Neverwinter Nights 2: Nightsinger's Bane
New NX4 Companions
This is the landing page detailing the new companions found in the Nightsinger's Bane expansion campaign. Each character has their own motivations for assisting the Knight Captain, and the player will have to find creative ways to keep their goals in alignment.
As with the other companions, each of the new NPC's has several unique magical items and suits of upgradable equipment using the ingot crafting system. Items that begin play extremely weak will, with enough upgrades, become potent artifacts uniquely tailored to their owner.
Bodvarr Falgeirrson
Name: Bodvarr Falgeirrson
Race: Human
Age: 36
Class: Barbarian
Favored Weapon: Dual Battleaxes
Deity: Uthgar (Exarch of Tempus)
Alignment: Neutral
File Download: Click HERE to Download
Equipment: Click HERE to Download

Bodvarr was born among the Uthgardt Thunderbeast tribe, son of Falgeirr and Astrid. His clan had long clung to a tenuous foothold in the frozen tundra near Bryn Shander. (Having been driven north by their ancestral enemies, the Grey Wolves).
Life was harsh, but despite this - or perhaps because of it - Bodvarr grew into a strong and powerful warrior, honoring the traditions of his people. His tribe survived by raiding caravans, hunting and trading the ivory of the Knucklehead trout to the inhabitants of the Ten Towns. It was a difficult but rewarding life... until the day the dark ones came.
The creatures looked like elves to Bodvarr's eyes, but their skin was the color of ebony and their number beyond counting. Although the Thunderbeast tribe slew ten of the invaders for every one of their proud warriors, they were gradually but surely overwhelmed. Bodvarr himself was struck down by their leader - a vicious woman wielding a morning star and the perverse magics of her dark goddess.
Three days following the massacre, Bodvarr awoke, and pulled himself from beneath a half burned pile of corpses. Though a breath away from dying, the barbarian was filled with a terrible new resolve - he would track these monsters across this world, (and into the next if necessary). He would know no rest until they had tasted vengeance for the slaughter of his kin.
Recovering his axes, he rose from the ashes and began his journey south, following the cold trail of his sworn foes...
Bodvarr's Equipment:
• Surtr's Rage:
This battleaxe is part of a matched set, and is one of the ancestral weapons of the Thunderbeast Tribe. The weapon gained its power over the years through a combination shamanistic ritual, the blessings of Uthgar and ancestral bond of being passed down for many generations from father to son.
Named for the scorching flames continually licking it's razor edges, Surtr's Rage cleanses tribal enemies with fire and blood. It is the bane of Trolls, Frost Giants and White Dragons.
• Enhancement Bonus +4
• 6d6 Fire Damage
• Keen
• Fire Resistance + 50%
• Usable by: Human, Barbarian, Neutral
• Fafner's Breath:
This glistening battleaxe is the mate of Surtr's Rage. Ritual magic, Uthgar's blessing and ancestral worship have empowered this axe with great power over the many decades since it was forged.
Much like it's namesake, this weapon's bite freezes it's foes to their very soul, bringing on frostbite and slowing their actions with each cleaving blow.
• Enhancement Bonus +4
• 6d6 Cold Damage
• Massive Critical + 2d10
• On Hit: Slow, 25%, 2 Round Duration
• Usable by: Human, Barbarian, Neutral
• Hrungnir's Stride:
Tribal legend claims these boots channel the raw physical power of the jotnar Hrungnir. When worn, the fur-lined boots greatly magnify the strength of their wearer, granting the might might to crush granite with their bare hands. Such is their might that no foe may knock their owner to the ground, and even powerful magics such as entangle or web fail to slow one's charge.
• Strength +6
• Immunity to Knockdown
• AC Bonus +4
• Freedom of Movement
• Usable by: Human, Barbarian, Neutral
Eirinn Mac Cathmhaoil
Name: Eirinn Mac Cathmhaoil
Race: Sirine
Age: 421
Class: Fey
Favored Weapon: Spear
Deity: Lurue
Alignment: Chaotic Good
File Download: Click HERE to Download
Equipment: Click HERE to Download

This beautiful woman's skin has a greenish tinge, and her hair is the color of burnished platinum. Her voice is silken, and Eirinn is nearly always softly humming a haunting melody. Her violet eyes are mournful and distant, and while she certainly has a many sad tales to tell, she is unwilling to share more of her background.
You freed her from eternal bondage in Acererak's labyrinth, and the grateful sirine has sworn to aid in your adventures - heedless of danger or motivation. She is now a life-long companion, and she will follow you to her death - and beyond - if necessary.
As a sirine, Eirinn is naturally resistant to weapons unless they are magical or forged from cold-iron, (a lethal substance to fey). If forced into unarmed combat, her attacks drain 1d4 points of intelligence with every blow - another gift of her fey heritage.
Eirinn's Equipment:
• Gae Bulg:This spear is crafted from intricately carved ironwood, with a point of tempered adamantine. Its carvings depict numerous Celtic runes and legendary figures from fey lore. The weapon is of such might that only fey royalty would ever be permitted to touch the relic.
In battle, Gae Bulg is capable of piercing multiple foes in a single thrust - and anyone wounded by its point finds their intelligence drained away.
• Enhancement Bonus +4
• Bonus Feat: Cleave
• Keen
• On Hit: Drains 1d4 Intelligence, DC 24
• Usable by: Fey, Fey, Chaotic Good
• Feywild Charm:
This charm is made from glittering darksteel, and channels the power of the feywild. It can only be donned by the ranking members of the seelie court or their descendants.
• +4 AC (Natural)
• Dominate Animal - 2 uses per day
• Dominate Human- 2 uses per day
• Dominate Monster- 2 uses per day
• Charm Animal - 2 uses per day
• Charm Human - 2 uses per day
• Charm Monster - 2 uses per day
• Bonus Feat: Spell Focus - Enchantment
• Usable by: Fey, Fey, Chaotic Good
• Stormlord's Helm:
This fey helmet has the weight and texture of supple leather, but resists cuts and blows as though it were hammered steel.
• Charisma: 5
• Wisdom: 5
• Strength: 5
• Immunity to Stat and Level Draining
• Usable by: Fey, Fey, Chaotic Good
Ithefelle of Hellgate Keep
Name: Ithefelle of Hellgate Keep
Race: Human
Age: 59
Class(s): Necromancer
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Favored Spells: Acid Magic
Deity: Velsharoon
Alignment: Neutral Evil
File Download: Click HERE to Download
Equipment: Click HERE to Download

The Necromancer has no interest in sharing his past when asked, although, given his temperament and habits, it's easy to imagine it wasn't pretty. His pale skin is stretched so tightly across his gaunt frame that it threatens to tear if he so much as sneers. Ithefelle's brittle and unkept hair is the color of decaying bone, shot through with vanishing strands of deep midnight. His presence is always heralded by the sickly sweet perfumes of funeral oils and embalming herbs - and in poor lighting, one could be forgiven mistaking the man for undead.
When asked as to why he dared Acererak's Labrynth, Ithefelle's craggy face splits into a vicious grin, exposing his rotten and gnarled teeth.
"Why... I came here for the same reasons as you.... there is power to he had in this place... and like yourself... I mean to possess it!"
Ithefelle's Equipment:
• The Staff of Malak:
This horrible quarterstaff is fashioned from dense ebony and topped with a shrunken head - forever frozen in its death grimace. The weapon seems to drink the very light of any room it's brought into, and anyone touching it can hear the maddened whispers of the damned.
A powerful tool for evil, the Staff of Malak can be recharged by casting spells upon it, which the artifact consumes to replenish itself.
• On Hit, Cause Serious Wounds (Level 12
• +4 Enhancement Bonus
• Animate Dead (15) - 2 Charges
• Avasculate - 2 charges
• Circle of Death - 3 Charges
• Control Undead - 2 Charges
• Mass contagion - 3 Charges
• Negative Energy Protection - 1 Charge
• False Life - 1 Charge
• Living Undeath - 1 Charge
• Usable by: Wizard. Human, Neutral Evil
• Necromancer's Garb:
A suit of vile armor - perfect for anyone dabbling in the dark arts.
This disgusting apparel is made from Kir-rin scales, black unicorn pelts and sylph wings. Scores of contemptible acts were committed in just the acquisition of the materials - let alone whatever profane rituals were responsible for its enchantment.
• Bonus Wizard Spell to Level 6
• Bonus Wizard Spell to Level 7
• Bonus Wizard Spell to Level 8
• +10 Concentration
• +10 Spellcraft
• Cast Spell: Greater Invisibility (I use per day)
• Usable by: Wizard. Human, Neutral Evil
• Necromancer's Hood:
A hood of midnight black silk, spun from the thread of a phase spider and dyed with the blackened remains of a baby silver dragon.
• True Seeing
• Immunity to Spell School: Necromancy
• +5 Intelligence
• Bonus Feat: Augmented Summoning
• Usable by: Wizard. Human, Neutral Evil
Kistrel Elsydar
Name: Kistrel Elsydar
Race: Half Elf
Age: ??? (Appears to be late 20's)
Class(s): Sorceress
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Favored Spells: Ice Magic
Deity: Sune
Alignment: Chaotic Good
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Equipment: Click HERE to Download

Kistrel is usually cheery and optimistic, her bubbly personality often times annoying her companions. Her bright blue eyes contrast with her dark hair, and she's quick to crack a beaming grin - especially when catching the gaze of those who rescued her. She harbors somewhat simplistic notions of the world, nearing the point of naivete, and takes most anyone at their word. Whether this is her natural personality or a result of her transfiguration into a spider is unknown.
When asked about her history, Kistrel furrows her brow and stutters a bit. After her many long decades imprisoned in arachnid form, much of her past is little more than a misty, half remembered dream.
The sorceress vaguely recalls refining her magical prowess serving with the Spellguard of Silverymoon, and thinks she participated in the Battle of Keepers Dale alongside the defenders of Mithral Hall. Or perhaps not. Like so much of Kistrel's past, the specifics are foggy at best.
While most of the faces and the names behind them have long since faded, one remains - and it's recollection brings equal measures of revulsion and terror - "Kaiser." Kistrel has long lost the why or the how of it, but this title has been indelibly burned into her memory.
Despite the difficulty recalling her past, she fights like a seasoned veteran, hurling destructive magics in all directions with precision. What Kistrel has lost in refined spellcraft, she more than compensates for with instinctual brilliance.
Kistrel's Equipment:
• Kistrel's Signet Ring:
This strange ring bears the seal of the elven house Elsydar upon it. It is the only piece of equipment Kistrel retained after being transformed into a spider - though she has no memory of how she came upon it.
• Sorceress Bonus Spell Slot Level 4
• Sorceress Bonus Spell Slot Level 5
• Sorceress Bonus Spell Slot Level 6
• Immunity: Paralysis
• Cast Spell: Detect Traps, 1/Day
• Usable by: Sorceress, Chaotic Good, Half Elf
• Kistrel's Banded Ring:
This lovely ring was commissioned from Sand by Qara. Initially, the elf refused her request out of pure spite, but after careful consideration, pretended to recant. The mage intended to secretly weave powerful divination and abjuration spells into the ring, which he could then trigger - with her as the target, Qara was killed before it's completion, and Sand later sold the unfinished project to the Knight Captain at a discount.
• Sorceress Bonus Spell Slot Level 1
• Sorceress Bonus Spell Slot Level 2
• Sorceress Bonus Spell Slot Level 3
• Bonus Charisma: 7 Points
• Usable by: Sorceress, Chaotic Good, Half Elf
• Kistrel's Traveling Backpack:
Kistrel keeps this bag packed with an eclectic collection of objects, both mundane and magical. Perhaps she's holding onto some of this junk because it's special to her. Or, maybe these objects serve as a focus for her innate magical powers. Or... they could just be shiny.
• None
• Usable by: Sorceress, Chaotic Good, Half Elf
Terukawa Urakami
Name: Terukawa Urakami
Race: Human
Age: 43
Class: Fighter
Favored Weapon: Katana
Deity: Grumbar
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
File Download: Click HERE to Download
Equipment: Click HERE to Download

Terukawa Urakami's life is a tale of loss and rewards denied. Heralding from the distant island of Wa, this former samurai spent many years fighting loyally for his empire, earning prestige and the respect of his peers. Unfortunately, his canniness in the arena of warfare translated poorly into the peace which followed. Underhanded political maneuverings quickly saw the Samurai stripped of fiefdom and title. In the government's eyes, Urakami was a relic - an outmoded instrument of little utility to a shogunate transitioning to a lasting peace.
Branded a ronin, Terukawa Urakami wandered the islands of Wa for years, trying his hand at mercenary work, fishing and even farming. Whatever the vocation, he found no enlightenment, contentment or joy in his labors. Despairing, he sought escape in sake and opium dens, until at last he was reduced to a penniless vagrant, sleeping in alleys and clothed in filthy rags.
Out of options and nearing the point of starvation, he hid aboard a merchant vessel and returned to the mainland of Tsukishima. Urakami was seeking the Sakurayu Dojo - home of his beloved sensei, the Kensai Inshin Oroshi. Perhaps in the school of his youth, he might quell his many demons and regain some measure of his lost honor.
Oroshi was a stern but kindly man, and took no pleasure in his cherished student's disgrace. Inshin refused the ronin's request to instruct students - however, Terukawa was allowed to stay as a gardener - and at night, was granted free reign of the Dojo's facilities. Urakami gratefully accepted. Finding a measure of peace in this simple existence, Terukawa began to regain his sense of self, while his body slowly recovered from its many slights. But such contentment was not to last.
Isho Oroshi, Inshin's eldest son, was the master's finest - and most arrogant student. By all accounting, he was among the greatest duelists of the era. The boy knew nothing of patience or humility, and despite his prowess, was the least favored of Kensai's children. When the aging master revealed the dojo was passing to his brother, Isho flew into a rage, and drew steel upon his sire. Even at the age of fifteen, the lad battled his father to a standstill, pressing him dearly. But as is so often the case, experience triumphed over youthful passion - badly wounded and disgraced, Isho was banished forever from his home.
At Sakurayu Dojo life was peaceful and quiet for some time - until one fall evening, as Terukawa was preparing to train, Isho Oroshi returned, alongside wicked allies from the western continent. The group slaughtered many of the students and set the school aflame with dark sorcery. Inshin ran to Urakami and ordered the ronin to escape with the youngest students, while the he took the battle to his despised son.
Fleeing with the children into the darkness, Terukawa witnessed from afar the final defeat of his master, and Isho's triumphant claiming of the Oroshi family blade. Upon reaching safety, he pledged himself to Inshin's surviving son - the three year old Harada. Bowing before his new master, Terukawa Urakami swore upon life and honor that he would recover the sword and avenge their mutual father-figure.
Once again finding purpose in duty, Urakami sent Harada into hiding, and began the long journey west...
Terukawa's Equipment:
• Stone Blossom:
Forged from the scales of the mighty Li lung Hayate, this katana retains a fraction of his mastery over elemental earth. When grasped by a worthy warrior, the blade's bite is capable of transmuting anyone struck into stone. Additionally, the sword can call upon benevolent earth spirits to protect its owner from the strikes of enemies, restore those who have been transformed into stone and cause mighty earthquakes.
Stone Blossom is intelligent, and unwilling to serve those lacking a lawful outlook. Duty and honor above all is the weapon's creed and calling. Those who forsake such a path find themselves abandoned by the blade.
• +4 Enhancement bonus
• Flesh to Stone on Hit (Level 15)
• Stone Body , 3 uses per day
• Earthquake, 1 user per day
• Usable by: Human, Fighter, Lawful Neutral
• Terukawa's Kote: (Gloves & Arm Guards)
These armored gauntlets are made from supple silk, sewn to a backing of fine mithral chain and laminated plates, forming flexible yet strong protection for their user's hands and arms. They have been enchanted by a powerful Wu-Jen to enhance their owners martial prowess and to resist attacks.
• +5 Dexterity
• +7 AC (Armor Bonus)
• Bonus Feat: Power Attack
• Cast Spell: True Strike, Unlimited Uses
• Usable by: Human, Fighter, Lawful Neutral
• Terukawa's Kabuto: (Helmet)
An heirloom of the Oroshi family, this beautiful helm is forged from russet strips of laminated mithral, held together by rivets and delicate silk lace. A fierce Oni was bound to the helm, and his rage fuels its magic. On nights of a full moon, when all is still, the wearer can hear the demon's whispers, attempting to entice them to acts of brutality and wickedness.
• +4 AC (Deflection Bonus)
• +4 to all Saving Throws
• Immunity: Instant Death
• Immunity: Paralysis
• Usable by: Human, Fighter, Lawful Neutral
Returning Companions
This section is dedicated to descriptions and history of the various NPC’s. New companion info is presented here for the first time, while returning allies have had their original information updated to reflect the passing of time between NX1 and NX4.
Ammon Jerro

This old man's eyes glow with a gold-red luminescence, as does the latticework of tattoos covering his forehead and face. Bald and weathered by the years, Ammon Jerro's booming voice is commanding and determined, one comfortable giving orders to captains, generals, kings… and demons. While he occasionally displays a wry smile or frustrated sneer, his face is never relaxed and his brow often furrowed in thought. Power radiates from Ammon's body, and when he's angered, (a common occurrence), the air around him smells of smoke and blood.
A peerless Warlock, Jerro bargained his soul to the devil Levistus, in exchange for the might to challenge the god-like entity known as The King of Shadows. Yet, despite this, he found some measure of redemption through the death of his granddaughter Shandra Jerro. Over time, Ammon came to regret some of his more mercenary actions, and his personality has softened noticeably since he first joined The Knight Captain’s inner circle.
Ammon was instrumental in helping Neverwinter destroy the King of Shadows, with his knowledge and power turning the tide of battle repeatedly. Amid the collapse of the creature's lair, a pack of gargoyles attacked and abducted The Knight Captain. Jerro pursued them through a portal and found himself on the Plane of Shadow. Weakened from his previous combat, he was ambushed and overwhelmed by the Red Wizard Nefris, who extracted his spirit, and left him to languish at The Academy of Shapers and Binders. Fortunately, the Knight Captain’s company rescued the Warlock, and Ammon aided them in the battles that followed.
He wandered the planes for a time after his adventures on the Fugue Plane, but Ammon Jerro eventually returned to Crossroad Keep, where is a constant fixture in the fortress - a man haunted by his past and uncertain of his place in a world no longer Threatened by The King of Shadows.
Khelgar Ironfist

This powerfully built dwarf is a few inches shy of five feet but walks and talks with the clamor and subtlety of a hill giant. A shield dwarf of the Ironfist clan, Khelgar is a talented warrior who delights in the intimacy of a tavern brawl. Smiling when threatened and downright ecstatic when punched, Khelgar is most at home in a storm of fists and insults. Khelgar's weathered face, long dark beard and massive upper body would likely give him muscular good looks had he not built a collection of cuts, bruises and missing teeth on his face from countless brawls.
The Knight Captain's first and fiercest companion, Khelgar was an inseparable friend in the latter's quest to destroy The King of Shadows. Over the course of their journey, Khelgar recovered the sacred relics of his clan, and in doing so, both mended his bonds with them and became their leader.
In the final battle against The King of Shadows, Khelgar was unable to save his friend from a pack of gargoyles, who spirited the Knight Captain away - leaving Khelgar crushed. (Somewhat literally in reference to the tons of rubble he was buried under).
Ironfist was made acting commander of Crossroad Keep, (a role he did not relish), and refused the title of Knight Captain, claiming he was “just keeping the chair warm” until its real owner returned. He has difficulty maintaining order in the keep, and by his own admission, is more comfortable in a barroom brawl than occupying a commander’s desk.
The dwarf begged Lord Nasher to fund an expedition to locate the Knight Captain, but the ravages of the war had left Neverwinter economically ruined, and his requests were repeatedly denied.Frustrated by the lack of assistance, Khelgar allowed Bevil Starling to secretly lead “The Captain’s Company” on an expedition to locate the keep’s missing commander.
With the rise of The Kaiser to prominence, Ironfist has faced repeated humiliations and embarrassments in his various attempts to undermine and expose the man - which has cost the dwarf much of his standing with Nasher and the Nobles alike. He knows it’s only a matter of time before he’s replaced as the commander of Crossroad Keep.

Tiny horns and spotted skin mark this woman as a tiefling, a half-human with the blood of devils or demons. Lithe and liquid in her actions, Neeshka moves with a cat's grace - even when walking at a brisk pace, her footsteps are nearly silent. Given to outbursts of words and action, her impulsive nature is as visible as her otherworldly heritage.
Rescued from certain death at the hands of corrupt Greycloaks, Neeshka is one of the Knight Captain's most stalwart allies. Though mischievous and prone to "acquiring" other people's belongings, the tiefling is ultimately good natured, and can be counted on to stand by her friend in a pinch.
In their quest to topple The King of Shadows, Neeshka's comrades helped her overcome her nemesis Leldon and gain a reputation as one of world's greatest burglars. (She was more interested in the title than the actual loot). In the climactic battle, Black Garius attempted to bind Neeshka and turn her against her allies, but through sheer force of will, she managed to break the creature's enchantment, and helped her friends destroy the fiend.
In the cave-in that followed the King of Shadow's destruction, Neeshka was unable to reach the Knight Captain, who was abducted by gargoyles. Dodging collapsing pillars and crumbling debris, the tiefling barely escaped with her life. Saddened by the loss of so many friends, she traveled the realms tirelessly, using her contacts to hunt down any trace of her kidnapped friend - one of the few people to ever treat her with dignity.
Gann of Dreams

Tall and ruggedly handsome, Gann wears a sarcastic half-smile and affects an air of casual indifference. His skin has a faintly blue or violet cast... a legacy of the night hag who was his mother. Unlike other hagspawn - men born of a human father and a hag mother - Gann's face is neither brutish nor ill-favored... but the Rashemi still treat him with a good deal of suspicion.
Gann stood alongside the Knight Captain as the warrior embarked on the quest to be rid of The Spirit-Eater's. In the process, the hagspawn suffered a mournful reunion with his mother, and made amends for much of his prior lecherous behavior.
After many adventures and trials, the hagspawn stood side-by-side with the Knight Captainand shook the very pillars of the heavens - unraveling the will of a dead god and ending the Akachi's The Betrayer’s curse forever.
For a time, Gann indulged himself in the adulation of the spirit-world, but his heart longed for adventure and excitement. Compelled to once more journey alongside the Knight Captain, he bid farewell to the spirts of Rashemen and rendezvoused with Safiya in Mulsantir. The duo began their long journey west - following the cold trail of their leader.
Kaelyn the Dove

Kaelyn possesses a strange, otherworldly grace... her hair is silver-white, her eyes dark - almost black, like those of a dove. Her wings mark her as a half-celestial, a mortal with one parent who was an angel, from the higher planes. Kaelyn has an unmistakable intensity about her... and a quiet sadness that lurks behind her dark eyes.
The half-celestial leader of the menagerie, Kaelyn The Dove spent many decades battling to tear down the Wall of the Faithless. (The final destination of those who rebuking the gods). Believing it a cruel abomination, she turned all of her considerable might towards ending the injustice it represented.
Her opportunity to act against the Wall in earnest arrived on the heels of The Knight Captain, who sought freedom from The Betrayer Akachi's Curse. Allying in Myrkul's Vault, Kaelyn stood alongside her allies and traveled the breadth of the Unapproachable East, eventually launching the third crusade - in the process facing down her former master, the God of Death Kelemvor, on the Fugue Plane.
Although they failed to destroy the accursed wall, Kaelyn was inspired by the courage and success of her companions, fully intending to recruit a new host and launch a fourth crusade. After the battle, she left The Knight Captain’s company and returned to her Menagerie, filled with a renewed sense of determination.
One of Many

This horrifying abomination is a billowing cloud of darkness, draped in moldering burial cloth. Its ghastly eyes gleam with a wicked intelligence, mostly obscured beneath a flowing veil. One of Many's only visible feature are its gnarled hands, protruding from tattered robes and terminating in vicious, hooked claws. The creature remains ethereal most of the time - materializing only to feed or when doing your bidding.
One of Many is uncountable evils in one - its consciousness composed of a multitude of murderers, lunatics, and other human detritus, all driven to insanity by imprisonment in Death God's Vault in life, (and then decades of disembodied misery in the Vault's crematorium). As such, One of Many is malice personified, and wishes to either feed on or do violence to all sentient beings - all except for you. You are the creator of this undead aberration, and so, for better or worse, it is bound to you, and you to it.
One of Many dutifully followed in your wake, relishing the ensuing destruction and chaos as you rampaged across the Unapproachable East. As its loyalty grew, you helped the monstrosity unleash The Brute, and allowed it to consume The Sleeper while you were both imprisoned below Coveya Kurg'annis. As the monster's power grew, so did its attachment to you.
On your return voyage, you were afflicted with a powerful cursed mask, which disrupted your bond with One of Many and nearly destroyed the creature. The malignant entity possessing the Domino Mask tried to seize control of the whirling madness that constituted "The Many" - and in ensuing struggle, One of Many's spiritual husk was partially destroyed. Fleeing into The Plane of Shadow, the aberration was rendered little more than a flickering shadow, barely clinging to its un-life.
It took a considerable amount of time for One of Many to regenerate its torn shell, but the moment it could materialize, the creature set out to find its creator. Though the cursed mask had burned away the beast's link to The Spirit Eater, One of Many began pursuing strands of fate intersecting with its master's. Following the threads of those who had once - or one day would - cross paths with its sire, One of Many journeyed from Samarach to The Sword Coast and then across the very planes themselves.
Despite its exertions, the abomination's search was futile. Hungry, weak and alone, One of Many resigned itself to oblivion, and slowly began to fade into nothingness.
However, as the void pulled the monstrosity into its cold embrace, a voice cut through the roar of the many, like a scream piercing the chaos of a raging hurricane. A thousand voices shrieked in unison, "It is the master! The Spirit Eater has thrown off the curse! They are in danger! Their enemies come!" Clawing itself from the brink of destruction, One of Many tore through the barriers separating the planes, and charged towards the only creature it ever bonded with. The voices cried out in unison, "Soon we shall feed again... soon we shall gorge on the essence of your foes! Soon... we bask in your presence... we come for you master! Persist just a short time more! We come!"

By almost any standard, Safiya would be considered beautiful - golden-skinned, her features delicate, with dark, almond-shaped eyes. Yet her bald head and graceful tattoos mark her as a Red Wizard of Thay, and for this, most outside her homeland would regard her with fear. Her smiles are shy, when they appear, as if she is unused to them - but you sense a resilience beneath, born of an unforgiving land.
Serving many years as an instructor at the Academy of Shapers and Binders, Safiya was a powerful and talented Red Wizard. Unbeknownst to her, she was also an aspect of The Founder, and an unwitting pawn in her creator's plot to end the torment of Akachi The Betrayer.
On her mother's orders, Safiya rescued the Knight Captain from the Bear God's Barrow, and together, they adventured across every corner of Rashemen - seeking an end to The Spirit-Eater's Curse. Over the course of their Journey, they made many unbreakable friendships and battled successfully against impossible odds.
Eventually, the company returned to the Academy of Shapers and Binders, and the truth of Safiya's existence was exposed - she was one fourth of a soul - a sliver of the Red Wizard known as "The Founder." The ancient woman had rent her essence into fragments in a gambit to free her lover Akachi, and it was her machinations which pulled the Knight Captain into harm's way.
Safiya stood alongside her companions as they battled their way to the Fugue Plane, where they finally brought an end to the Spirit-Eater forever. Pledging undying loyalty to the Knight Captain, Safiya took leave to conclude her affairs at the Academy, and then rallied with Gann in Mulsantir to make the arduous journey west.
Charissa Maernos

Tall, powerfully built, and radiating an aura of divine power, Charissa Maernos is the very image of a battle-priestess of Tyr. Yet her stunning blue eyes hint at callousness, and her mouth too easily forms a sneer to allow you to be too comfortable in her presence.
Stubborn to a fault, Charissa was stationed for some time in the city of Westgate, where she found herself hampered by bureaucratic red tape and her own pigheadedness. Maernos found herself in the company of several other adventurers, and grew over the course of their shared quest to understand Faerun was not so black and white as she imagined. While still pushy, with the constant prodding of her companions Charissa has learned the value of putting aside differences to strive towards a greater good… to a point that is…
After foiling the plots of the Night Masks and their leader Orbakh, Charissa and her companions were forced to flee Westgate to avoid certain death. She now travels the continent with her friends, spreading the glory of Tyr and cracking skulls wherever she goes.
Mantides of Westgate

The long blond hair of this muscular man hangs like strands of gold silk over his handsome face. He has a tall, athletic frame and his beautiful armor marks him as a paladin of Lathander - one of the Morninglord's greatest champions.
After falling from grace, Mantides spent months drinking and wallowing in the seediest taverns Westgate had to offer - until he joined with several companions and saved the city - and the process, his soul. Redeemed in Lathander's eyes, Mantides reclaimed his mighty Holy Avenger, and went on to thwart the machinations of a powerful devil and the evil Night Masks as they warred over the city.
Though victorious, Mantides and his allied had no choice but to flee Westgate, as the full wrath of Orbakh and his Night Mask’s fell upon the company. Forced to choose between remaining and perishing, the company fled towards The Sword Coast.

Despite her attempts to blend in, this striking half-elf commands a second look from most who glance in her direction. Those who dare to speak with her are likely to note her emerald eyes, which are much too lively for her carefully constructed appearance.
Rinara was once a member of the Night Masks - a fiendish thieves' guild based in the city of Westgate. Internecine fighting forced her to flee the city for a time, but she returned, and joined with several heroes to foil her former guild's plots - and in the process, she learned the value of true comradery.
Their victory celebration was to short lived however, as the Night Masks were quick to exact bloody vengeance. The party had no choice but to flee Westgate, with The Faceless’s legion of vampiric rogues in pursuit. Wandering the westward with her allies, Rinara fancies herself the "brains" of the operation – a role hotly contested by Charissa, her vitriolic “best frienemy.”

This half-elf always seems to unleash a charming smile just as you're looking at him, his expression as gallant and mischievous as if he's sharing a secret with an adoring crowd. Finch is unbelievably handsome, and the bard knows how to leverage it, gaining audience with powerful nobles... and the affection of their wives...
Finch worked alongside a group of adventurers who ultimately saved all of Faerun from the plans of the vile interloper god Zehir. Acclaimed as one of the Sword Coast's greatest heroes, the bard was more than happy to bask in the fame - becoming something of a traveling celebrity along the length of the Sword Coast.
Always up for an adventure, Finch is, in his own words, "roosting" in the famous Crossroad Keep, eyes peeled for any quests in need of questing.

Everything about Ribsmasher screams "barbarian" - his wild garb, the manic gleam in his eyes, and his tendency to laugh hysterically as he charges into battle. In reality, he does fight like a disciplined warrior-monk, utilizing the same series of powerful kicks and punches in a deadly, efficient manner. It's unclear whether Ribsmasher's apparent insanity is merely an act to catch enemies off guard or the result of one too many blows to his head.
The crazed pugilist fought alongside a large group of adventurers against the Yuan-ti god Zehir, and ultimately saved Chult and the Sword Coast from falling under the creature's sway. In victory, Ribsmasher was offered a share of the merchant house he nurtured, but the monk had no interest in trade bars or gold. Before the celebrations and pageantry could even begin earnest, he took his leave, wandering the countryside in search of things looking to get SMASHED!
An occasional face in the Phoenix Tail Inn, Ribshasher can usually be talked into a quest if he feels it will yield opportunities to break bones with his bare hands. Nothing makes the monk smile like popping knuckles on a foe's staved in helmet.

This strange man seems to have a cryptic manner about him, smiling confidently at everyone around him, every now and then giving his dinosaur companion a gentle pat on the head. He is very obviously a foreigner from the southern lands, his dark complexion and thick wooly hair an oddity among humans of The Sword Coast.
A Druid in service of Ubtao, Umoja was commanded to unravel the plot of the wicked deity Zehir. Together with allies from all corners of Faerun - and his deinonychus Yushai - he successfully ended the Yuan-ti god's plans to conquer Chult and the Sword Coast.
Fascinated by alien flora and fauna of the northern lands, Umoja elected to investigate the unfamiliar region for a time, and embarked on a journey of exploration, Yushai ever at his side. From time to time, the Druid visits his former companions - eternal friends forged by battle and shared sacrifice. He is especially fond of Finch, and the two still share many adventures.
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