomes necessary to loosen lips.
To the southwest is the castle's dungeon, with four solid cells for holding criminals or imprisoning monsters. One of the cells was partially dug out by Umber Hulks, which adds some "character" to that particular chamber.
The large central storage area houses a secondary treasury, rations, and is the home to a very well-stocked weapons merchant, offering a staggering variety of equipment - from tank to spellcaster gear.
In the northeastern segment of the basement is a large noble crypt, where the Master's family and especially dangerous artifacts are entombed.
Basement: NPCs None.
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