Starbound Character Packs
This page houses several Starbound avatars we've made available for download. Each of these characters have completed Collection and Codex Tabs. Additionally, their starships are fully upgraded, Mechs equipped with top-shelf tech and Matter Manipulators are at maximum potency. Finally, they have progressed through all of the standard story missions and are ready to explore the stars in style.
If you download our custom universe - located HERE - you will discover each character has Navigation Console and Teleportation bookmarks to key installations throughout the Alfirik Stream star system.
We use a custom graphical overlay, which is included as a separate download below each character. The mod has no impact on game balance - it simply contains custom furniture skins we've created to give our
Starships and bases a distinctive appearance.
Starbound Characters
Apex - Dr. Cornelius

Head Armor:
• Infiltrator's Helm
• Infiltrator's Brestplate
Leg Armor:
• Infiltrator's Greaves
EPP Augment:
• Energy III
Primary Weapon:
• Magnorbs
Secondary Weapon:
• Miniknog Launcher
Tertiary Weapon:
• Flamethrower
• Spike Sphere
• Air Dash
• Multi Jump
• Cultist Scandroid
• Triplod
• Miniknog Drone
• Fire Bobot
Mech Stats - I.M.N. Volt Atomizer Mark IV:

Body: • Miniknog Mech Body Booster: • Hammer Mech Boosters |
Left Arm: • Tesla Stream Mech Arm Right Arm: • Tesla Stream Mech Arm |
Legs: • Hermes Mech Legs Horn: • Truck Mech Horn |
Dr. Cornelius's mech is designed to maximize ground movement speed and aerial maneuverability - while maintaining balanced armor and energy capacity. Its weapons deliver streams of electric-elemental devastation at close to mid range.
Starship Stats - I.M.N. Feynman:

Click HERE for an Enlarged Blueprint.
Designed as a science vessel, the massive seven deck I.M.N. (Imperial Miniknog Navy), Feynman boasts eight research labs - two of which are capable of supporting aquatic life forms. Two separate turbo-shafts allow for quick access to various decks, and a modest greenhouse produces an array of Apex-friendly fruits. G-Deck is host to a substantial cargo hold - perfect for storing mineral and soil samples for later examination.
Crew Stats:

- Blue Stim Chemist
- Green Stim Chemist
- Orange Stim Chemist
- Yellow Stim Chemist
- Engineer
- Mechanic
- Janitor
- Tailor
- Soldier
- Soldier
- Outlaw
Avian - Bloodwing

Head Armor:
• Raven's Beak
• Raven's Breast
Leg Armor:
• Raven's Claws
EPP Augment:
• Damage III
Primary Weapon:
• Poison Bow
Secondary Weapon:
• Callox Fusionstick
Tertiary Weapon:
• Shade Co. Phaserender
• Sonic Sphere
• Air Dash
• Pulse Jump
• Kluex Sentry
• Poison Scaveran
• Fire Toumingo
• Flying Tier 6 Bird
Mech Stats - Falcon GT Pursuit Special:

Body: • Peacekeeper Mech Body Booster: • Gallant Mech Boosters |
Left Arm: • Neo Laser Mech Arm Right Arm: • Neo Laser Mech Arm |
Legs: • Ronin Mech Legs Horn: • Rubber Duck Mech Horn |
Bloodwing's mech was custom designed by the U.E.P. Peacekeepers to wage war against Astra Nox and her cultists. The body prioritizes defensive armoring, while its boosters and legs provide the maximum possible maneuverability. Armed with dual Neo-lasers, the Pursuite Special mech is devastating in close to mid-ranged combat.
Starship Stats - The Stargazer:

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More of a mobile religious shrine than a space vessel, the Stargazer is represents a melding of stone age aesthetics with modern tech. A massive turbo shaft connects the ship's four cavernous decks, each one littered with sacred relics of the Avian god Kluex. The ship is well supplied by a massive garden, and an array of work-stations are always ready to keep weapons and battle armor in top condition. A large storage hold dominates the Stargazer's central interior, and an adjacent library holds uncountable holy texts to spread the greatness and wisdom of the winged ones.
Crew Stats:

- Blue Stim Chemist
- Green Stim Chemist
- Orange Stim Chemist
- Yellow Stim Chemist
- Engineer
- Mechanic
- Janitor
- Tailor
- Soldier
- Soldier
- Outlaw
Floran - Kira

Head Armor:
• Synthesizer's Helm
• Synthesizer's Chestguard
Leg Armor:
• Synthesizer's Leg Armor
EPP Augment:
• Damage III
Primary Weapon:
• Claw Gloves
Secondary Weapon:
• Dragonhead Pistols
Tertiary Weapon:
• Saw Chakrams
• Sonic Sphere
• Sprint
• Wall Jump
• Adult Albino Poptop
• Oogler
• Fire Lumoth
• Tier 6 Bat Creature
Mech Stats - Big Stabby Walky Thing:

Body: • Exodus Mech Body Booster: • Hammer Mech Boosters |
Left Arm: • Energy Blade Mech Arm Right Arm: • Energy Blade Mech Arm |
Legs: • Hermes Mech Legs Horn: • Bull Mech Horn |
Floran stabby walky thing shape like mad face. Floran like - make enemies fear Floran on hunts. Has big sharp point stabby things on arms - more stabby is better. Walky thing's face good and strong, take much claws and bites from prey, so Floran can stab more. Legs fast too - let Floran stab quicker. Stabby walky thing have wings so it move good in air - some prey fly, so Floran need good wings to get stabby arms to squishy prey.
Starship Stats - Big Flying Space House:

Click HERE for an Enlarged Blueprint.
Floran space home good. Has lots of cages for keeping prey till Floran eat them. Big glass house on top, Floran friends grow meat fruits, taste O.K. but not yummy like live prey. Has some boxes for putting trophies, but Floran more like cages better - more breathy holes. Floran tried put small prey in boxes, but it not breath well and die, so now puts in bones and skulls and shells. Back of ship where Floran's pet lives. Sometimes Floran throws it live prey so it can hunt too. Space home make Floran happy.
Crew Stats:

- Blue Stim Chemist
- Green Stim Chemist
- Orange Stim Chemist
- Yellow Stim Chemist
- Engineer
- Mechanic
- Janitor
- Tailor
- Soldier
- Soldier
- Outlaw
Glitch - XLT-4000

Head Armor:
• Doom Lord's Helm
• Doom Lord's Breastplate
Leg Armor:
• Doom Lord's Greaves
EPP Augment:
• Peacekeeper III
Primary Weapon:
• Manaticon Atomic Saber
Secondary Weapon:
• Nimbusstopper Shield
Tertiary Weapon:
• Bruiser's Broadsword
• Spike Sphere
• Air Dash
• Rocket Jump
• Electric Petricub
• Electric Voltip
• Fennix
• Electric Anglure
Mech Stats - Yoyodyne Silver Lectroid, Model 10:

Body: • Occasus-2 Mech Body Booster: • Gallant Mech Boosters |
Left Arm: • Swarm Drone Mech Arm Right Arm: • Shield Drone Mech Arm |
Legs: • Ronin Mech Legs Horn: • Charge Mech Horn |
Engineered by the famed Yoyodyne Corporation, the Silver Lectroid Model 10 was designed for spatial incursions into the 8th dimension. The vehicle's shell is heavily armored at the cost of maximum energy reserves - minimizing the unit's sustained damage. To compensate and reduce energy expenditure, one of the weapon arms is replaced with an ablative shield unit, while the primary attack arm fires swarms of independently powered seeker-drones. The vessel's boosters focus on raw acceleration, while its legs are reinforced for making extreme leaps. This allows the user to coast at top speed through open space without having to burn power on thrusters.
Starship Stats - Caer Erasleigh:

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A literal mobile fortress, Caer Erasleigh takes the Glitch design philosophy to its logical extreme. A ceremonial great hall dominates the ship's core, complete with a throne and heraldry representing the various Glitch factions. A well stocked forge is ready to repair armor or craft swords, and a large dungeon awaits evil-doers. In the vessel's upper quadrant, a secret door conceals a vast treasury, while a nearby trophy room displays artifacts and relics captured in battle. A rustic kitchen is kept well stocked by a modest garden, and a locked tower houses an arsenal worthy of any crusade. Perched above it all is the Lord's personal chamber, filled with every creature comfort aspiring nobility might want.
Crew Stats:

- Blue Stim Chemist
- Green Stim Chemist
- Orange Stim Chemist
- Yellow Stim Chemist
- Engineer
- Mechanic
- Janitor
- Tailor
- Soldier
- Soldier
- Outlaw
Human - Sabranic

Head Armor:
• Seeker's Helmet
• Seeker's Chestguard
Leg Armor:
• Seeker's Trousers
EPP Augment:
• Light III
Primary Weapon:
• Teklacki Oceanfoil
Secondary Weapon:
• Graxis Lightsinner
Tertiary Weapon:
• Shade Co. Fusionsprayer
• Spike Sphere
• Air Dash
• Multi-Jump
• Peacekeeper Drone
• Scandroid
• Triplod
• Camera Drone
Mech Stats - Matsumoto RX Achilles Auto-Cannon Deluxe

Body: • Protector's Mech Body Booster: • Zero Mech Boosters |
Left Arm: • Dual Rifle Mech Arm Right Arm: • Dual Rifle Mech Arm |
Legs: • Intrepid Mech Legs Horn: • Robot Voice Mech Horn |
Like all Matsumoto designs, the Achilles Auto-Cannon Deluxe adhere to a simple design philosophy - peace through superior firepower. Nothing "pacifies" an area quite like spitting 25 rounds of depleted uranium ammunition per second from a pair of Lethia Corporation Dual Rifle Cannons. The Mech's specs are balanced - with average armor, power consumption, speed, maneuverability, land movement and jumping power. While the vehicle does not stand out in any one area, it also lacks any discernable weakness.
Starship Stats - U.E.P. Serendipity:

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The U.E.P. (United Earth Protectorate), Serendipity was the final ship rolled out of dry-dock before Earth's untimely destruction. Representing the pinnacle of human engineering, this vessel is sleek and voluminous, with engines more than 10% faster and fuel efficient than competing Apex and Hylotl designs.
A massive, three deck greenhouse keeps the crew healthy on long voyages, and a chef is on hand to prepare a number of delicacies to those with spare pixels. The mess hall is equipped with a full kitchen, and rows of refrigeration units allowing long term storage for any number of stat-boosting foodstuffs.
Perched atop Deck Four is an advanced medical suite, capable of treating any injury - from minor lacerations, simple open heart surgery and even the removal of Ceti Eels, Bluegills or Xenomorphic larva. The suite also boasts a full research laboratory, equipped to examine gaseous anomalies or manufacture medicinal supplies for away missions.
The security center features a monstrous arsenal of destructive energy weapons and top-line battle armor, as well as a pressurized durasteel cellblock, easily capable of containing a rutting adult pop-top.
Deck One is equipped with numerous crafting and fabrication stations, and the vessel is more than capable of fashioning any spare parts or equipment needed during prolonged exploratory missions. The area even hosts a tool merchant, willing to sell and buy various finished products.
The aft portion of Deck Five contains a cargo hold that no ship in the Condor Class can match. Massive cargo pods, hazardous and radioactive liquid canisters, in-wall storage lockers, security safes and even refrigerated freezer units provide convent storage for uncountable metric tons of stowage.
Finally, the deployment staging area on Deck Three houses a large surplus of essential equipment and tools for away missions, conveniently positioned near the Dyson Tech Mark XVII Transporter.
Crew Stats:

- Blue Stim Chemist
- Green Stim Chemist
- Orange Stim Chemist
- Yellow Stim Chemist
- Engineer
- Mechanic
- Janitor
- Tailor
- Soldier
- Soldier
- Outlaw
Hylotl - Kimeko

Head Armor:
• Aphotic Fin
• Aphotic Chestguard
Leg Armor:
• Aphotic Trousers
EPP Augment:
• Swimming
Primary Weapon:
• Teklacki Dawnbreaker
Secondary Weapon:
• Xia-Li Terror Lens
Tertiary Weapon:
• Teklacki Terror Focus
• Aqua Sphere
• Blink Dash
• Pulse Jump
• Lilodon
• Ice Crabcano
• Pulpin
• Lumoth
Mech Stats - Maschinen Krieger AFS Generation III:

Body: • Lilotron Mech Body Booster: • Zero Mech Boosters |
Left Arm: • Guided Missile Mech Arm Right Arm: • Guided Missile Mech Arm |
Legs: • Heermes Mech Legs Horn: • Robot Voice Mech Horn |
The Maschinen Krieget AFS is designed to withstand the crushing pressures of the sea depths, while maintaining good handling in atmospheric or zero-G environments. A pair of Lethia Corporation guided anti-matter torpedo launchers ensure total superiority in all combat conditions - while a Lilotron 9800 XT mech body maintains a good balance of energy reserves and armor. The vehicle's legs are optimized for ground movement speed, while boosters strike a compromise between top speed and maneuverability.
Starship Stats - Umi No Akuma:

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The Umi No Akuma, (or "Sea Devil" in Hylotl), is an advanced deep space exploration vessel. A turbo haft connects the vessel's three decks, and its Tiphares Foundation Mark VII sensor suit is one of the most advanced long ranged analysis and detection systems in operation. An advanced hydroponics bay and salt-water aquarium keeps the on-board chef's larder well stocked, and multiple fabrication centers ensure the crew well equipped and comfortable. A large cargo hold offers ample storage for extended missions, while a Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Incorperated RG-99 Thruster propels the starship though space at a velocity few can match.
Crew Stats:

- Blue Stim Chemist
- Green Stim Chemist
- Orange Stim Chemist
- Yellow Stim Chemist
- Engineer
- Mechanic
- Janitor
- Tailor
- Soldier
- Soldier
- Outlaw
Novakid - Clint Hackman

Head Armor:
• Gambler's Hat
• Gambler's Vest
Leg Armor:
• Gambler's Pants
EPP Augment:
• Mobility
Primary Weapon:
• Graxus Phasesprayers
Secondary Weapon:
• Manticon Pulseplugger
Tertiary Weapon:
• Rope Whips
• Distortion Sphere
• Air Dash
• Pulse Jump
• Capricoat
• Ice Ringram
• Pipkin
• Poison Trictus
Mech Stats - Polania Republic PZM-24:

Body: • Cyclops Mech Body Booster: • Zero Mech Boosters |
Left Arm: • Energy Rifle Mech Arm Right Arm: • Energy Rifle Mech Arm |
Legs: • Intrepid Mech Legs Horn: • Steam Whistle Mech Horn |
This unusual mech features a large transparent aluminum display window for maximum situational awareness. While suffering extended cool-down periods, the vehicle's dual Sienar Fleet Systems Energy Rifles pack an undeniable punch - tearing through armor, beast carapaces and interstellar debris with ease. Its boosters and legs are well balanced, while the PZM-24's body is optimized for maximum power output - a necessity for feeding its power hungry weapons system.
Starship Stats - E.L.B. Jules Verne:

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A custom design, the E.L.B. Jules Verne is a unique spaceframe of unknown providence. Resembling an archaic train from primitive Earth, the vessel is divided into five detachable pods, with a central power and engineering sections situated at the bow. One pod is optimized for the storage and care of livestock, while another features comfortable rooms for the captain and crew. Another pod provides enough storage for decade-long missions into interstellar space. Finally, the aft pod features a fully stocked saloon, kitchen and five-star dining area - the rationale behind this particular design decision is not well understood.
Crew Stats:

- Blue Stim Chemist
- Green Stim Chemist
- Orange Stim Chemist
- Yellow Stim Chemist
- Engineer
- Mechanic
- Janitor
- Tailor
- Soldier
- Soldier
- Outlaw
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