Zombies & Shit
Zombies Bite.
If there is a single constant in the universe, it's this: If someone's ready for a Zombie Apocalypse, they're ready for anything. Plan for the worst thing imaginable - like a Class 3 Apocalypse - after that, a snowstorm taking down the power for a week gets pretty damn trivial to manage.
Welcome to the Zombies and Disaster Preparation portion of the website. Here, the merry ne'er-do-well's of Deth H.Q. gather to swap information on how to Zombie-proof one's life. Let's face it, nothing wrecks a day faster than having one's calf gnawed by the the walking dead. So, (since we're first and foremost helpers), we've collected useful advice and tips to assist our above-room-temperature readers in staying non-undead. Or, on a more mundane level, help them enjoy some comfortable family time while their neighbors freeze their asses off in the dark.
The world only ends once, but nobody says you can't drag out your preps when some dumbshit backs his Cat into the water tower, or mother nature decides to turn a major metropolitan area into a swamp. FEMA food lines are for suckers.
• Emergency Preps
• Survivalist Board
• Zombie Squad
• SHTF Plan
• Survival Mom
• Doug Ritter
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