Misc. Games Landing Page
Miscellaneous Games
A monument to a life well wasted. Think of this section as a trophy room - instead of stag heads, mounted swordfish or stuffed polar bears, this trove houses game saves. Ridiculously high-end game saves. Every secret unlocked. Every journal entry logged. Every last piece of equipment unearthed. Every character raised to such stunning heights of power that they swat gods from the heavens like gnats.
The games themselves are from a host of platforms - from PC to consoles, stretching back to the early 1990's, with a focus on Role Playing games - but a few fighters and shooters manage to creep their way in.
Hosted Material:
• Nintendo Gameboy
• Nintendo GBA
• Nintendo DS
• Nintendo 3DS
• Sony Playstation
• PC Games
Linked Material:
• Old Games.SK
• GOG - Good Old Games
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