Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS, DS-Lite, DSi
This is the Nintendo DS section of the site, featuring a host of saves for the platform. Each game has a small section dedicated to it, which includes:
• Guides and information packet.
• Several perfect or near perfect saves.
• Some include the game itself.
• A few have custom mod files.
• Many include an emulator.
The save files can be easily imported into emulators, or even real cartridges, using a variety of third party hardware options. (Most are a USB dongle with a cartridge slot).
The manufacturers and products used for importing/exporting game saves to physical cartridges are regularly sued into oblivion, so listing actual products is mostly pointless. The best option is to web search console name backup game saves, and then read some reviews - from other websites - about the product before you buy it. A decent one should run you about $25.00 to $30.00 USD.
Game Index
Nintendo DS Titles
Blue Dragon: Plus

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• DS Emulator: DeSmuME - (1,825 KB)
• Game Guides: Pending - (?? KB)
Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• DS Emulator: DeSmuME - (1,825 KB)
• Game Guides: Pending - (?? KB)
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow is the first in an excellent chain of Nintendo DS Metroidvanias. The save file features every soul collected, as well as a full bestiary. Soma is at maximum level and wearing extremely powerful equipment. Additionally, the inventory contains at least one of every weapon, armor and accessory so players can customize to taste. Finally, the file features a perfect Julius save, with full access to the castle and maxed characters.
Castlevania: Order of Ecclasia

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia is a return to form for Konami - and by "form" we mean "Nintendo Hard." This game is positively unforgiving... and we'd have it no other way. The save file features a maxed level character, with every possible glyph. The bestiary is full, with every item discovered, the quest log finished and map completion is at 100%. The inventory contains one of every item, as well as a huge stockpile of consumables. The data file also features a maxed Albus mode save for those interested in gunnery.
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin is a novel addition to the series. It allows you to play two character simultaneously, making for complex battles and unique puzzles. The save has level 99 protagonists, garbed in the game's best equipment. All quests are completed, the castle fully explored, and the bestiary is filled. All of the weapons are fully leveled, and each joint attack is unlocked. The save also has maxed Richter and Sisters mode files.
Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger is one of the finest RPG's ever created. The dream-team responsible for has yet to be replicated in a modern title - and it shows. The save file features every single character maxed, equipped in their bonus dungeon gear, with enough tabs consumed to cap all of their stats. Every rare combo item is unlocked, the bonus dungeon completed and the bestiary/item index are complete. The save also has the battle arena pet trained to the point of near invincibility, should you wish to throttle other players.
Contra IV

Contra IV is a swan-song for the entire series, full of call-backs and references from previous titles . The gameplay is solid and extremely punishing - everything you'd expect from this hair-pulling, quarter munching franchise. The save itself has every single character unlocked, and all of the bonus challenges completed. The Museum is filled out, and the comic books and bonus games are available. The interview is also unlocked for those interested in a bit of Contra history.
Disgaea DS

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• DS Emulator: DeSmuME - (1,825 KB)
• Game Guides: Pending - (?? KB)
Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen

Dragon Quest IV is a remake of a NES classic, and the extra polish really shows. The save features a maxed out party, with all of the post-game grinding completed. Each character has the best possible equipment, and Psaro owns his entire ultimate set. Additionally, the group inventory contains one of every item, as well as a huge cache of consumables. The player controlled city is as full size, and all of the side-quests have been completed.
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride

Dragon Quest V is a remake of a venerable classic. The game has one of the largest party rosters ever seen in any RPG on any console. With the ability to recruit almost 100 monsters, the pool of companions is obnoxiously huge. This save features a massive arsenal of the rarest equipment, piles of currency, thousands of casino tokens, a completed Bestiary, one of every monster fully geared and max leveled, both secret characters unlocked, all mini-games completed and every knick-knack collected.
Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• DS Emulator: DeSmuME - (1,825 KB)
• Game Guides: Pending - (?? KB)
Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• DS Emulator: DeSmuME - (1,825 KB)
• Game Guides: Pending - (?? KB)
Etrian Odyssey

Etrian Odyssey is the sort of RPG you don't see anymore. Punishing, unforgiving, technically complex and the developers subsist on the tears of their players. The save has a maxed out guild, with one party geared in the best possible equipment. The Items index, Bestiary and drops lists are completed, and every possible quest is finished. The party inventory is packed with powerful consumables, and the store is fully unlocked, with every item available for sale. The game's complete data can be exported to Etrian Odessy II.
Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard

Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard is a big jump up from its predecessor, with more classes, bigger levels and harder challenges. The save features a giant roster of level 70 characters and a core group of level 99's capable of clearing all of the game's content. Every quest and mission is completed. The bestiary, item and equipment logs are completed as well. The Inn's storage area is packed with all of top-tier consumables, and the party inventory is filled with every item they might need to defeat any boss. Additionally, there is an excellent scavenging team, able to prowl any level for salvage.
Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• DS Emulator: DeSmuME - (1,825 KB)
• Game Guides: Pending - (?? KB)
Final Fantasy III

Final Fantasy III was the first American appearance of the NES title. The game was rebuilt from top to bottom, and the results were pretty impressive. The party was carefully leveled to maximize their end-class stats. Each is geared with the best equipment, and using in the most powerful jobs. All of the Onion Knight's gear is unlocked, the bestiary is complete, and every Mognet, Card and Master Smith super-item is collected. The party also has a huge stockpile of consumables and spells aboard the Invincible.
Final Fantasy IV

The remake of Final fantasy IV for the Nintendo DS was a fun departure from the original. The augment system and the New Game Plus modes padded out the play-time enough to compensate for the hammy voice-acting. The save itself features a maximized party with a perfect distribution of Augments and the best bonus mode equipment the game has to offer. Every character was carefully leveled to avoid power-downs, and plenty of apples were farmed to keep stats high. The mini-game bonus summon is ludicrously powerful, and the party inventory contains every possible item in the game. Finally, the bonus content and the bestiary is totally filled - the save is perfect.
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings is a strange departure from its prequel. Instead of a traditional RPG, the game plays like a combination of Ogre Battle and Warcraft. The party is fully maxed, with the best gear, and Vaan's sword is power up to atrocious levels. The summoning wheel is completely filled out and every side quest is finished. The party inventory is packed with rare consumables and crafting materials.
Final Fantasy - Crystal Chronicals: Ring of Fates

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• DS Emulator: DeSmuME - (1,825 KB)
• Game Guides - (?? KB)
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift

Final Fantasy Tactics: A2 is everything its predecessor was plus more. Better graphics, more classes, superior music, and a much more challenging and balanced game overall. The Guild is filled with maxed characters, and the primary team is filled with carefully raised unique characters with extraordinary speed and primary stats, as well as MVP status and the very best gear. The scaling equipment is maximized, and every quest and event is completed. Finally, the clan inventory is packed with expensive consumables and every crafting item imaginable.
Final Fantasy: The Four Heroes of Light

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light is simplified in its mechanical complexity, but very deep tactically. The party has every hat maxed, the secret headwear collected, and is at maximum character level. Their equipment and spells are upgraded to the highest stats possible, and all of the special multi-player and secret equipment is unlocked. The vault and inventory is packed with every piece of gear and relic in the game, and the character's treasure-chest contains the maximum number of every gem type.
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn was going to set up a new series on the DS, but never really took off, and thus, the franchise closed on an unresolved cliffhanger. Every character is at maximum level, and the primary party is wearing the game's premier equipment. Each Djinn is captured, and every side-quest and bonus boss is conquered. The party inventory is packed with ultra-powerful gear and consumables, and every psy-energy item is in the group's possession.
Luminous Arc

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• DS Emulator: DeSmuME - (1,825 KB)
• Game Guides - (?? KB)
Luminous Arc II

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• DS Emulator: DeSmuME - (1,825 KB)
• Game Guides - (?? KB)
Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• DS Emulator: DeSmuME - (1,825 KB)
• Game Guides - (?? KB)
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• DS Emulator: DeSmuME - (1,825 KB)
• Game Guides - (?? KB)
Mega Man Zero Collection

The Mega Man Zero Collection is a wonderful compilation of the entire series. The save features each cyber elf, item upgrade and chip in every single game. All of the elves are upgraded to full power, and every special weapon is capped. The parts inventory - where applicable - is filled, and all the galleries and in-game perk is unlocked. Finally, Zero has each EX-Skill and is rank A or S in every single game.
Metal Slug VII

Metal Slug 7 is a madcap - no... correction... a bat-sh*t insane addition to the long-running series. The games are a harder-than-nails parody of Contra, and this installment is the first to add a distinction in the selectable characters, with different powers and moves rather than simply pallet swaps. The save has every challenge unlocked at S ranking, and every special feature and POW rescued from each stage.

Nostalgia is a wonderful title that tries to return players to the golden era of PSX RPGs, with heavy influence from games like Wild Arms and Lufia. While it has some rough edges when it comes to character balance, this only really becomes obvious in the post-game epilogue, where monster resistance to magic becomes overly high. This save features a party leveled to maximum level, with the best possible equipment on each character and stats heavily boosted with attribute bonus items. All of the side-quests have been completed, and the Secret epilogue is unlocked. The party inventory is also stocked with a massive stockpile of powerful consumables and alternate equipment for different situations. Finally, the secret airship Sleipnir has been acquired and upgraded to maximum power.
Phantasy Star 0

Phantasy Star 0 brings every last SHRED of the MMORPG's grind to your handheld. The game itself is fine stand-alone, but the loss of its multi-player options renders it vastly harder to find equipment necessary to progress into the harder stages. The save itself has a level 100 Human swordsman, a level 90 Nueman tech user and a Caste rifleman. Their inventories are packed with consumables, and the group stash is loaded with millions in currency, twink weapons, crafting items, recovery items and scores of armor modules. Each character is wearing incredibly powerful armor, with the game's best augments, and their weapons are top quality as well. Every title earnable sans multi-player is aquired, and all the quests for every difficulty are finished for each character.
Radiant Historia

Radiant Historia is a delightful RPG by Atlus in which the player tries to unsnarl time and avert Armageddon. With a bitter-sweet finale, and zero fear of killing off characters, the plot keeps you enthralled as you duel with an enemy time-traveler attempting to cause the world's end. The soundtrack of Radiant Historia is also better than any handheld deserves. The save features a maxed out party with every alternate history unlocked as well as all side quests and hidden skills discovered. Additionally, the file boasts a massive inventory full of the most powerful equipment and consumable items in the game. Fianally, the "Golden" timeline is unlocked, allowing the player to battle the game's true final boss and recieve the complete ending.
Ragnarock DS

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• DS Emulator: DeSmuME - (1,825 KB)
• Game Guides - (?? KB)
Sands of Destruction

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• DS Emulator: DeSmuME - (1,825 KB)
• Game Guides - (?? KB)
Suikoden: Tierkreis

Suikoden Tierkreis is a nice addition to the series - and it gets better if you disable the voice acting - because its terrible. The save features all 108 stars of destiny - with one save of very high level before the point of no return, and one save beyond the point of no return with maxed levels. The heroes' castle has every possible upgrade, and the characters are equipped with the best gear for their section of the game. All of the multiplayer quests are completed, and the save has huge stockpiles of trade goods and spare equipment.
The Dark Spire

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• DS Emulator: DeSmuME - (1,825 KB)
• Game Guides - (?? KB)
Ultimate Mortal Kombat

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• DS Emulator: DeSmuME - (1,825 KB)
• Game Guides - (12 KB)
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