Sony Playstation
Sony Playstation
This is the Playstation (PSX), section of the site, featuring a host of saves for the platform. Each game has a small section dedicated to it, which includes:
• Guides and information packet.
• Several perfect or near perfect saves.
• Some include the game itself.
• A few have custom mod files.
• Many include an emulator.
The save files can be easily imported into emulators, or even real cartridges, using a variety of third party hardware options. (Most are a USB dongle with a cartridge slot).
The manufacturers and products used for importing/exporting game saves to physical cartridges are regularly sued into oblivion, so listing actual products is mostly pointless. The best option is to web search console name backup game saves, and then read some reviews - from other websites - about the product before you buy it. A decent one should run you about $25.00 to $30.00 USD.
Game Index
Playstation Titles
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain

Blood Omen: The Legacy of Kain was one of the most violent and dark games of its generation. It was also devious in its puzzles and extreme in difficulty. The data file has Kain at maximum power, and saved just before the battle with the Nemesis. Every weapon, spell and piece of armor is acquired, and the inventory is stacked with an enormous number of consumable items.
• Game Saves - (128k KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (59 KB)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is considered the series high-water mark. The music sweeping, the story epic and the game-play diverse and challenging. The save file features a level 99 Alucard wearing his best equipment and accessories. The bestiary is complete, all of the relics are unlocked and the castle is fully explored. Finally, the familiars are capped and the inventory is jammed with stacks of consumables.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (72 KB)
EHRGEIZ: God Bless the Ring

Ehrgeiz - good luck pronouncing that properly - is Square's first foray in the fighting genre... and it was a mixed bag to say the least. The game's big selling point was cameo's by characters from Final Fantasy VII - but they were mostly pallet swaps of the existing characters for marketing purposes. The save has every character unlocked so you can bask in the game's 3D awfulness. Even the menu select sounds are irritating.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (54 KB)
Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VII was THE killer-ap for the PSX. The save file features a max level party with scores of Master Materia and characters using their ultimate weapons and armor. The Enemy-All materia is complete, and the inventory has every piece of gear plus a mountain of consumables. All of the limit breaks are acquired and both Ruby and Emerald Weapon smashed. Finally, the party has an unbeatable stable of chocobos to dominate at the Gold Saucer.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (864 KB)
Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy VIII was a mixed bag - and overly complicated. The save has every party-member at level 99, with their ultimate weapons unlocked. Each has the best spells junctioned in stacks of 99, and a compatible Guardian Force. The party also has a completed card deck, Ultima and Omega Weapons defeated and a packed inventory of consumable items. Finally, the party has every Guardian Force captured and maxed.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (495 KB)
Final Fantasy IX

Final Fantasy IX was a strange throwback to the medieval setting and the goonish sprites of its predecessors. The party is in the high 90's, with most of their skills maxed and trance moves unlocked. They are equipped with many of their ultimate weapons, armor and accessories, and most of the special summons are unlocked. The inventory is crammed with consumables, and Quina has most of its blue magic learned.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (558 KB)
Final Fantasy Anthology

Final Fantasy VI is a pleasure to play. and any excuse to play this gem is happily accepted. The save features every character maxed and equipped in their ultimate gear. All of the espers are collected except Ragnarock, and every character knows every spell in the game - and was carefully raised using stat bonus espers. The Inventory is filled with the best consumables, and Strago has every blue magic spell.
Final Fantasy V was first released in the USA on the PSX, and it's a worthy addition to the series. The party is maximum level and wearing the best gear. Every job is maxed on every character, and all of the summons, elemental magic and blue magic spells are unlocked. The group inventory is packed with consumable items and every side-quest completed. The save also featured a perfect Brave Blade.
Note: You must load this save data from Memory Card Slot 2.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - Final Fantasy V - (259 KB)
• Game Guides - Final Fantast VI - (337 KB)
Final Fantasy Chronicles

Game save information pending completion.
Game save information pending completion.
Note: You must load this save data from Memory Card Slot 2.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - Final Fantasy IV - (81 KB)
• Game Guides - Chrono Trigger - (202 KB)
Final Fantasy Origins

Of all of the Final Fantasy remakes, this one is the most true to the original. it's the only variant to keep the original spell system, inventory and magic mechanics. The save featured a very high level party with every spell and the best gear. All crystals have been relit, and each character has been promoted to their ultimate class. The inventory is filled with stacks of consumables - and you'll need them... the game's hard..
Game save information pending completion.
Note: You must load this save data from Memory Card Slot 2.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (169 KB)
Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy Tactics is a combination of Ogre Battle and a JRPG. The save features a max level company with every job class mastered. The Deep Dungeon is completed, the Zodiark summon is unlocked and all of the bonus characters are recruited. The characters have carefully manipulated brave and faith stats, and are wearing their best gear. Finally, the side quests are finished and the inventory is loaded with powerful consumables.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (582 KB)
Iron & Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft

Iron & Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft was an attempt at wielding Advanced Dungeons & Dragons to a fighting game. The characters could advance in power and find magical items to equip in battle, which was cool in concept, but the terrible play control and awful ring mechanics made the game unpleasant. The save features every character unlocked, all their skill uses maxed and every magical item aquired.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (7 KB)
Megaman X4

Mega Max X 4 was a big leap over its predecessor. The music was insanely good, the levels eye-popping, the special weapons cool, and the challenge high. Plus, you could now play the entire game as the series dark-horse, Zero. The save features a max upgrade X and Zero, with every weapon, sub-tank and upgrade unlocked, as well as their ultimate and absolute zero armors equipped.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (36 KB)
Megaman X5

Mega Max X 5 takes everything great about 4 and adds a compelling story to it. It also ratchets up the mayhem, music and challenge to eleven - many consider it the best of the entire Mega Man franchise. The save features X and Zero with all of their armor upgrades, special weapons, health extensions and enhancement chips. They also have their Ultimate and Absolute armors unlocked and are very high ranks as hunters.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (14 KB)
Megaman X6

Mega Max X 6 was never supposed to happen - 5 was the intended finale of the series. Because of this, Zero is shoe-horned into the game, but his appearance is optional and out-of-place. The save features both X and Zero maxed in stat upgrades, with every part collected, sub-tank aquired and armor completed. All of the captured reploids are rescued, and both protagonists are wearing their ultimate armors.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (46 KB)
Master of Monsters: Disciple of Gaia

Master of Monsters: Disciples of Gaia is the last in a long series that stretches all the way back to the Sega Genesis. The save features an extremely powerful Shadow Master commander - balanced in both melee and magic - as well as a giant army of carefully balanced summons. The five primary monsters in his arsenal are capable of clearing the entire map by themselves. The save is a completed game, perfect for dominating in multiplayer.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (21 KB)
Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 was another of the PSX's "killer-aps," and despite awkward play controls, it blew the doors off the charts in the 90's. The save features perfect Claire and Leon New Game+ saves, with the reward weapons like the Rocket Launcher and Mini-Gun. Both characters have all of their special costumes available, and every record is collected, revealing the entire story. Their stash is packed with weapons, ammunition and consumables.
Note: You must load this save data from Memory Card Slot 2.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (127 KB)
Soul Blade

Soul Blade was 3D fighting perfection. Fluid movement, intuitive control, excellent graphics and superb sound. It - alongside Tekken - were the first S-class fighters to bust into arcades after years of pixels and sluggish polygon crapfests. The save features every secret character unlocked, all of the bonus arenas open and every single character's weapon discovered.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (38 KB)

Suikoden was Konami's first stab at a RPG, and it was a pretty interesting take. The save features all 108 stars of destiny, and Gremio resurrected. The player's castle is as max upgrades, and every character has their best gear and the strongest runes they can acquire. The main party has a large number of rune fragments affixed to their weapons, and is wearing the best armor. The save is just prior to the point of no return and the final strategic battle.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (91 KB)
Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi

Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi wasn't the worst 3D fighter to hit the PSX - but it was certainly no Soul Blade. Less jilted and stuttering than most of the era's offerings, it fell apart because of overpowered super-moves that were too easy to pull off and almost impossible to dodge. The game was reduced to racing to fill your super-meter then murdering a helpless enemy. The save features all of the bonus stages and characters unlocked.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (3 KB)
Vandal Hearts

Vandal Hearts was Konami moving into the Ogre Battle niche, and they did so rather well. The game was engaging, well balanced and fairly hard. The save features Ash in his special Vandalier class, as well as a powerful army filled with top-shelf and diverse jobs. If deployed correctly, they can mop the floor with the game's final bosses easily. The inventory is crammed with top-shelf consumables.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (50 KB)
Wild Arms

Wild Arms was a JRPG churned out by Sony with a novel western gunslinger theme to it. The save features a level 99 party with the best possible gear, every summon and every rune unlocked. All of the bonus bosses and side-quests are completed, and all of the ARMS and sword skills are acquired. Lastly, the inventory is filled with giant stacks of powerful consumables and at least one of every piece of equipment.
• Game Saves - (128 KB)
• Playstation Emulator: pSX 1.13 - (1,350 KB)
• Game Guides - (103 KB)
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