Starbound Console Commands
Presented below is a list of all Starbound console commands for both players and server administrators. These are extremely useful for setting up an environment similar to Minecraft's Creative Mode, or when engaging in construction projects of epic scope.
Most commands require admin privileges - to toggle admin mode, type /admin into the chat box and press enter. Optionally, some commands require debug mode to be first activated by using the /debug command.
All administrative commands begin with /. To send admin commands, type them into the chat box and press enter. Some of these have rather complex arguments, (the information presented as [argument] is the argument), and while powerful, these may be confusing to those unfamiliar with programming. We recommend you search
external sites if you intend to mod procedurally
generated content, such as weapons.
Starbound: Console Commands:
• /help [command name] - This command prints a list of all commands to the chat. If you specify a command as an [argument], help for the specified command will be printed to chat instead.
• /admin - This command enables and disables (toggles) admin mode. Admin mode allows access to admin-only commands. When in admin mode, all crafting recipes are enabled, (no resources required), the starvation meter is frozen and damage/energy loss is disabled.
• /reload - This command reloads your client assets. This can be used to update the game with changes made to files and mods without having to restart your client. This does not reload the server.
• /whoami - This command sends a message with information regarding your current local (client) username and whether or not you are in admin mode. Note that your local username isn't the same as your server username.
• /serverwhoami - This command will print your server (not local) username to the chat, and also whether or not you are an admin on your current server.
• /whereami - This command will send you a message with your current celestial coordinate location. An example of a celestial coordinate is '4_12_-218667161_2'.
• /pvp - This command will toggle (enable and disable) your PvP mode. When PvP mode is on, you can attack other players, and other players can attack you.
• /played - This command shows you the total amount of time you have spent playing as your current character.
• /deaths - This command shows you the total amount of deaths you have had as your current character.
• /suicide - This command will instantly kill your character.
• /naked - This command will remove all of your character's equipped gear.
Starbound: Admin Commands:
(Requires /admin mode active).• /warp [location] - This command can warp, (teleport), you many locations including your ship, your orbited world, a specified celestial coordinate, an instanced world, a player and a player's ship.
• /OwnShip - this will teleport you to your own ship
• /OrbitedWorld - this will teleport you to your orbited world
• /CelestialWorld:COORDS - this will teleport you to the specified celestial coordinates - e.g. CelestialWorld:4_12_-218667161_2
• /InstanceWorld:WORLD - this will warp you to the instance world with the specified ID - e.g. InstanceWorld:Mutated
• /ClientShipWorld:PLAYERUUID - this will teleport you to the world of the player with the specified UUID, find a player's UUID with the /list command (they must be logged in) - e.g. ClientShipWorld:c9202eeda42c23dbda3960f07f1ee8ab
• /Player:PLAYERUUID - this will teleport you to player with the specified UUID, they must be online. Find a player's UUID with the /list command - e.g. Player:c9202eeda42c23dbda3960f07f1ee8ab
• /Nowhere=COORDINATE - this will warp you to the specified coordinate in your current world - e.g. Nowhere:0.2344
• /timewarp [seconds] - This command will add the specified amount of seconds to the server's current time. Day/night cycles, and anything else dependent on time (like Outpost merchants) are affected by the time changes. Specify negative numbers to remove time (note that this will not rewind the game, it will only change the time/date of the game).
• /settileprotection [dungeon id] [true / false] - This command can be used to set whether or not blocks within a specified dungeon are breakable. Dungeon IDs can be found by entering debug mode (type /debug). When set to true, blocks are not breakable, if set to false, blocks are not protected and can be broken.
• /setspawnpoint - This command will the spawn point for the world you are currently in to your current location.
• /spawnitem [item id] [amount] [parameters'] - This command will spawn the item with the specified ID at your mouse cursor. The amount will default to 1 if not specified. See item IDs on our item ID list.
• /spawnitem money X - Spawms the ammount of money indicated for the value of X.
• /spawnitem essence X - Spawms the ammount of essence indicated for the value of X.
• /spawntreasure [pool id] [tier] - This command spawns all of the items in the specified treasure pool (relative to the specified treasure pool tier).
• /spawnmonster [monster id] [level] [parameters'] - This command spawns a monster, specified by its ID. You can optionally specify a level and parameters to customize the spawned monster.
• /spawnnpc [species id] [type] [level] [seed] [parameters'] - This command spawns an NPC of the specified type. You can optionally specify the following to further customize the NPC: level, a seed and customization parameters.
• /spawnvehicle [vehicle id] [parameters'] - This command will spawn the specified vehicle at your cursor's current position.
• /spawnliquid [liquid id] [amount] - This command spawns the specified liquid at the current location of your cursor.
• /kick [username / uuid] [reason] - This command kicks the player with the specified name or UUID (you can specify either) from the server. An optional kick reason can be provided, which will be shown to them when they are kicked from the server.
• /ban [username / uuid] [reason] [ip / uuid / both] [time] - The ban command will ban a player specified by any of the following: server username, UUID, IP address or client ID. An optional ban reason and duration can also be specified. Note that temporary bans will expire as soon as the server is restarted.
• /list - This command prints a list of all players currently connected to the server, along with their client IDs and UUIDs.
• /whereis [username / uuid] - This command prints the celestial coordinate location of the specified player.
• /serverreload - This command reloads the server - will update any changes you've made to the server's configuration files.
• /enablespawning - This command enables the automatic spawning of monsters in the world you're currently in.
• /disablespawning - This command disables the automatic spawning of monsters in the world you're currently in. Use the command /enablespawning to enable.
• /placedungeon [dungeon id] [x,y] [parameters'] - This command will place the specified dungeon under your cursor (if no coordinates are specified).
Starbound: Debug Commands:
(Requires /debug mode active).• /gravity - This command will toggle the visibility of some text on the screen that shows the level of gravity at the current position of your character.
• /boxes - This command toggles (enables and disables) the visibility of collision boxes around anything that has a collision box.
• /clearboxes - This command enables and disables (toggles) the clearing of collision boxes after every frame - meaning when enabled, collision boxes from previous frames will stay on the screen. For example, if an NPC is moving, the collision boxes from its previous positions will stay visible until this setting is toggled off. Note that you need boxes toggled on in order for this command to have any effect.
• /togglelayer [layer number] - NOTE: This command has been reported as broken - your usage may vary. This command will hide and show (toggle the visibility of) a specified layer. See argument information for layer numbers.
• /fullbright - This command sets brightness everywhere to its maximum value (all dark areas will be light).
• /fixedcamera - This command will freeze the camera in its current position. You can still move your character but the camera will not follow. This can cause some things in the game to not work properly.
• /setgravity [level] - This command sets the gravity of your character to the specified level.
• /resetgravity - This command sets your gravity to the default value (80). Useful for fixing things if you messed up your gravity with the /setgravity command.
• /clearcinematics - This command resets your cinematics history. This will cause things like cut scenes and other effects that usually only play once to play again (when they are triggered).
• /cinema [cinematic] - This command plays the specified cinematic.
• /startquest ["quest id"'] - This command starts the quest with the specified ID. Note that you need to surround the quest ID in single and double quotes like so - '"Quest ID"'.
• /completequest [quest id] - This command completes the quest with the specified ID.
• /failquest [quest id] - This command fails the quest with the specified ID (allowing you to start again).
• /previewnewquest [quest id] [position] [species] - This command will open the new quest interface for the specified quest at the specified position without changing anything about your current position in the quest.
• /previewquestcomplete [quest id] [position] [species] - This command can be used to preview the quest complete screen without changing anything about your current position/progress in the quest.
• /previewquestfailed [quest id] [position] [species] - This command will open the quest failed screen for the specified quest, without actually failing the quest.
• /clearscannedobjects - This command clears your history of objects you have previously scanned. This means you will need to re-scan them.
• /statistic [statistic] - This command prints the value of the specified statistic to chat.
• /resetachievements - This command will reset all of the achievements you have previously attained.
• /enabletech [technology id] - This command unlocks the specified technology for your character.
• /maketechavailable [technology id] - This command makes the specified piece of technology available for purchase.
• /giveessentialitem [item id] [slot id] - This command sets the item in the specified essential slot to the item with the specified item ID.
• /upgradeship [upgrades json] - This command can be used to upgrade your ship. See command examples for help.
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