Neverwinter Nights Characters
NWN 2 Character Packs
This page contains numerous Neverwinter Nights 2 characters to download. Some of the characters are completely custom creations, others are from other games - or in some cases, companions who's assets have been exported as stand-alone characters.
Each .zip archive features four versions of the character - levels one, ten, twenty and thirty. Their gear scales with each jump, gaining bonuses and innate powers so the hero is capable of level appropriate content. The champion also has a helpful selection of containers and miscellaneous inventory items to aid them in their adventures.
Whenever possible, we've included the relevant assets for each character. While most companion voices, 3D models and icons are part of the NWN 2 core install, some, (such as Mysteries of Westgate),
require assets be unzipped placed in the
following directory:
C:\Users\YourUserNameHere\Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\override\
Character index:
Premade NWN 2 Characters:
Abdel Adrian

Helm of the Rock, Shuruppak's Banded Mail, Girdle of Bluntness, Boots of Etherealness, Greenstone Amulet, Cloak of Displacement, Guantlets of Dexterity, Ring of Gaxx, Holy Symbol of Helm, Foebane +5, Shield of Harmony +5.
Inventory:Gem of Seeing, Jade hound, Ioun Stone: Lavender & Green, Rod of Resurrection, Broach of Shielding, 10x Heal Potions, 10x Invisibility Potions, 10x Healing Kits +10.

Race: Human | Diety: Helm | Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR: 27 | DEX: 17 | CON: 22 | INT: 19 | WIS: 25 | CHA: 15

Bully, Blind Fight, Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword, Greater Weapon Specilization: Bastard Sword, Power Critical: Bastard Sword, Great Cleave, Improved Power Attack, Knockdown, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword, Weapon Specilization: Bastard Sword, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Armor Proficiency: Light, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Shield Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Augment Healing. Practiced Spellcaster, Extra Turning, Able Learner, Quick to Master, Skilled, Earth Domain, Epic Character, Furious Assault, Guarding the Lord, Improved Evasion, Protective Aura, Spontaneous Conversion, Turn Undead, War Domain, Spellcasting Prodigy, Epic Toughness +90, Epic Weapon Specilization: Bastard Sword, Epic Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword

Appraise: 4 | Bluff: 1 | Concentration: 39 | Craft Alchemy: 4 | Craft Armor: 4 | Craft Trap: 4
Craft Weapon: 4 | Diplomacy: 14 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 42 | Hide: -1 | Intimidate: 3
Listen: 7 | Lore: 4 | Move Silently: -1 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: -1 | Perform: 0 | Search: 4 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 34 | Spot: 7 | Survival: 7 | Taunt: 2 | Tumble: 15 | Use Magical Device: 18
Amie Fern

Headband of Intellect +8, Robes of the White Wizard, Mystran Belt of Priestly Might, Boots of Striding +8, Periapt of Wisdom +8, Cloak of the White Wizard, Imaskari Bracers of Immortality, The Wanderer's Ring, Ring of Power.
Inventory:Rod of Reversal, Rod of Resurrection, Rod of the Ghost, Rod of the Cautious Mage, Rod of Freedom, 10x Healer's Kit +10, Dragon Pebbles Sling.

Race: Human | Diety: Mystra | Alignment: Chaotic Good
STR: 15 | DEX: 15 | CON: 22 | INT: 27 | WIS: 22 | CHA: 19

Improved Critical: Ranged Touch Attack, Weapon Focus: Ranged Touch Attack, Armor Proficiency: Light, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Weapon Proficiency: Wizard, Augmented Healing, Practiced Spellcaster: Wizard, Practiced Spellcaster: Favored Soul, Greater Spell Focus: Transmutation, Spell Focus: Transmutation, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Craft Wondrous Items, Scribe Scroll, Skilled, Quick to Master, Epic Character, Resist Electrical Energy, Resist Fire Energy, Summon Familiar, Great Intelligence +3, Great Wisdom +2.

Appraise: 8 | Bluff: 4 | Concentration: 39 | Craft Alchemy: 41 | Craft Armor: 8 | Craft Trap: 8
Craft Weapon: 8 | Diplomacy: 39 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 54 | Hide: 2 | Intimidate: 4
Listen: 8 | Lore: 41 | Move Silently: 2 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 2 | Perform: 0 | Search: 8 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 41 | Spot: 6 | Survival: 6 | Taunt: 4 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 20
Ammon Jerro

Eyes of the Coven, Ammon Jerro's Damned Infernal Flesh, Ceremonial Uthgardt Belt, Jerro Family Forest Walkers, Shandra's Pendant, The Damned Cloak of the Blackflame, Imaskari Bracers of Immortality, Bone Dancer's Ring, Ring of Universal Energy Resistance. The Path of the Damned, The Warlock's Ally.
Inventory:10x finger of Death Scrolls, 10x Gate Scrolls, 10x Greater Missile Storm Scrolls, 10x Elemental Swarm Scrolls.

Race: Human | Diety: None | Alignment: Neutral Evil
STR: 17 | DEX: 20 | CON: 22 | INT: 25 | WIS: 21 | CHA: 30

Battle Caster, Armor Proficiency: Light, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Augment Summoning, Spell Penetration, Blast Shape Invocations, Eldritch Essence Invocations, Able Learner, Quick to Master, Skilled, Armored Caster: Warlock, Damage Reduction 7/Cold Iron, Deceive Item, Eldritch Blast 12d6, Eldritch Lore, Epic Character, Fiendish Resilience 5, Hellfire Blast, Hellfire Shield, Imbue item, Invoking, Resist Electrical Energy: Improved, Resist Fire Energy: Improved, Resistance to Fire 10, Strong Soul, Eldritch Master, Epic Eldritch Blast +3d6, Epic Spell: Damnation, Epic Spell: Gate, Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast.

Appraise: 7 | Bluff: 10 | Concentration: 39 | Craft Alchemy: 39 | Craft Armor: 7 | Craft Trap: 7
Craft Weapon: 7 | Diplomacy: 10 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 5 | Hide: 4 | Intimidate: 35
Listen: 7 | Lore: 35 | Move Silently: 4 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 4 | Perform: 0 | Search: 7 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 52 | Spot: 7 | Survival: 5 | Taunt: 14 | Tumble: 20 | Use Magical Device: 46
Anderspish Hagellson

Dwarven Defender Helmet, Dwarven Defender Full Plate, Sash of the Dwarven Defender, Dwarven Defender Greaves, Amulet of the Dwarven Defender, Cloak of the Dwarven Defender, Dwarven Defender Gauntlets, Ring of the Dwarven Defender, Band of the Dwarven Defender, Axe of the Glacier King, Dwarven Defender.
Inventory:10x Fire Bombs, 10x potions of Heal, 10x Potions of Haste, 50x Axes of the Coming Storm, 50x Fire Axes.

Race: Shield Dwarf | Diety: Tyr | Alignment: Lawful Good
STR: 25 | DEX: 21 | CON: 29 | INT: 21 | WIS: 15 | CHA: 13

Veteran, Blind Fight, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus: Dwarven Axe, Greater Weapon Specialization: Dwarven Axe, Power Critical: Dwarven Axe, Improved combat Expertise, Improved Parry, Mobility, Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Dwarven Axe, Weapon Specialization: Dwarven Axe, Whirlwind Attack, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Armor Proficiency: Light, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Shield Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Dwarf, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Battle Training vs. Giants, Battle Training vs. Goblins, Battle Training vs. Orcs, Darkvision, Hardiness vs. Spells, hardines vs. Poisons, Skill Affinity: Lore, Stonecunning, Ki, Critical, Ki Damage, Darkness Domain, Defensive Stance, Dwarven Defender Damage Reduction, Evasion, Improved Defense 4, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Spontaneous Conversion, Superior Weapon Focus, Trap Sense +2, Turn Undead, Uncanny Dodge, Water Domain, Weapon of Choice: Dwarven Axe, Luck of Heroes, Armor Skin, Epic toughness +60, Epic Weapon Focus: Dwarven Axe, Epic Weapon Specialization: Dwarven Axe.

Appraise: 5 | Bluff: 1 | Concentration: 9 | Craft Alchemy: 5 | Craft Armor: 37 | Craft Trap: 5
Craft Weapon: 37 | Diplomacy: 0 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 2 | Hide: -11 | Intimidate: 33
Listen: 2 | Lore: 7 | Move Silently: -11 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 22 | Perform: 0 | Search: 7 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 2 | Survival: 2 | Taunt: 1 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
• Character Files - (Character Levels 1, 10, 20, 30)
Araman The Betrayer

Mindshield of Kelemvor, Shroud of Kelemvor, Girdle of Kelemvor, Footfalls of Kelemvor, Amulet of Power, Embrace of Kelemvor, Grip of Kelemvor, The Master's Band, Reaching Ring, The Balance of Kelemvor, The Guard of Kelemvor.
Inventory:Sunlight Sling, 99x Bullets of Smiting, 99 bullets of Petrification, 99 Bullets +5, 99x Fire Bullets.

Race: Human | Diety: Kelemvor | Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR: 17 | DEX: 17 | CON: 17 | INT: 32 | WIS: 23 | CHA: 15

Devout, Toughness, Armor Proficiency: Light, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Weapon Proficiency: Wizard, Augment Summoning, Practiced Spellcaster: Cleric, Practiced Spellcaster: Wizard, Greater Spell Penetration, Spell Focus: Conjuration, Spell Penetration, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Extra Turning, Able Learner, Iron Will, Quick to Master, Skilled, Enhanced Specialization, Epic Character, Law Domain, Red Wizard Spellcasting, Specialist Defense +4, Spell Power +5, Spontaneous Conversion, Summon Familiar, Turn Undead, Undeath Domain, Spellcasting Prodigy, Epic Spell: Entropic Husk, Epic Spell: Gate, Epic Spell: Hellball, Epic Spell: Mass Fowl, Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast.

Appraise: 27 | Bluff: 1 | Concentration: 37 | Craft Alchemy: 11 | Craft Armor: 11 | Craft Trap: 11
Craft Weapon: 11 | Diplomacy: 34 | Disable Device: 2 | Heal: 39 | Hide: 7 | Intimidate: 2
Listen: 6 | Lore: 43 | Move Silently: 7 | Open Lock: 23 | Parry: 2 | Perform: 0 | Search: 26 | Set Trap: 23
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 44 | Spot: 22 | Survival: 8 | Taunt: 2 | Tumble: 18 | Use Magical Device: 18
Aramina Wyndsdottir

Dragonsworn Starkakedja Helmet, Dragonsworn Starkakedja Shirt, Belt of Inertial Barrier, Ymir's Studded Boots, The Likely Amulet, Ymir's Cloak, Ymir's Studded Gloves, Ring of Power, Ring of Animal Friendship, Dragonsworn Arcanium Hammer, Runed Dragonsworn Buckler.
Inventory:10x Healers Kit +10, 10x Scrolls Storm of Vengeance, 10 Scrolls Word of Faith, 10x Scrolls Searing Light.

Race: Deep Gnome | Diety: Chauntea | Alignment: Chaotic Good
STR: 13 | DEX: 17 | CON: 19 | INT: 10 | WIS: 26 | CHA: 29

Devout, Deflect Arrows, Weapon Focus: Light Hammer, Armor Proficiency: Light, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Shield Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Rogue, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Weapon Proficiency: Spirit Shaman, Augment Healing, Practiced Spellcaster: Shaman, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Brew Potion, Alertness, Skill Focus: Concentration, Battle Training v.s Goblins, Battle Training v.s Reptilians, Darkvision, Durability, Low-Light Vision, Racial Spell: Blindness, Racial Spell Entropic Shield, Racial Spell Invisibility, Skill Affinity: Concentration, Skill Affinity: Craft Alchemy, Skill Affinity: Hide, Skill Affinity: Listen, Skill Affinity: Spellcraft, Slippery Defense, Small Stature, Spell Affinity: Illusion, Spell resistance, Stonecunning, Blessing of the Spirits, Chastise Spirits, Detect Spirits, Epic Character, Evasion, Favored of the Spirits, Follow the Guide, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Recall Spirit, Sneak Attack +5d6, Spirit Form, Spirit Guide, Spirit Who Walks, Trap Sense +3, Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge, Warding of the Spirits, Weaken Spirits, Spellcasting Prodigy, Great Charisma +1, Great Wisdom +1.

Appraise: 0 | Bluff: 8 | Concentration: 43 | Craft Alchemy: 2 | Craft Armor: 0 | Craft Trap: 0
Craft Weapon: 0 | Diplomacy: 30 | Disable Device: 2 | Heal: 54 | Hide: 4 | Intimidate: 9
Listen: 12 | Lore: 0 | Move Silently: 2 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 2 | Perform: 0 | Search: 2 | Set Trap: 44
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 26 | Spot: 10 | Survival: 18 | Taunt: 9 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 38
Arenaceusmaga The Sane

The Horadric Circlet, Skin of the Vipermagi, Arachnid Mesh, Silkweaves, Mara's Kaleidoscope, Nymph Cloak +7, Lavagout, The Stone of Jordan, Reaching Ring, Heart of the Oak Flail, Spirit Monarch Shield.
Inventory:10x Healer's Kit +3, 10x Healer's Kit +6, 10x Healer's Kit +10, 50x Teeth of the Firemane, 50x Darts of Stunning, 50x Asp's Nests, 50x Cold Iron Darts.

Race: Human | Diety: Istishia | Alignment: Neutral
STR: 23 | DEX: 15 | CON: 23 | INT: 15 | WIS: 18 | CHA: 34

Devout, Blind-Fight, Dash, Improved Critical: Ranged Touch Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Ranged Touch Attack, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Extend Spell, Improved Empower Spell, Improved Maximize Spell, Improved Quicken Spell, Persistent Spell, Silent Spell, Able Learner, Skill Focus: Concentration, Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Darkvision, Immunity to Sleep, Quick to Master, Racial Spell: See Invisibility, Skilled, Arcane Scholar Spellcasting, Dragon Abilities, Dragon Breath, Epic Character, Immunity to Fire, Immunity to Paralysis, Natural Armor Increase, Spell Knowledge +3, Summon Familiar, Spellcasting Prodigy, Epic Spell: Hellball, Epic Toughness +30.

Appraise: 2 | Bluff: 11 | Concentration: 43 | Craft Alchemy: 2 | Craft Armor: 2 | Craft Trap: 2
Craft Weapon: 2 | Diplomacy: 38 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 20 | Hide: 0 | Intimidate: 12
Listen: 4 | Lore: 10 | Move Silently: 0 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 0 | Perform: 0 | Search: 2 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 44 | Spot: 4 | Survival: 4 | Taunt: 12 | Tumble: 25 | Use Magical Device: 28
Arthame Boline

Delirium, Trechery, Nightsmoke, Shadoew Dancers, Metalgrid, The Spirit Shroud, Dracul's Grasp, Ring of Universal Energy Resistance, Mercykiller Ring, Chaos, Fury.
Inventory:50x Shuriken of Mystra, 50x Shuriken of the White Dragon, 50x Grains of Sand, 50x Many talons, 50x, Dragon's Tail, 50x Shining Light, 50x Stars of Ojy-do.

Race: Aasimar | Diety: Hoar | Alignment: Neutral Evil
STR: 26 | DEX: 27 | CON: 21 | INT: 21 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 17

Foreigner, Combat Expertise, Dash, Greater Weapon Focus: Kama, Greater Weapon Specialization: Kama, Power Critical: Kama, Feint, Greater Resiliency, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Parry, Improved Two-Weapon Defense, Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Two-Weapon Defense, Use Poison, Weapon Focus: Kama, Weapon Specialization: Kama, Whirlwind Attack, Armor Proficiency: Light, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Shield Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Rogue, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Resist Acid Energy, Resist Cold Energy, Resist Electrical Energy, Epic Weapon Focus: Kama, Epic Weapon Specialization: Kama.

Appraise: 5 | Bluff: 36 | Concentration: 5 | Craft Alchemy: 5 | Craft Armor: 5 | Craft Trap: 5
Craft Weapon: 5 | Diplomacy: 2 | Disable Device: 2 | Heal: 3 | Hide: 51 | Intimidate: 3
Listen: 5 | Lore: 6 | Move Silently: 51 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 44 | Perform: 0 | Search: 5 | Set Trap: 49
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 5 | Survival: 3 | Taunt: 3 | Tumble: 19 | Use Magical Device: 0
Belueth the Calm

Belueth's Spectacular Mask, Belueth's Armor, Belt of Stone Giant Strength, Kitten Slippers, Amulet of Natural Armnor +5, Belueth's Elder Shroud, Belueth's Cat Queen's Claws, The Ring oF Gaxx, Ring of Seething Hatred, Fingerbone's Name, Belueth's Buckler.
Inventory:10x Thieves' Tools +10, 10x Choking Powder, 10x Perfected Acid Flasks, 10x Choking Powder, 10x Perfected Thunderstones, 10x Perfected Alchemist's Fire.

Race: Aasimar | Diety: Mask | Alignment: Neutral Evil
STR: 18 | DEX: 28 | CON: 28 | INT: 14 | WIS: 10 | CHA: 10

Combat Expertise, Dodge, Power Critical: Short Sword, Improved Combat Expertise, Improved Critical: Short Sword, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus: Short Sword, Whirlwind Attack, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Rogue, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Armor Skin, Epic Damage Reduction 6, Epic Toughness 120.

Appraise: 2 | Bluff: 8 | Concentration: 9 | Craft Alchemy: 2 | Craft Armor: 2 | Craft Trap: 35
Craft Weapon: 2 | Diplomacy: 4 | Disable Device: 47 | Heal: 0 | Hide: 40 | Intimidate: 35
Listen: 19 | Lore: 2 | Move Silently: 56 | Open Lock: 14 | Parry: 8 | Perform: 0 | Search: 32 | Set Trap: 53
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 32 | Survival: 2 | Taunt: 0 | Tumble: 48 | Use Magical Device: 0
Bevil Starling

Helm of Darkness, Bevil's Improved Greycloak Armor, Belt of Raumathar, Bevil's Dancing Evaders, Hilaiyreen, The Greycloak of Neverwinter, Golem's Grasp, Ring of the Frozen Falls, Greycloak Silver Ring, The Starling's Wail, Stormguild
Inventory:10x Healder's Kits +10, Wand of Force, Wand of the Glacier, Wand of the Storm, Wand of the Inferno, Wand of Summoning, Wand of Cloudkill, 50x Sacred Throwing Axes.

Race: Human | Diety: Chauntea | Alignment: Lawful Good
STR: 22 | DEX: 21 | CON: 20 | INT: 13 | WIS: 8 | CHA: 15

Blind Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Defelct Arrows, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword, Greater Weapon Specialization: Bastard Sword, Power Critical: Bastard Sword, Great Cleave, Improved Combat Expertise, Improved Knockdown, Improved Parry, Improved Power Attack, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword, Weapon Specialization: Bastard Sword, Whirlwind, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Spell Focus: Evocation, Spell Penetration, Armor Skin, Epic Toughness +30, Epic Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword, Epic Weapon Specialization: Bastard Sword.

Appraise: 1 | Bluff: 2 | Concentration: 3 | Craft Alchemy: 1 | Craft Armor: 1 | Craft Trap: 1
Craft Weapon: 1 | Diplomacy: 2 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 27 | Hide: 1 | Intimidate: 2
Listen: -1 | Lore: 1 | Move Silently: 1 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 32 | Perform: 0 | Search: 1 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: -1 | Survival: -1 | Taunt: 33 | Tumble: 17 | Use Magical Device: 18
Bishop of Redfallow's Watch

Chromatic Crown, Bishop's Greenleaf, Belt of Agility +8, Boots of Hardiness +3, Amulet of Pure Love, Cloak of Elvenkind, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Ring of Regeneration, Ring of Seething Hatred, Redfallow's Revenge, The Devil's Right Hand, The Devil's Left Hand.
Inventory:99x Piercing Arrows, 99x Arrows of the Vampire, 99x Keening Reeds, 99x Acid Arrows, 99x Arrows +5, 99x Arrows of Ice.

Race: Human | Diety: None | Alignment: Chaotic Evil
STR: 18 | DEX: 30 | CON: 18 | INT: 11 | WIS: 14 | CHA: 11

Greater Weapon Focus: Longbow, Greater Weapon Specialization: Longbow, Power Critical: Longbow, Power Critical: Kukri, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical: Longbow, Improved Initiative, Improved Power Attack, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Toughness, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus: Kukri, Weapon Focus: Longbow, Weapon Specialization: Longbow, Weapon Specialization: Kukri, Armor Proficiency: Light, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Shield Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Improved Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Rapid Shot, Archery combat Style, Epic Weapon Focus: Longbow, One Shot.

Appraise: 0 | Bluff: 0 | Concentration: 4 | Craft Alchemy: 4 | Craft Armor: 4 | Craft Trap: 4
Craft Weapon: 4 | Diplomacy: 4 | Disable Device: 2 | Heal: 2 | Hide: 73 | Intimidate: 0
Listen: 27 | Lore: 0 | Move Silently: 39 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 10 | Perform: 0 | Search: 25 | Set Trap: 43
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 27 | Survival: 29 | Taunt: 0 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Carnale Knowledge

Silksteel Padded Hat, Silksteel Padded Cloth Tunic, Girdle of Fortitude, Silksteel Padded Boots, Amulet of Pure Love, Level Ten Cloudsong, Silksteel Padded Gloves, Ring of Protection +5, Ring of Resistance +3, Duskwood Spiritmaster Quarterstaff.
Inventory:Rod of Planar Summoning, Rod of Blades, Rod of the Wild, Rod of Plagues, Rod of the Hurricane, Rod of the Earth Mother's Power, Rod of Flaming Purification.

Race: Deep Gnome | Diety: Shar | Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
STR: 17 | DEX: 14 | CON: 21 | INT: 17 | WIS: 10 | CHA: 29

Confidant, Monkey Grip, Armor Proficiency: Light, Weapon Proficiency: Rogue, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Augment Summoning, Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment, Spell Focus: Conjuration, Spell Focus: Necromancy, Spell Focus: Evocation, Spell Penetration, Extend Spell, Improved Empower Spell, Improved Maximize Spell, Improved Quicken Spell, Persistent Spell, Skill Focus: Conjuration, Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Spellcasting Prodigy, Epic Spell: Epic Gate, Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast, Great Charisma +1.

Appraise: 3 | Bluff: 10 | Concentration: 40 | Craft Alchemy: 5 | Craft Armor: 3 | Craft Trap: 3
Craft Weapon: 3 | Diplomacy: 24 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 0 | Hide: 4 | Intimidate: 8
Listen: 2 | Lore: 3 | Move Silently: 2 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 2 | Perform: 0 | Search: 5 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 38 | Spot: 0 | Survival: 0 | Taunt: 8 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 27
Casavir of Neverwinter

The Helm of Gram the Mouse, The Armor of Gram the Mouse, Belt of Raumathar, Boots of Hardiness +5, Amulet of Natural Armor +5, Mantle of Gram the Mouse, Gauntlets of Gram the Mouse, The Pragmatic Ring, Mourningring, Holy Avenger +6, Shield of the Saints.
Inventory:10x healder's Kit +10, Scabbard of Keen Edges, Lense of Detection, Chalice of Lathander, Prayer to the Overgod, Wand of Cure Critical Wounds, Wand of Restoration.

Race: Human | Diety: Tyr | Alignment: Lawful Good
STR: 23 | DEX: 19 | CON: 21 | INT: 11 | WIS: 21 | CHA: 32

Greater Weapon Focus: Longsword, Greater Weapon Specialization: Longsword, Power Critical: Longsword, Power Attack, Weapon Focus: Longsword, Weapon Specialization: Longsword, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Augment Healing, Practiced Spellcaster, Spell Focus: Evocation, Spell Penetration, Luck of Heroes, Armor Skin, Great Charisma +3, Great Smiting 1, Extra Smiting, Divine Shield, Extra Turning, Divine Might.

Appraise: 0 | Bluff: 11 | Concentration: 38 | Craft Alchemy: 0 | Craft Armor: 0 | Craft Trap: 0
Craft Weapon: 0 | Diplomacy: 40 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 48 | Hide: -4 | Intimidate: 11
Listen: 5 | Lore: 0 | Move Silently: -4 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 0 | Perform: 0 | Search: 0 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 5 | Survival: 5 | Taunt: 1 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Charissa Maernos

Beholder Crown, Tyr's Favor, Belt of Priestly Might, Charissa's Boots of Reflexes +8, Maernos Family Crest, Charissa's Mantle of Spell Resistance, Charissa's Guantlets of Spellcraft, Ring of Holiness, Holy Symbol of Tyr, The Wrath of Tyr, Shield of the Maimed God.
Inventory:10x Potions of Spell Resistance, 10x Potions of Shield, 10x Potions of Cat's Grace, 10x Potions of Mirror Image, 10x Potions of Bull's Strength, 10x Potions of Fox's Cunning.

Race: Human | Diety: Tyr | Alignment: Lawful Good
STR: 21 | DEX: 15 | CON: 20 | INT: 10 | WIS: 27 | CHA: 18

Blind Fight, Cleave, Power Critical: War Hammer, Great Cleave, Improved Critical: War Hammer, Improved Power Attack, Mobility, Power Attack, Weapon Focus: War Hammer, Weapon Specialization: War Hammer, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, Quick Spell, Divine Might, Armor Skin.

Appraise: 0 | Bluff: 4 | Concentration: 38 | Craft Alchemy: 0 | Craft Armor: 0 | Craft Trap: 0
Craft Weapon: 0 | Diplomacy: 12 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 12 | Hide: -12 | Intimidate: 37
Listen: 8 | Lore: 0 | Move Silently: -12 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: -12 | Perform: 0 | Search: 0 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 13 | Survival: 9 | Taunt: 17 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
• Character Files - (Character Levels 1, 10, 20, 30)
• Soundset Files
• Character Icon 1
• Character Icon 2
Chir Darkflame

Dark Pilgrim's Hat, Chir's robes, Ceremonial Uthgardt Belt, Amulet of Betrayal Personified, Chir's Cloak of Fortification, Bracers of Armor +9, Chir's Ring, Ring of Fire Control, Chir's Club of the Magi.
Inventory:Ioun Stone: Bronze, Ioun Stone: Pale Green, Ioun Stone: Bright Orange, Ioun Stone: Pearly White, Ioun Stone: Lavender, Ioun Stone: Clear, Ioun Stone: Smokey Red, Ioun Stone: Iridescent.

Race: Deep Gnome | Diety: Beshaba | Alignment: Chaotic Evil
STR: 20 | DEX: 26 | CON: 24 | INT: 37 | WIS: 22 | CHA: 20

Master Infiltrator, Serpent's Bane, Elemental's Ruin, Toughness, Weapon Proficiency: Wizard, Arcane Defense: Necromancy, Augment Summoning, Combat Casting, Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy, Grater Spell Penetration, Spell Focus: Necromancy, Spell Penetration, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Scribe Scroll, Epic Spell focus: Necromancy, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Spell: Hell Ball, Epic Spell: Epic Gate, Epic Spell: Mass Fowl, Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast.

Appraise: 3 | Bluff: 5 | Concentration: 43 | Craft Alchemy: 45 | Craft Armor: 43 | Craft Trap: 13
Craft Weapon: 40 | Diplomacy: 5 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 6 | Hide: 32 | Intimidate: 5
Listen: 30 | Lore: 43 | Move Silently: 30 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 10 | Perform: 0 | Search: 15 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 45 | Spot: 8 | Survival: 6 | Taunt: 5 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Edwin Odesseiron

Master Red Wizard's Hood, Master Red Wizard's Robes, Master Red Wizard's Belt, Master Red Wizard's Boots, Edwin's Amulet, Master Red Wizard's Cloak, Master Red Wizard's Gloves, Ring of Acuity, Evermemory, Staff of the Firelord.
Inventory:Rod of Elemental Command, Rod of Impassable Terrain, Rod of Boreal Command, Rod of Beguiling, Rod of Physical Endowment.

Race: Human | Diety: Gargauth | Alignment: Lawful Evil
STR: 16 | DEX: 17 | CON: 23 | INT: 32 | WIS: 16 | CHA: 17

Wizard's Apprentice, Weapon Focus: Ranged Touch Attack, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Wizard, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Arcane Defense, Augment Summoning, Great Spell Focus: Conjuration, Greater Spell Penetration, Spell Focus: Conjuration, Spell Penetration, Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Items, Scribe Scroll, Spellcasting Prodigy, Automatic Quicken Spell 0-1, Epic Prowess, Epic Spell Focus: Conjuration, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Spell: Epic gate, Epic Spell: Hell Ball, Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast.

Appraise: 1 | Bluff: 36 | Concentration: 49 | Craft Alchemy: 45 | Craft Armor: 44 | Craft Trap: 11
Craft Weapon: 44 | Diplomacy: 3 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 3 | Hide: 3 | Intimidate: 6
Listen: 3 | Lore: 45 | Move Silently: 3 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 3 | Perform: 0 | Search: 11 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 43 | Spot: 2 | Survival: 3 | Taunt: 3 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 19
• Character Files - (Character Levels 1, 10, 20, 30)
• Soundset Files
• Custom Hoods
• Character Icon 1
• Character Icon 2
• Character Icon 3
Elanee of Merdelain

Helm of Darkness, Skin of the Viper-Magi, Faraneyth's Redemption, Forest Walkers, Greater Amulet of Health, Drow Piwafi Cloak, Elder Oak Gloves, Ring of Major Acid Resistance, Nentyarch's Band, The Glacier's Wrath.
Inventory:10x Scrolls of Raise Dead, 10x Scrolls of Lesser Restoration, 10x Scrolls of Remove Disease, 10x Scrolls of Cure Critical Wounds, 10x Scrolls of Cure Serious Wounds, 10x Scrolls of Cure Moderate Wounds.

Race: Wood Elf | Diety: Silvanus | Alignment: Neutral Good
STR: 14 | DEX: 22 | CON: 11 | INT: 13 | WIS: 28 | CHA: 12

Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus: Longbow, Power Critical: Longbow, Improved Critical: Longbow, Improved Rapid Shot, Point blank Shot, Toughness, Track, Weapon Focus: Longbow, Zen Archery, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Druid, Weapon Proficiency: Elf, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Augment Summoning, Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Epic Toughness +30.

Appraise: 1 | Bluff: 1 | Concentration: 32 | Craft Alchemy: 1 | Craft Armor: 1 | Craft Trap: 1
Craft Weapon: 1 | Diplomacy: 1 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 41 | Hide: 5 | Intimidate: 1
Listen: 16 | Lore: 8 | Move Silently: 5 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 5 | Perform: 0 | Search: 3 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 33 | Spot: 43 | Survival: 43 | Taunt: 1 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Erin Benowyc

Silver Helm of Fridgid Valor, Silver Armor of Fridgid Valor, Silver Sash of Fridgid Valor, Silver Greaves of Fridgid Valor, Amulet of Fridgid Valor, Silver Cloak of Fridgid Valor, Silver Gauntlets of Fridgid Valor, Loop of Fridgid Valor, Coil of Fridgid Valor, Hofud, Gram.
Inventory:10 Healing Kits +10, 10x Healing Kits +6, Crossbow of the Unicorn, 99X Acid Bolts, 99x Bolts of the Vampire, 99x Bolts of Frostbite.

Race: Human | Diety: Tempus | Alignment: Chaotic Good
STR: 17 | DEX: 29 | CON: 21 | INT: 20 | WIS: 15 | CHA: 22

Veteran, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus: Short Sword, Greater Weapon Specialization: Short Sword, Power Critical: Short Sword, Feint, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Power Attack, Improved Two-Weapon Defense, Mobility, Spring Attack, Two-Weapon Defense, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus: Short Sword, Greater Specialization: Short Sword, Whirlwind Attack, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Spellcasting Prodigy, Epic Weapon Focus: Short Sword, Epic Weapon Specialization: Short Sword, Great Dexterity +1.

Appraise: 5 | Bluff: 6 | Concentration: 5 | Craft Alchemy: 5 | Craft Armor: 5 | Craft Trap: 5
Craft Weapon: 5 | Diplomacy: 5 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 35 | Hide: 8 | Intimidate: 36
Listen: 2 | Lore: 5 | Move Silently: 8 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 60 | Perform: 0 | Search: 5 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 2 | Survival: 2 | Taunt: 9 | Tumble: 24 | Use Magical Device: 0
Finch of Cormyr

Finch's Comfortable Cap, Finch's Leather Armor, Greater Swordsman's Belt, Finch's Resilient Trodders, Harper Pin, Finch's Comforting Cloak, Finch's Wondrous Gloves, Ring of Air Control, Rashemi Berserker's Ring, Finch's Fantastic Lute.
Inventory:Jaheira's Harp, Harp of Pandemonium, Harp of Discord, Heavy Percussion, Drum of Haunting, Flute of Blasting, Elemental Strings, Flame's Tango, Phantom Bow, 99x Piercing Arrows, 99x Fire Arrows, 99x Ice Arrows.

Race: Helf Elf | Diety: Sune | Alignment: Chaotic Good
STR: 22 | DEX: 22 | CON: 17 | INT: 14 | WIS: 7 | CHA: 32

Blind Fight, Curse Song, Dash, Dodge, Elemental's Ruin, Extra Music, Lingering Song, Mobility, Spring Attack, Toughness, Armor Proficiency: Light, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Bard, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Augment Healing, Extend Spell, Skill Focus: Perform, Armor Skin, Chorus of Heroism, Epic Toughness +30.

Appraise: 2 | Bluff: 46 | Concentration: 36 | Craft Alchemy: 2 | Craft Armor: 2 | Craft Trap: 2
Craft Weapon: 2 | Diplomacy: 17 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: -2 | Hide: 6 | Intimidate: 16
Listen: 32 | Lore: 63 | Move Silently: 6 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 6 | Perform: 61 | Search: 3 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: `2 | Spot: -1 | Survival: -2 | Taunt: 11 | Tumble: 16 | Use Magical Device: 18
Gann of Dreams

Dream-master's Band, Dream-master's Armor, Dream-master's Belt, Dream-master's Boots, Dream-master's Locket, Dream-master's Cloak, Dream-master's Bracers, Ring of Improved Evasion, Rashemi Wychlaran's Ring, Dream, Nightmare.
Inventory:Scabbard of Keen Edges, Scabbard of Blessing, Gem of Brightness, Orglash Crystal, Gem of Seeing, 10x Potion of Heal, 10x Potions of Speed, 10x Potion of Invisibility.

Race: Hagspawn | Diety: None | Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
STR: 24 | DEX: 20 | CON: 18 | INT: 11 | WIS: 25 | CHA: 23

Dreamer's Voice, Blind Fight, Dash, Dodge, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Specialization: Scimitar, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Spirit Shaman, Combat Casting, Greater Spell Penetration, Epic Toughness +90, Great Strength +3.

Appraise: 0 | Bluff: 6 | Concentration: 34 | Craft Alchemy: 0 | Craft Armor: 0 | Craft Trap: 0
Craft Weapon: 0 | Diplomacy: 6 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 11 | Hide: 18 | Intimidate: 6
Listen: 15 | Lore: 2 | Move Silently: 18 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 2 | Perform: 0 | Search: 0 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 18 | Spellcraft: 35 | Spot: 16 | Survival: 7 | Taunt: 6 | Tumble: 12 | Use Magical Device: 0
Grobnar Gnomehands

The Laurel Crown, Grobnar's Merry Mischief, Quiver of Supreme Skill, Wendersnaven Slippers, Ysridain's Soul, Cape of the Fire Bath, Wondrous Gloves, Ring of Universal Energy Resistance, Ring of Regeneration, Wendersnaven's Dream Bow.
Inventory:Chime of Opening, Wenderkazoo, Methilid's Harp, Demon Horn, Doss Lute, River Dance, Coffin's Call, Paramour's Ebony Mandolin.

Race: Rock Gnome | Diety: Garl Glittergold | Alignment: Chaotic Good
STR: 14 | DEX: 23 | CON: 22 | INT: 12 | WIS: 9 | CHA: 30

Curse Song, Power Critical: Light Crossbow, Improved Critical: Light Crossbow, Lingering Song, Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus: Light Crossbow, Weapon Specialization: Light Crossbow, Armor Proficiency: Light, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Bard, Weapon Proficiency: Rogue, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Great Spell Focus: Enchantment, Able Learner, Skill Focus: Concentration, Great Charisma +2.

Appraise: 34 | Bluff: 10 | Concentration: 49 | Craft Alchemy: 5 | Craft Armor: 5| Craft Trap: 1
Craft Weapon: 1 | Diplomacy: 10 | Disable Device: 2 | Heal: -1 | Hide: 4 | Intimidate: 43
Listen: 1 | Lore: 52 | Move Silently: 4 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 4 | Perform: 61 | Search: 1 | Set Trap: 47
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: -1 | Survival: -1 | Taunt: 42 | Tumble: 14 | Use Magical Device: 14
Grykk Bannersworn

Torm-Blessed Adamantine Helm, Torm-Blessed Adamantine Plate, Relli's Belt of Mischief, Torm-Blessed Boots, Scarab of Greater Protection, Torm-Blessed Cloak, Torm-Blessed Adamantine Guantlets, Ring of Power, The Practical Ring, Torm-Blessed Axe of the Holy, Torm-Blessed Heavy Shield.
Inventory:Ioun Stone: Snow Obsidian, Ioun Stone: Olive Green, Ioun Stone: Crimson, 50x Rifthome Axes, 50x Black Raven Axes.

Race: Half-Orb | Diety: Torm | Alignment: Lawful Good
STR: 27 | DEX: 17 | CON: 21 | INT: 8 | WIS: 14 | CHA: 25

Blind Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Disarm, Greater Weapon Focus: Greataxe, Greater Weapon Specialization: Greataxe, Power Critical: Greataxe, Great Cleave, Improved Critical: Greataxe, Improves Knockdown, Improved Power Attack, Monkey Grip, Power Attack, Weapon Focus: Greataxe, Weapon Specialization: Greataxe, Weapon Focus: Throwing Axe, Weapon Specialization: Throwing Axe, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Extra Smiting, Skill Focus: Diplomacy, Luck of Heroes, Armor Skin, Epic Prowess, Great Strength +1, Epic Weapon Focus: Greataxe, Epic Weapon Specialization: Greataxe.

Appraise: -1 | Bluff: 9 | Concentration: 7 | Craft Alchemy: -1 | Craft Armor: -1 | Craft Trap: -1
Craft Weapon: -1 | Diplomacy: 22 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 2 | Hide: -2 | Intimidate: 9
Listen: 2 | Lore: -1 | Move Silently: -2 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 53 | Perform: 0 | Search: -1 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 2 | Survival: 2 | Taunt: 7 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Gustappo the Shadowblade

Loki's Cowl, Loki's Loki's Hauberk, Loki's Wrap, Loki's Hooves, Beaded Resisting Stones, Loki's Cape, Loki's Grips, Mercykiller Ring, The Master's Band, Loki's Right Razor, Loki's Left Axe.
Inventory:10x Theives Tools +10, Harpy Saliva, Soul Fyre, Wyvern Poison, Dragon Bile, Black Lotus Extract, Deadly Giant Centipede Venom, Deadly Giatn Bee Venom, Deadly Giant Scorpion Venom.

Race: Deep Gnome | Diety: Mask | Alignment: Neutral Evil
STR: 19 | DEX: 33 | CON: 21 | INT: 21 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 11

Wild Child, Builder's Ruin, Combat Expertise, Death's Ruin, Dodge, Elemental's Ruin, Greater Weapon Focus: Short Sword, Greater Weapon Specialization: Short Sword, Greater Weapon Focus: Handaxe, Greater Weapon Specialization: Handaxe, Feint, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Nature's Ruin, Spirit's Ruin, Two-Weapon Fighting, Use Poison, Weapon Finesse, Armor Proficiency: Light, Weapon Proficiency: Rogue, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Luck of Heroes, Great Strength +1, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting.

Appraise: 3 | Bluff: 8 | Concentration: 7 | Craft Alchemy: 7 | Craft Armor: 5 | Craft Trap: 5
Craft Weapon: 5 | Diplomacy: 0 | Disable Device: 37 | Heal: 3 | Hide: 60 | Intimidate: 0
Listen: 11 | Lore: 3 | Move Silently: 58 | Open Lock: 46 | Parry: 11 | Perform: 0 | Search: 22 | Set Trap: 58
Slight of Hand: 46 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 10 | Survival: 6 | Taunt: 0 | Tumble: 42 | Use Magical Device: 20
Hellgardt Hammerhand

Entemoch's Circlet, Entemoch's Judogi,Entemoch's Belt, Entemoch's Boots, Ribbon, Entemoch's Cloak, Entemoch's Gloves, Ring of Roaring Lions, Ting of Contemplative Meditation.
Inventory:10x Healer's Kit +10, 10x Cure Serious Wound Scrolls, 10x Cure Critical Wound Scrolls, 10x Mass Cure Serious Wound Scrolls, 10x Mass Cure Critical Wound Scrolls, 10x Heal Scrolls, 10x Mass Heal Scrolls.

Race: Earth Genasi | Diety: Grumbar | Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR: 27 | DEX: 17 | CON: 21 | INT: 19 | WIS: 25 | CHA: 17

Devout, Blind-Fight, Deflect Arrows, Greater Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike, Greater Weapon Specialization: Unarmed Strike, Power Critical: Unarmed Strike, Improved Critical: Unarmed Strike, Improved Knockdown, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Stunning Fist, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike, Greater Weapon Specialization: Unarmed Strike, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Monk, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Augment Healing, Combat Casting, Skill Focus: Parry, Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Spellcasting Prodigy, Armor Skin, Great Wisdom +1, Improved Spell Resistance +6.

Appraise: 4 | Bluff: 2 | Concentration: 6 | Craft Alchemy: 4 | Craft Armor: 4 | Craft Trap: 4
Craft Weapon: 4 | Diplomacy: 2 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 34 | Hide: 32 | Intimidate: 3
Listen: 7 | Lore: 14 | Move Silently: 31 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 39 | Perform: 0 | Search: 4 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 7 | Survival: 7 | Taunt: 3 | Tumble: 33 | Use Magical Device: 0
Heshiro "Edge" Mushashi

The Ronin's Band, The Ronin's Armor, The Ronin's Belt, The Ronin's Boots, The Ronin's Locket, The Ronin's Cloak, The Ronin's Bracers, Ring of Air Control, Ring of Universal Energy Resistance, The Rising Sun, The Full Moon.
Inventory:50x Shuriken of Mystra, 50x Shuriken +5, 50x Many Talons, 50x Dragon's Tails, 50x Shining Light, 50x Stars of Ojy-do.

Race: Human | Diety: Hoar | Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR: 24 | DEX: 24 | CON: 18 | INT: 14 | WIS: 14 | CHA: 10

Foreigner, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Dash, Dodge, Elemental's Ruin, Greater Weapon Focus: Katana, Greater Weapon Specialization: Katana, Power Critical: Katana, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Power Attack, Improved Two-Weapon Defense, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Toughness, Two-Weapon Fighting Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus: Katana, Weapon Specialization: Katana, Whirlwind Attack, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Weapon Proficiency: Rogue, Luck of Heroes, Epic Weapon Focus: Katana, Epic Weapon Specialization: Katana.

Appraise: 2 | Bluff: 0 | Concentration: 4 | Craft Alchemy: 2 | Craft Armor: 2 | Craft Trap: 2
Craft Weapon: 17 | Diplomacy: -1 | Disable Device: 2 | Heal: 2 | Hide: 39 | Intimidate: 32
Listen: 2 | Lore: 3 | Move Silently: 38 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 40 | Perform: 0 | Search: 2 | Set Trap: 24
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 8 | Spot: 2 | Survival: 2 | Taunt: 0 | Tumble: 24 | Use Magical Device: 0
Hildr the Hand of Odin

Helm of Fridgid Valor, Hauberk of Fridgid Valor, Sash of Fridgid Valor, Greaves of Fridgid Valor, Medallion of Fridgid Valor, Cloak of Fridgid Valor, Guantlets of Fridgid Valor, Band of Fridgid Valor, Ring of Fridgid Valor, Dainsleif, The Shield of Fridgid Valor.
Inventory:Broch of Shielding, lantern of Revealing, Bowl of Elemental Command, Censer of Controlling Air Elementals.

Race: Human | Diety: Tyr | Alignment: Lawful Good
STR: 19 | DEX: 19 | CON: 19 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 33

Devout, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Death's Ruin, Greater Weapon Focus: Longsword, Greater Weapon Specialization: Longsword, Power Critical: Longsword, Improved Critical: Longsword, Knockdown, Power Attack, Spirit's Ruin, Sprint Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Longsword, Weapon Specialization: Longsword, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Augment Healing, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, Extra Smiting, Spellcasting Prodigy, Great Charisma +1, Great Smiting VII.

Appraise: 3 | Bluff: 10 | Concentration: 35 | Craft Alchemy: 3 | Craft Armor: 3 | Craft Trap: 3
Craft Weapon: 3 | Diplomacy: 10 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 33 | Hide: -9 | Intimidate: 11
Listen: 3 | Lore: 6 | Move Silently: -9 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: -5 | Perform: 0 | Search: 3 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 3 | Survival: 3 | Taunt: 11 | Tumble: 7 | Use Magical Device: 27
Imoen of Candlekeep

Imoen's Suede Headband, Imoen's Suede Imoen's Suuede Suit, The Golden Girdle of Urnst, Imoen's Suede Stalkers, Gaelan's Amulet of Power, Imoen's Suede Cape, Imoen's Suede Gloves, Reachign Ring, The Ring of Gaxx, Imoen's Frostbound Heat-Seeker.
Inventory:10x Thieves's Tools +10, Lesser Oathbow, The Wizard's Ally, 99x Piercing Arrows, 99x Fire Arrows, 99x Keening Reeds, 99 Lightning Arrows.

Race: Human | Diety: Mystra | Alignment: Neutral Good
STR: 14 | DEX: 17 | CON: 19 | INT: 26 | WIS: 10 | CHA: 10


Appraise: 6 | Bluff: 4 | Concentration: 42 | Craft Alchemy: 8 | Craft Armor: 8 | Craft Trap: 8
Craft Weapon: 8 | Diplomacy: 8 | Disable Device: 41 | Heal: 0 | Hide: 8 | Intimidate: 0
Listen: 6 | Lore: 15 | Move Silently: 8 | Open Lock: 46 | Parry: 3 | Perform: 0 | Search: 41 | Set Trap: 2
Slight of Hand: 46 | Spellcraft: 41 | Spot: 25 | Survival: 5 | Taunt: 0 | Tumble: 34 | Use Magical Device: 33
• Character Files - (Character Levels 1, 10, 20, 30)
• Soundset Files
• Character Icon 1
• Character Icon 2
Inshula Sar Mashewe

Snow Tiger Helm, Inshula's Armor, Belt of Lions, Inshula's Boots of Hardiness, Inshula's Medicine Pouch, Cloak of Displacement, Gnarlthorn's Sacrifice, Ring of Protectin +5, Ring of Earth Control, Typhoon, Tsunami.
Inventory:Inshula's Preyhunter, 99x Acid Bolts, 99x Paralytic Bolts, 99x Poison Bolts, 99x Bolts of Fire, 99x Bolts of Frost, 99x Bolts of Petrification.

Race: Human | Diety: Silvanus | Alignment: Neutral
STR: 22 | DEX: 23 | CON: 16 | INT: 9 | WIS: 14 | CHA: 8

Dodge, Elemental's Ruin, Greater Weapon Focus: Kama, Power Critical: Kama, Power Critical: Heavy Crossbow, Improved Critical: Heavy Crossbow, Improved Power Attack, Improved Two-Weapon Defense, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Reload, Toughness, Track, Two-Weapon Defense, Weapon Focus: Kama, Weapon Specialization: Kama, Weapon Focus: Heavy Crossbow, Weapon Specialization: Heavy Crossbow, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting: Ranger, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting: Ranger, Two-Weapon Fighting: Ranger, Epic Weapon Focus: Kama, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting: Ranger.

Appraise: -1 | Bluff: -1 | Concentration: 26 | Craft Alchemy: -1 | Craft Armor: -1 | Craft Trap: -1
Craft Weapon: -1 | Diplomacy: -1 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 2 | Hide: 38 | Intimidate: -1
Listen: 2 | Lore: -1 | Move Silently: 48 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 36 | Perform: 0 | Search: 22 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 2 | Survival: 27 | Taunt: -1 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Isho Oroshi

Sensei's Hachi Gane, Sensei's Karategi, Sensei's Himo, Sensei's Tabi, Sensei's Guruwa, Sensei's Horo, Sensei's Kote, Sensei's Ringu, Master Inshin Oroshi's Ringu, Sky Render.
Inventory:50x Shuriken of Mystra, 50x Shurkine of the White Dragon, 50x Grains of Sand, 50x Many Talons, 50x Dragon's Tail, 50x Shining Light, 50x Stars of Ojy-do, 50x Cold Iron Shuriken.

Race: Human | Diety: Bane | Alignment: Lawful Evil
STR: 31 | DEX: 22 | CON: 22 | INT: 21 | WIS: 16 | CHA: 16

Foreigner, Blind-Fight, Builder's Ruin, Combat Expertise, Death's Ruin, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Elemental's Ruin, Greater Weapon Focus: Katana, Greater Weapon Specialization: Katana, Greater Weapon Focus: Shuriken, Greater Weapon Specialization: Shuriken, Power Critical: Katana, Power Critical: Shuriken, Improved Parry, Improved Power Attack, Mobility, Natures Ruin, Power Attack, Spirit's Ruin, Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus: Katana, Weapon Specialization: Katana, Weapon Focus: Shuriken, Weapon Specialization: Shuriken, Whirlwind Attack, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Luck of Heroes, Armor Skin, Epic Weapon Focus: Katana, Epic Weapon Specialization: Katana.

Appraise: 5 | Bluff: 35 | Concentration: 6 | Craft Alchemy: 5 | Craft Armor: 5 | Craft Trap: 5
Craft Weapon: 5 | Diplomacy: 2 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 3 | Hide: 6| Intimidate: 29
Listen: 3 | Lore: 6 | Move Silently: 6 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 59 | Perform: 0 | Search: 5 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 3 | Survival: 3 | Taunt: 36 | Tumble: 49 | Use Magical Device: 0

Nature's Alpha Wisdom, Nature's Alpha Hide, Nature's Alpha Sash, Nature's Alpha Hooves, Harper Pin, Nature's Alpha Embrace, Nature's Alpha Claws, Ring of Animal Friendship, Ring of Fire Control, Nature's Supreme Fang.
Inventory:Giant Feller, 99x Kudeu Nuts, 99x Farel's Gold, 99x Giant's Bane, 99x Lightning Bullet, 99x Bullet of Screaming, 99x Bullet of Smiting, 99x Fire Bullets.

Race: Half-Elf | Diety: Silvanus | Alignment: Neutral
STR: 22 | DEX: 18 | CON: 22 | INT: 17 | WIS: 33 | CHA: 15

Bully, Elemental's Ruin, Greater Weapon Focus: Quarterstaff, Power Critical: Quarterstaff, Improved Power Attack, Knockdown, Natural Bond, Power Attack, Weapon Focus: Quarterstaff, Weapon Specialization: Quarterstaff, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Druid, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Practiced Spellcaster, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Quicken Spell, Alertness, Iron Will, Spellcasting Prodigy, Epic Spell: Hellball, Epic Weapon Focus: Quarterstaff, Magical Beast Wild Shape.

Appraise: 3 | Bluff: 3 | Concentration: 39 | Craft Alchemy: 3 | Craft Armor: 3 | Craft Trap: 3
Craft Weapon: 3 | Diplomacy: 13 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 11 | Hide: 1 | Intimidate: 3
Listen: 14 | Lore: 12 | Move Silently: 1 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 1 | Perform: 0 | Search: 4 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 36 | Spot: 18 | Survival: 54 | Taunt: 2 | Tumble: 11 | Use Magical Device: 0
• Character Files - (Character Levels 1, 10, 20, 30)
• Soundset Files
• Character Icon 1
• Character Icon 2
Kaelyn the Dove

Arch-Angel's Halo, Arch-Angel's Devout Heart, Arch-Angel's Trim, Arch-Angel's Heels, Arch-Angel's Tear, Arch-Angel's Wings, Arch-Angel's Guards, Lyonsbane Ring, Ring Holiness, Dream Longbow.
Inventory:Universal Key, Book of the Waves, Hulmarra's Emerald, Jade Hound, Orb of Elemental Summoning, Orglash Crystal, Wand of Cure Critical Wounds, Wand of Restoration.

Race: Half-Celestial | Diety: Ilmater | Alignment: Neutral Good
STR: 23 | DEX: 25 | CON: 25 | INT: 17 | WIS: 37 | CHA: 22

Devotion of the Menagerie, Improved Critical: Longbow, Improved Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Toughness, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Bard, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple. Augment Healing, Practiced Spellcaster, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Quicken Spell, Empower Turning.

Appraise: 3 | Bluff: 6 | Concentration: 40 | Craft Alchemy: 3 | Craft Armor: 3 | Craft Trap: 3
Craft Weapon: 3 | Diplomacy: 12 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 46 | Hide: 6 | Intimidate: 6
Listen: 13 | Lore: 15 | Move Silently: 6 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 10 | Perform: 38 | Search: 5 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 35 | Spot: 13 | Survival: 13 | Taunt: 6 | Tumble: 36 | Use Magical Device: 0
The Kaiser

The Helm of Nul Gul'tare, The Armor of Nul Gul'tare, The Sash of Nul Gul'tare, The Horn of Nul Gul'tare, The Cape of Nul Gul'tare, The Gauntlets of Nul Gul'tare, The Greaves of Nul Gul'tare, The Right Finger of Nul Gul'tare, The Left Finger of Nul Gul'tare, The Unholy Reaver.
Inventory:Soul Fyre, Harpy Saliva, Black Lotus Extract, Dragon Bile, Wyvern Poison, Deadly Giant Bee Venom, Deadly Giant Scorpion Venom, Deadly Giant Centipede Venom.

Race: Tiefling | Diety: Tempus | Alignment: Chaotic Evil
STR: 27 | DEX: 17 | CON: 29 | INT: 21 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 13

Bully, Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus: Greatsword, Greater Weapon Specialization: Greatsword, Power Critical: Greatsword, Extend rage, Extra Rage, Great Cleave, Improved Knockdown, Improved Power Attack, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Toughness, Use Poison, Weapon Focus: Greatsword, Weapon Specialization: Greatsword, Armor Proficiency: Heavy,Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Luck of Heroes, Epic Damage Reduction 9, Epic Toughness +30, Great Constitution +1.

Appraise: 5 | Bluff: 2 | Concentration: 9 | Craft Alchemy: 5 | Craft Armor: 5 | Craft Trap: 5
Craft Weapon: 5 | Diplomacy: -1 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 29 | Hide: 7 | Intimidate: 32
Listen: 8 | Lore: 5 | Move Silently: 0 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 30 | Perform: 0 | Search: 5 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 3 | Survival: 4 | Taunt: 31 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 17
• Character Files - (Character Levels 1, 10, 20, 30)
• Demon Eyes & Face
• Character Icon 1
• Character Icon 2
Kcon Worra

Skadi's Hat, Skadi's Pelt, Skadi's Quiver, Skadi's Boots, Amulet of Cheetah Speed, Skadi's Cape, Skadi's Bracers, Ring of Universal Energy Resistance, Ring of Animal Friendship, The Fool's Bow.
Inventory:The Golden Spear, 99x Piercing Arrows, 99x Fire Arrows, 99x Ice Arrows, 99x Lightning Arrows, 99x Acid Arrows, 99x Poison Arrows, 99x Adamantine Arrows, 99x Cold Iron Arrows.

Race: Gray Dwarf | Diety: Lurue | Alignment: Chaotic Good
STR: 21 | DEX: 31 | CON: 21 | INT: 17 | WIS: 21 | CHA: 11

Wild Child, Dash, Power Critical: Longbow, Power Critical: Spear, Extend rage, Improved Power Attack, Natural Bond, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Toughness, Track, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus: Spear, Weapon Specialization: Spear, Weapon Focus: Longbow, Weapon Specialization: Longbow, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Dwarf, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Improved rapid Shot, Manyshot, Luck of Heroes, Armor Skin, Great Dexterity +1. One Shot.

Appraise: 1 | Bluff: 0 | Concentration: 5 | Craft Alchemy: 3 | Craft Armor: 3 | Craft Trap: 3
Craft Weapon: 3 | Diplomacy: 0 | Disable Device: 2 | Heal: 32 | Hide: 43 | Intimidate: 0
Listen: 6 | Lore: 3 | Move Silently: 47 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 10 | Perform: 0 | Search: 5 | Set Trap: 37
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 33 | Survival: 43 | Taunt: 0 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Ki Drost

Arch-Angel's Halo, Holy Robes of the White Wizard, Mystran Belt of Priestly Might, Kitten Slippers, The Likely Amulet, Cape of the White Wizard, Gloves of Virtue, Ring of Holiness, Rashemi Wychlaran's Ring.
Inventory:Whistling Sling, Shield of the Magi, Rod of Resurrection, 10x Coins of Life, Saintblood Perl, 10x Healers Kits +10.

Race: Human | Diety: Lathander | Alignment: Lawful Good
STR: 14 | DEX: 16 | CON: 16 | INT: 10 | WIS: 26 | CHA: 20

The Flirt, Improved Critical: Ranged Touch Attack, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Augment healing, Practiced Spellcaster: Cleric, Practiced Spellcaster: Sorcerer, Greater Spell Penetration, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Empower Turning, Improved Turning, Skill Focus: Concentration, Spellcasting Prodigy.

Appraise: 0 | Bluff: 5 | Concentration: 39 | Craft Alchemy: 0 | Craft Armor: 0 | Craft Trap: 0
Craft Weapon: 0 | Diplomacy: 39 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 55 | Hide: 3 | Intimidate: 3
Listen: 9 | Lore: 0 | Move Silently: 19 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 3 | Perform: 0 | Search: 0 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 30 | Spot: 8 | Survival: 8 | Taunt: 5 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Khelgar Ironfist

Ironfist's Second Skull, The Storm Armor of Earth's Children, Belt of Ironfist, Khelgar's Riveted Boots, Amulet of Natural Armor +5, The Regal Cloak, Gauntlets of Ironfist, Ring of Protection +5, Ashenring, Hammer of Ironfist, Sey'ryu's Scales.
Inventory:10x Perfected Holy Water, 10x Perfected Alchemist's Fire, 10x Perfected Acid Flasks, 50x Sacred Throwing Axes, 50x Rifthome Axes.

Race: Shield Dwarf | Diety: Clangeddin Silverbeard | Alignment: Neutral Good
STR: 24 | DEX: 21 | CON: 29 | INT: 17 | WIS: 16 | CHA: 14

Blind-Fight, Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus: Warhammer, Greater Weapon Specialization: Warhammer, Power Critical: Warhammer, Extend Rage, Great Cleave, Improved Critical: Warhammer, Improved Power Attack, Knockdown, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Warhammer, Weapon Specialization: Warhammer, Weapon Specialization: Unarmed Strike, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Dwarf, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Armor Skin, Epic Damage Reduction 9, Epic Toughness +90, Epic Focus: Warhammer, Epic Weapon Specialization: Warhammer.

Appraise: 3 | Bluff: 2 | Concentration: 9 | Craft Alchemy: 3 | Craft Armor: 3 | Craft Trap: 3
Craft Weapon: 36 | Diplomacy: 12 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 3 | Hide: -8 | Intimidate: 2
Listen: 3 | Lore: 9 | Move Silently: -8 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: -8 | Perform: 0 | Search: 5 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 3 | Survival: 3 | Taunt: 35 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Kiv Reinsdottir

Arcanium Heavy Starkakedja Helm, Arcanium Heavy Starkakedja Armor, Arcanium Girdle, Arcanium Heavy Starkakedja Boots, Arcanium Necklace, Silksteel Cloak, Arcanium Heavy Starkakedja Gloves, Arcanium Bound Ring, Arcanium Forged Ring, Arcanium Burisaz Skald Sword.
Inventory:Censer of controlling Air Elementals, Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals.

Race: Human | Diety: Red Knight | Alignment: Neutral
STR: 26 | DEX: 21 | CON: 21 | INT: 21 | WIS: 15 | CHA: 25

Bully, Battle Caster, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword, Greater Weapon Specialization: Bastard Sword, Power Critical: Bastard Sword, Improved Knockdown, Improved Power Attack, Lingering Song, Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword, Weapon Specialization: Bastard Sword, Whirlwind Attack, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Bard, Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Extend Spell, Luck of Heroes, Epic Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword, Epic Weapon Specialization: Bastard Sword, Great Charisma +1.

Appraise: 5 | Bluff: 6 | Concentration: 44 | Craft Alchemy: 5 | Craft Armor: 5 | Craft Trap: 5
Craft Weapon: 5 | Diplomacy: 5 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 2 | Hide: 3 | Intimidate: 41
Listen: 2 | Lore: 19 | Move Silently: 3 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 36 | Perform: 40 | Search: 5 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 25 | Spot: 2 | Survival: 2 | Taunt: 31 | Tumble: 39 | Use Magical Device: 0
Kravin Termay

Athasian Headband of Mental Focus, Athasian Order Robes, Belt of Lions, Athasian Boots of Hardiness, Scarab of Greater Protection, Athasian Cloak of Resistance, Athasian Bracers of the Half-Giant, Ashenring, Ring of Water Control, Athasian Short Sword of Quickness, Athasian Shield of the Magi.
Inventory:10x Scrolls of Power Word: Kill, 10x Scrolls of Power Word: Stun, 10x Scrolls of Power Word: Petrify.

Race: Human | Diety: Grumbar | Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR: 18 | DEX: 10 | CON: 21 | INT: 18 | WIS: 23 | CHA: 28

Elemental's Ruin, Toughness, Weapon Specialization: Short Sword, Armor Proficiency: Light, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Spirit Shaman, Practiced Spellcaster: Sorceror, Practiced Spellcaster: Spirit Shaman, Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment, Greater Spell Penetration, Spell Focus: Enchantment, Spell Penetration, Extend Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Iron Will, Alertness, Spellcasting Prodigy, Epic Spell Focus: Enchantment, Epic Spell Penetration, Great Charisma +1.

Appraise: 4 | Bluff: 42 | Concentration: 38 | Craft Alchemy: 4 | Craft Armor: 4 | Craft Trap: 4
Craft Weapon: 4 | Diplomacy: 9 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 6 | Hide: -1 | Intimidate: 9
Listen: 8 | Lore: 4 | Move Silently: 9 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: -1 | Perform: 0 | Search: 4 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 34 | Spot: 8 | Survival: 29 | Taunt: 9 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Lastri Kassireh

Kassireh Family Hat, Lastri's Supple Leather Armor, Belt of Storm Giant Strength, Boots of Striding +8, Amulet of Natural Armor +5, Lastri's Cloak of Protection +7, Bracrs of Armor +9, Ring of Power, Lastri's Ring of the Ram, Lastri's Short Rapier, Lastri's Main-gauche.
Inventory:50x Ice Darts, 50x Fire Darts, 50x Acid Darts, 50x Asps's Nest, 50x Darts of Accuracy, 50x Darts of Stunning.

Race: Lightfoot Halfling | Diety: Umberlee | Alignment: Neutral
STR: 20 | DEX: 32 | CON: 22 | INT: 14 | WIS: 10 | CHA: 12

Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus: Short Sword, Greater Weapon Specialization: Short Sword, Greater Weapon Focus: Dagger, Greater Weapon Specialization: Dagger, Power Critical: Short Sword, Power Critical: Dagger, Feint, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Disarm, Improved Knockdown, Improved Parry, Improved Power Attack, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Whirlwind Attack, Armor Proficiency: Light, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Luck of Heroes, Perfect Two-Weapon Fightning.

Appraise: 2 | Bluff: 39 | Concentration: 6 | Craft Alchemy: 2 | Craft Armor: 6 | Craft Trap: 2
Craft Weapon: 2 | Diplomacy: 6 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 0 | Hide: 11 | Intimidate: 1
Listen: 21 | Lore: 6 | Move Silently: 13 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 59 | Perform: 0 | Search: 2 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 31 | Survival: 0 | Taunt: 34 | Tumble: 44 | Use Magical Device: 0
Magus Shadowhelm

Illefarm Ruby Ioun Stone, Illefarm Mage Armor, Illefarm Belot of Strength, Illefarm Boots of the Eldrich Knight, Illefarm Necklace of 14 Jewels, Cloak of the Bat, Gloves of Missile Snaring, Ring of Wizardry, Ring of Lesser Fire Control, The Darkscythe.
Inventory:Illefarm Tome of Time, Illefarm Tome of Fate, Illefarm Tome of Life Persuasion, Illefarm Tome of Life, Illefarm Tome of Death, Illefarm Tome of Reason.

Race: Moon Elf | Diety: No Diety | Alignment: Neutral Evil
STR: 24 | DEX: 16 | CON: 20 | INT: 30 | WIS: 11 | CHA: 1

Bully, Deflect Arrows, Elemental's Ruin, Greater Weapon Specialization: Scythe, Power Critical: Scythe, Improved Power Attack, Knockdown, Knockdown, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Scythe, Weapon Specialization: Scythe, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Elf, Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Weapon Proficiency: Wizard, Combat Casting, Extend Spell, Improved Empower Spell, Improved Maximize Spell, Improved Quicken Spell, Persistent Spell, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus: Concentration, Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Spellcasting Prodigy, Armor Skin, Epic Spell: Epic Gate, Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast, Epic Toughness +30.

Appraise: 15 | Bluff: -1 | Concentration: 42 | Craft Alchemy: 43 | Craft Armor: 9 | Craft Trap: 9
Craft Weapon: 10 | Diplomacy: -1 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 0 | Hide: 18 | Intimidate: 44
Listen: 2 | Lore: 44 | Move Silently: 18 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: -2 | Perform: 0 | Search: 12 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 46 | Spot: 2 | Survival: 0 | Taunt: 0 | Tumble: 14 | Use Magical Device: 16
Mantides of Westgate (Fallen Version)

Balduran's Helm, Balduran's Armor, Belt of Storm Giant Strength, Balduran's Boots, Amulet of Natural Armor, Balduran's Cloak, Balduran's Gauntlets, Ring of Fire Control, Ring of Universal Energy Resistance, Lilarcor.
Inventory:Glasses of Identification, Broach of Shielding, Golden Chalice of Lathander, Scabbard of Blessing, Lantern of Revealing, Lens of Detection.

Race: Human | Diety: None | Alignment: Neutral Good
STR: 30 | DEX: 19 | CON: 20 | INT: 20 | WIS: 12 | CHA: 9

Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dash, Disarm, Dodge, Elemental's Ruin, Greater Weapon Focus: Greatsword, Greater Weapon Specialization: Greatsword, Power Critical: Greatsword, Feint, Great Cleave, Improve Power Attack, Knockdown, Mobility, Power Attack, Rapid Reload, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus: Greatsword, Weapon Specialization: Greatsword, Whirlwind Attack, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Iron Will, Armor Skin, Great Strength +2, Epic Weapon Focus: Greatsword, Epic Weapon Specialization: Greatsword.

Appraise: 21 | Bluff: 25 | Concentration: 7 | Craft Alchemy: 5 | Craft Armor: 5 | Craft Trap: 5
Craft Weapon: 6 | Diplomacy: 9 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 17 | Hide: -3 | Intimidate: 25
Listen: 1 | Lore: 7 | Move Silently: -3 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: -3 | Perform: 0 | Search: 7 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 21 | Spot: 1 | Survival: 17 | Taunt: 15 | Tumble: 13 | Use Magical Device: 0
Mica Drost

Circlet of Netheril, Robes of the Arch-mage, Mystran Belt of Warding, Treds of Yoshimo, Eldritch Charm, Cape of Conjuration, Mica's Mage Fists, Ring of Earth Control, Ring of Power, Dagger of Evocation.
Inventory:Wand of Force, Wand of the Glacier, Wand of Cloudkill, Wand of Spell Striking, Wand of Apprenti, Wand of Conjuration.

Race: Human | Diety: Selune | Alignment: Neutral Good
STR: 14 | DEX: 16 | CON: 16 | INT: 23 | WIS: 20 | CHA: 10

Appraiser, Dinosaur Companion, Natural Bond, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Druid, Weapon Proficiency: Wizard, Augment Summoning, Combat Casting, Practiced Spellcaster: Druid, Practiced Spellcaster: Wizard, Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration, Spell Focus: Conjuration, Spell Penetration, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spellcasting Prodigy, Epic Spell: Gate, Epic Spell: Mass Fowl, Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast.

Appraise: 24 | Bluff: 3 | Concentration: 38 | Craft Alchemy: 37 | Craft Armor: 37 | Craft Trap: 9
Craft Weapon: 37 | Diplomacy: 0 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 36 | Hide: 3 | Intimidate: 0
Listen: 5 | Lore: 7 | Move Silently: 3 | Open Lock: 19 | Parry: 3 | Perform: 0 | Search: 22 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 39 | Spot: 19 | Survival: 7 | Taunt: 0 | Tumble: 13 | Use Magical Device: 13
Mukiryokuna the Obstinate

Arreat's Face, The Chains of Honor, Verdungo's Hearty Cord, Gore Riders, The Judicious Choker, Blinkbat's Form, Steelrend, Ring of Universal Energy Resistance, The Ring of Gaxx, Death Cleaver, Beast.
Inventory:10x Blast Globes, 10x Perfected Choking Powder, 10x Silence Stones, 10x Perfected Thunderstone, 10x Dust of Appearance.

Race: Human | Diety: Tempus | Alignment: Chaotic Good
STR: 27 | DEX: 23 | CON: 23 | INT: 20 | WIS: 15 | CHA: 15

Veteran, Combat Expertise, Dash, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus: Battleaxe, Greater Weapon Specialization: Battleaxe, Power Critical: Battleaxe, Extend Rage, Greater Resiliency, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical: Battleaxe, Improved Power Attack, Improved Two-Weapon Defense, Mobility, Power Attack, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Toughness, Whirlwind Attack, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Luck of Heroes, Epic Toughness +120.

Appraise: 5 | Bluff: 2 | Concentration: 6 | Craft Alchemy: 5 | Craft Armor: 38 | Craft Trap: 5
Craft Weapon: 38 | Diplomacy: 1 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 2 | Hide: 5 | Intimidate: 35
Listen: 2 | Lore: 5 | Move Silently: 5 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 38 | Perform: 0 | Search: 5 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 2 | Survival: 35 | Taunt: 35 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Navareen Nevermourn

Nightshade's Hat, Nightshade's Shirt, Nightshade's Belt, Nightshade's Boots, Greater Amulet of Health, Nightshade's Coak, Nightshade's Gloves, Ring of Universal Energy Resistance, Ring of the Ram, Nightshade's Stunning Stab, Nightshade's Rapier of Speed.
Inventory:Wyvern Poison, Dragon Bile, Black Lotus Extract, 10x Thieves's Tools +10, 10x Potiona of Speed, 40x Traps.

Race: Strongheart Halfling | Diety: Leira | Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
STR: 19 | DEX: 29 | CON: 19 | INT: 27 | WIS: 15 | CHA: 15

Wild Child, Builder's Ruin, Death's Ruin, Dodge, Elemental's Ruin, Greater Weapon Focus: Rapier, Greater Weapon Specialization: Rapier, Power Critical: Rapier, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Parry, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Monkey Grip, Nature's Ruin, Spirit's Ruin, Two-Weapon Fighting, Use Poison, Weapon Finesse, Armor Proficiency: Light, Weapon Proficiency: Rogue, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Weapon Proficiency: Wizard, Practiced Spellcaster, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Persistant Spell, Scribe Scroll, Resist Poison, Luck of Heroes, Great Dexterity +1.

Appraise: 6 | Bluff: 2 | Concentration: 4 | Craft Alchemy: 12 | Craft Armor: 8 | Craft Trap: 8
Craft Weapon: 8 | Diplomacy: 2 | Disable Device: 41 | Heal: 2 | Hide: 51 | Intimidate: 2
Listen: 4 | Lore: 26 | Move Silently: 53 | Open Lock: 39 | Parry: 40 | Perform: 0 | Search: 25 | Set Trap: 42
Slight of Hand: 26 | Spellcraft: 18 | Spot: 2 | Survival: 5 | Taunt: 2 | Tumble: 40 | Use Magical Device: 6

Neeshka's Tiara, Neeshka's Trick, Greater Swordsman's Belt, Neeshka's Nimble Toes, Eldritch Charm, Neeshka's Spell Screen, Cut-Purse's Dexterous Digits, Ring of Power, Ring of Protection +5, Mephasm's Legacy, Mephasm's Heritage.
Inventory:Thieves' Tools +10, Wand of Scorching, Wand of Lightning Bold, Wand of Armoring, Wand of Cure Critical Wounds.

Race: Tiefling | Diety: Tymora | Alignment: Neutral
STR: 27 | DEX: 25 | CON: 21 | INT: 16 | WIS: 15 | CHA: 19

Combat Expertise, Dodge, Power Critical: Rapier, Feint, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Parry, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus: Rapier, Weapon Specialization: Rapier, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Rogue, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Skill Focus: Open Lock, Slippery Mind, Defensive Roll, Great Strength +2.

Appraise: 3 | Bluff: 39 | Concentration: 5 | Craft Alchemy: 8 | Craft Armor: 3 | Craft Trap: 3
Craft Weapon: 3 | Diplomacy: 4 | Disable Device: 9 | Heal: 2 | Hide: 37 | Intimidate: 4
Listen: 35 | Lore: 3 | Move Silently: 46 | Open Lock: 53 | Parry: 40 | Perform: 0 | Search: 13 | Set Trap: 13
Slight of Hand: 50 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 7 | Survival: 4 | Taunt: 37 | Tumble: 40 | Use Magical Device: 42
Occidio Octavon

The Templar's Crown, The Templar's Might, The Templar's Girdle, The Templar's Step, Ribbon, The Templar's Wrap, The Templar's First, Ring of Roaring Lions, Ring of Contemplative Meditation, Baranar's Star, Herald of Zakarum.
Inventory:10x healer's Kits +10, 10x Potions of Spell Resistance, 10x Potions of Mirror Image, 10x Potions of Lionheart, 10x Potions of Death Armor.

Race: Human | Diety: Ilmater | Alignment: Lawful Good
STR: 19 | DEX: 17 | CON: 19 | INT: 17 | WIS: 20 | CHA: 33

Natural Leader, Blind-Fight, Power Critical: Mace, Great Cleave, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Mace, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Augment Healing, Extra Smiting, Improved Turning, Skill Focus: Parry, Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Luck of Heroes, Armor Skin, Great Charisma +2, Great Smiting VII.

Appraise: 3 | Bluff: 11 | Concentration: 27 | Craft Alchemy: 3 | Craft Armor: 3 | Craft Trap: 3
Craft Weapon: 3 | Diplomacy: 11 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 38 | Hide: -2 | Intimidate: 11
Listen: 5 | Lore: 3 | Move Silently: -2 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 34 | Perform: 0 | Search: 3 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 5 | Survival: 5 | Taunt: 11 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0

The Judicious Choker, The Pragmatic Ring, The Practical Ring.
Inventory:10x Blast Globes, 10x Acid Bombs, 10x Fire Bombs, 10x Potions of Aid, 10x Potions of Bless, 10x Potions of Cat's Grace, 10x Potions of Owl's Wisdom, 10x Potions of Bull's Strength, 10x Potions of Eagle's Splendor, 10x Potions of Fox's Cunning.

Race: Fey | Diety: Chauntea | Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR: 29 | DEX: 12 | CON: 22 | INT: 9 | WIS: 12 | CHA: 16

Bear King's Eternal Might, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus: Creature, Greater Weapon Specialization: Creature, Power Critical: Creature, Great Cleave, Improved Critical: Creature, Improved Power Attack, Knockdown, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Creature, Weapon Specialization: Creature, Weapon Proficiency: Creature, Alertness, Resist Fire Energy, Epic Damage Reduction 9, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus: Creature, Epic Weapon Specialization: Creature, Overwhelming Critical: Creature.

Appraise: -1 | Bluff: 3 | Concentration: 6 | Craft Alchemy: -1 | Craft Armor: -1 | Craft Trap: -1
Craft Weapon: -1 | Diplomacy: 3 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 1 | Hide: 1 | Intimidate: 36
Listen: 14 | Lore: -1 | Move Silently: 1 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 1 | Perform: 0 | Search: 1 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 7 | Survival: 5 | Taunt: 7 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
One of Many

10x Thieves's Tools +10, Ioun Stone - Snow Obsidian, Ioun Stone - Malla's Soul, Ioun Stone - Green Rhomboid, Ioun Stone - Olive Green, Ioun Stone - Lavender, Ioun Stone - Clear, Ioun Stone - Crimson, Ioun Stone - Lavender & Green.

Race: Undead | Diety: Velsharoon | Alignment: Neutral Evil
STR: 23 | DEX: 25 | CON: 22 | INT: 18 | WIS: 9 | CHA: 17

Greater Negative Aura, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Power Critical: Creature, Feint, Improved Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved Power Attack, Knockdown, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus: Creature, Weapon Proficiency: Creature, Epic Precision, Improved Whirlwind Attack.

Appraise: 4 | Bluff: 5 | Concentration: 6 | Craft Alchemy: 4 | Craft Armor: 8 | Craft Trap: 8
Craft Weapon: 8 | Diplomacy: 5 | Disable Device: 35 | Heal: -1 | Hide: 40 | Intimidate: 35
Listen: 29 | Lore: 4 | Move Silently: 7 | Open Lock: 40 | Parry: 37 | Perform: 0 | Search: 34 | Set Trap: 2
Slight of Hand: 37 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: -1 | Survival: 5 | Taunt: 33 | Tumble: 37 | Use Magical Device: 33
Qara of Blacklake

Manticore Quill Diadem, Robes of the Archmagi, Kossuth's Belt of Warding, Manticore Boots, Scarab of Greater Protection, Manticore Hide Boots, Manticore Gloves, Ring of Sorcerous Power, The Nomad's Ring, Quara's Staff of the Magi.
Inventory:Wand of Enervation, Wand of Fear, Wand of Paralyzation, Wand of Sleep.

Race: Human | Diety: Kossuth | Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
STR: 25 | DEX: 21 | CON: 23 | INT: 14 | WIS: 11 | CHA: 32

Blind-Fight, Toughness, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Greater Spell Focus: Evocation, Spell Focus: Evocation, Spell Penetration, Extend Spell, Improved Empower Spell, Improved Maximize Spell, Improved Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Skill Focus: Concentration, Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Automatic Quicken Spell 0-2, Automatic Silent Spell 0-9.

Appraise: 2 | Bluff: 37 | Concentration: 42 | Craft Alchemy: 2 | Craft Armor: 2 | Craft Trap: 2
Craft Weapon: 2 | Diplomacy: 11 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 2 | Hide: 5 | Intimidate: 11
Listen: 0 | Lore: 35 | Move Silently: 5 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 5 | Perform: 0 | Search: 2 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 38 | Spot: 0 | Survival: 0 | Taunt: 11 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Quarrel DeVir

Vhailor's Helm, Quarrel's Demonweb Leathers, Belt of Raumathar, Quarrel's Demonweb Trodders, Harper Pin, Nymph Cloak, Quarrel's Demonweb Gloves, Ring of Water Control, Rashemi Berserker's Ring, Quarrel's Demonweb Mace.
Inventory:Saintsblood Pearl, 10x Healing Mushrooms, 10x Lantanese Healing Herbs, 10x Coins of Life, 10x Healer's Kit +10.

Race: Half-Drow | Diety: Vhaeraun | Alignment: Chaotic Evil
STR: 25 | DEX: 18 | CON: 21 | INT: 17 | WIS: 15 | CHA: 29

Blind-Fight, Dodge, Elemental's Ruin, Greater Weapon Focus: Mace, Greater Weapon Specialization: Mace, Power Critical: Mace, Great Cleave, Improved Critical: Mace, improved Power Attack, Knockdown, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Mace, Armor Proficiency: Light, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Bard, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Spell Focus: Evocation, Spell Penetration, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Items, Scribe Scroll, Eldritch Master, Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast.

Appraise: 3 | Bluff: 17 | Concentration: 47 | Craft Alchemy: 3 | Craft Armor: 3 | Craft Trap: 3
Craft Weapon: 3 | Diplomacy: 11 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 34 | Hide: 3 | Intimidate: 18
Listen: 3 | Lore: 17 | Move Silently: 3 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 3 | Perform: 28 | Search: 4 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 37 | Spot: 3 | Survival: 2 | Taunt: 9 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Radghast DeCorbin

Radghast's Lucky Hat, The Melodic Chain, Greater Swordsman's Belt, Radghast's Boots of Splendid Speed, Periapt of the Lost Witch, Radghast's Ruby Red Cloak, Radghast's Nimble Fingers, Ring of Fire Control, Ring of Fortitude +6, The Defender, Dagger of Wounding.
Inventory:Wand of Lightning, Wand of Fire, Wand of Frost, Austruth Flute, Doldrum, Golden Lute of Shazar, Ysridain's Muse.

Race: Human | Diety: Ao | Alignment: Chaotic Good
STR: 20 | DEX: 23 | CON: 10 | INT: 14 | WIS: 10 | CHA: 25

Ladies' Man, Battle Caster, Curse Song, Elemental's Ruin, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Defense, Lingering Song, Toughness, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Specialization: Longsword, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Bard, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Alertness, Iron Will, Luck of Heroes, Armor Skin, Chorus of Heroism, Hymn of Requiem, Song of Requiem.

Appraise: 2 | Bluff: 15 | Concentration: 33 | Craft Alchemy: 2 | Craft Armor: 2 | Craft Trap: 2
Craft Weapon: 2 | Diplomacy: 34 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 0 | Hide: 35 | Intimidate: 5
Listen: 3 | Lore: 62 | Move Silently: 36 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 8 | Perform: 48 | Search: 2 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 44 | Spellcraft: 22 | Spot: 2 | Survival: 2 | Taunt: 7 | Tumble: 42 | Use Magical Device: 22

Ribsmasher's Cranium Basher, Ribsmasher's Robes of the Shining Hand, Ribsmasher's Harness, Ribsmasher's Toe Smashers, Sensate Amulet, Planar Hunter's Cloak, Ribsmasher's Smashing Grips, Rashemi Berserker's Ring, Ring of Regeneration.
Inventory:10x Potions of Spell Resistance, 10x Potions of Shield, 10x Potions of Displacement, 10x Potions of Bear's Endurance, 10x Potions of Vigor, 10x Potions of 10x Antidote, Potions of Barkskin.

Race: Human | Diety: Tempus | Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR: 33 | DEX: 21 | CON: 23 | INT: 8 | WIS: 14 | CHA: 14

Blind-Fight, Cleave, Dash, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Greater Weapon Specialization: Unarmed Strike, Power Critical: Unarmed Strike, Great Cleave, Improved Critical: Unarmed Strike, Improved Knockdown, Improved Power Attack, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Stunning Fist, Toughness, Weapon Specialization: Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike, Weapon Proficiency: Monk, Great Strength +1, Overwhelming Critical: Unarmed Strike.

Appraise: -1 | Bluff: 2 | Concentration: 6 | Craft Alchemy: -1 | Craft Armor: -1 | Craft Trap: -1
Craft Weapon: -1 | Diplomacy: -8 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 2 | Hide: 38 | Intimidate: 2
Listen: 5 | Lore: -1 | Move Silently: 38 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 38 | Perform: 0 | Search: 9 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 2 | Survival: 2 | Taunt: 2 | Tumble: 35 | Use Magical Device: 0
Riemann Namnyef

Kira's Guardian, Fortitude, Razortail, War Travelers, Harper Pin, Greyform, Bloodfist, Mercykiller Ring, Ring of Acuity, Faith Grand Matron Bow.
Inventory:Wand of Conjuration, Wand of the Inferno, Wand of the Storm, Wand of the Glacier, 10x Potions of Heal, 10x Potions of Speed, 10x Potions of Invisibility.

Race: Human | Diety: Solonor Thelandira | Alignment: Neutral Good
STR: 26 | DEX: 30 | CON: 18 | INT: 18 | WIS: 16 | CHA: 22

Wild Child, Blind-Fight, Dash, Greater Weapon Focus: Longbow, Greater Weapon Specialization: Longbow, Power Critical: Longbow, Improved Critical: Longbow, Improved Power Attack, Improved Rapid Shot, Many Shot, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus: Longbow, Weapon Specialization: Longbow, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Practiced Spellcaster: Sorceror, Arrow of Death, Luck of Heroes, Epic Weapon Focus: Longbow, Epic Weapon Specialization: Longbow, Great Strength +1.

Appraise: 2 | Bluff: 30 | Concentration: 37 | Craft Alchemy: 4 | Craft Armor: 4 | Craft Trap: 4
Craft Weapon: 4 | Diplomacy: 8 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 3 | Hide: 44 | Intimidate: 6
Listen: 4 | Lore: 4 | Move Silently: 35 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 9 | Perform: 0 | Search: 5 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 8 | Spot: 4 | Survival: 4 | Taunt: 6 | Tumble: 26 | Use Magical Device: 0
Rinara Lady of Shivs

Thieves' Hood, Rinara's Rogue Links, Belt of Storm Giant Strength, Rinara's Dragon Slippers, Hilaiyreen, Rinara's Cloak of the Blackflame, Rinara's Gauntlets of Swordplay, Ring of Fortitude +8, Ring of the Ram, Devil's Guile, Demon's Spite.
Inventory:Soul Fyre, Wyvern Poison, Black Lotus Extract, Dragon Bile, Thieves's Tools +10.

Race: Half-Elf | Diety: Mask | Alignment: Neutral Evil
STR: 23 | DEX: 33 | CON: 15 | INT: 14 | WIS: 11 | CHA: 19

Blind-Fight, Power Critical: Short Sword, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical: Short Sword, Improved Two-Weapon Defense, Knockdown, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Use Poison, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus: Short Sword, Weapon Specialization: Short Sword, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Rogue, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Epic Prowess, Expose Weakness, Great Dexterity +3, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting.

Appraise: 34 | Bluff: 6 | Concentration: 3 | Craft Alchemy: 2 | Craft Armor: 2 | Craft Trap: 2
Craft Weapon: 2 | Diplomacy: 39 | Disable Device: 6 | Heal: 0 | Hide: 57 | Intimidate: 4
Listen: 7 | Lore: 4 | Move Silently: 57 | Open Lock: 17 | Parry: 23 | Perform: 0 | Search: 9 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 13 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 34 | Survival: 0 | Taunt: 4 | Tumble: 39 | Use Magical Device: 8
Ryath Strongarm

Solamnic Helm of the Rose, Solamnic Armor of the Rose, Solamnic Belt of the Rose, Solamnic Greaves of the Rose, Necklace of the Titans, Solamnic Cape of the Rose, Solamnic Gauntlets of the Rose, Ring of Roaring Lions, Ring of Contemplative Meditation, Solamnic Greataxe.
Inventory:50x Throwing Axes +5, 50x Frostheart Throwing Axes, 50x Fire Axes, 50x Rifthome Axes.

Race: Human | Diety: Tempus | Alignment: Chaotic Good
STR: 37 | DEX: 21 | CON: 23 | INT: 15 | WIS: 15 | CHA: 15

Militia, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Dash, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus: Greataxe, Greater Weapon Specialization: Greataxe, Power Critical: Greataxe, Extend Race, Improved Power Attack, Knockdown, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Greataxe, Weapon Specialization: Greataxe, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Skill Focus: Parry, Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Skill Focus: Taunt, Spellcasting Prodigy, Armor Skin, Epic Prowess, Great Strength +2, Epic Weapon Focus: Greataxe, Epic Weapon Specialization: Greataxe.

Appraise: 2 | Bluff: 2 | Concentration: 6 | Craft Alchemy: 2 | Craft Armor: 3 | Craft Trap: 2
Craft Weapon: 3 | Diplomacy: 2 | Disable Device: 2 | Heal: 2 | Hide: -1 | Intimidate: 2
Listen: 2 | Lore: 2 | Move Silently: -1 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 38 | Perform: 0 | Search: 2 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 2 | Survival: 4 | Taunt: 38 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Sabranic Svengund

Circlet of Netheril, Sabranic's Iron Pelt, The Belt of Inertial Barrier, Toothgnasher's Hooves, The Likely Amulet, The Cape of Midnight, Toothgrinder's Ram, Lyonsbane Ring, Heart of Rashemen, Crom Faeyr, Shield of Prator.
Inventory:Every single useful item in the Neverwinter Nights 2 series in 16 enchanted bags.
(This includes keys, quest items and books).

Race: Human | Diety: Helm | Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR: 28 | DEX: 18 | CON: 24 | INT: 18 | WIS: 33 | CHA: 19

Blessed of Waukeen, Captain of Crossroad Keep, City Watchman, Dragonslayer, Explorer, Harborman, Infernal Bargaining, Kalach-Cha, Knight of the Realm, Master of the Broken Blade, Merchant's Friend, Neverwinter Nine, Orc Slayer, Squire of Neverwinter, The Butcher of Ember, Wrongfully Accused, Bane of the Banites, Bane of the Batiri, Bear King's Eternal Might, Devotion of the Menagerie, Devotion of the Red Wizard, Devout, Dragon Slayer 2, Dreamer's Voice, Forgotten Lord, Honorary Jarl, Malleate Spirit, Master Infiltrator, Master Researcher, Neverwinter Patriot, Protector, Safiya's Love, Serpent's Bane, Shipwreck Survivor, Slayer of Sharrans, Wanted.
General Feats:
Blind-Fight, Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus: Warhammer, Greater Weapon Specialization: Warhammer, Power Critical: Warhammer, Improved Critical: Warhammer, Improved Power Attack, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Warhammer, Weapon Specialization: Warhammer, Able Learner, Skill Focus: Concentration, Quick to Master, Skilled.
Proficiency Feats:
Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Armor Proficiency: Light, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Shield Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple.
Spellcasting Feats:
Practiced Spellcaster, Extend Spell, Spellcasting Prodigy.
Class Abilities:
Air Domain, Earth Domain, Epic Character, Frantic Reactions, Furious Assault, Guarding the Lord, Improved Evasion, Protective Aura, Spontaneous Conversion, Turn Undead, Uncanny Dodge,
Epic Feats:
Epic Toughness +90, Epic Weapon Focus: Warhammer, Epic Weapon Specialization: Warhammer.
Teamwork Feats:
Awareness, Camp Routine, Camp Routine, Circle of Blades, Foe Hunting, Group Trance, Improved Camp Routine, Missile Volley, Steadfast Resolve, Superior Flank, Team Rush.

Appraise: 6 | Bluff: 3 | Concentration: 48 | Craft Alchemy: 4 | Craft Armor: 4 | Craft Trap: 4
Craft Weapon: 4 | Diplomacy: 33 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 44 | Hide: -2 | Intimidate: 13
Listen: 15 | Lore: 4 | Move Silently: 0 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: -1 | Perform: 0 | Search: 6 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 41 | Spot: 15 | Survival: 14 | Taunt: 4 | Tumble: 12 | Use Magical Device: 20
• Character Files - (Character Levels 1, 10, 20, 30)
• Character Icon 1
• Character Icon 2
• Character Icon 3
Safiya of Thay

Thayvian Skullcap, Supreme Red Wizard's Robes, Red Wizard's Belt, Gargoyle Boots, Edwin Odesseiron's Amulet, Safiya's Red Wizard's Cloak, Bracers of Artifice, Ring of the Founder, Reaching Ring, Red Wizard's Staff of the Magi.
Inventory:Smith Hammer, Mortar and Pestle, Shaper's Alembic, Enchanter's Satchel, Wand of Eternal Decay, Wand of Force, Wand of the Apprenti, 50x Teeth of the Firemane.

Race: Human | Diety: None | Alignment: Neutral
STR: 16 | DEX: 22 | CON: 21 | INT: 32 | WIS: 21 | CHA: 14

Devotion of the Red Wizard, Safiya's Love, Wizard's Apprentice, Weapon Focus: Dart, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Weapon Proficiency: Wizard, Greater Spell Focus: Transmutation, Spell Focus Transmutation, Spell Penetration, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Persistent Spell, Brew Potion, Craft Magi Arms and Armor, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Items, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus: Concentration, Epic Spell Focus: Transmutation, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Spell: Epic Gate, Epic Spell: Hellball, Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast.

Appraise: 13 | Bluff: 2 | Concentration: 66 | Craft Alchemy: 44 | Craft Armor: 43 | Craft Trap: 9
Craft Weapon: 11 | Diplomacy: 3 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 5 | Hide: 6 | Intimidate: 35
Listen: 8 | Lore: 43 | Move Silently: 6 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 6 | Perform: 0 | Search: 13 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 48 | Spot: 8 | Survival: 7 | Taunt: 2 | Tumble: 31 | Use Magical Device: 17
• Character Files - (Character Levels 1, 10, 20, 30)
• Character Icon 1
• Character Icon 2
Sage Melchior

Gond's Artisan Cap, Gond's Garb, Gond's Girdle, Gond's Greaves, Greater Amulet of Health, Gond's Cloak, Gond's Gauntlets, Gond's Ring, Gond's Loop.
Inventory:Smith Hammer, Mortar and Pestle, Shaper's Alembic, Enchanter's Satchel, Tempertuppin's Ever-Thrower.

Race: Human | Diety: Gond | Alignment: Chaotic Good
STR: 15 | DEX: 15 | CON: 15 | INT: 33 | WIS: 21 | CHA: 28

Appraiser, Dash, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Weapon Proficiency: Wizard, Practiced Spellcaster: Cleric, Practice Spellcaster: Wizard, Brew Potion, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Items, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus: Appraise, Skill Focus: Craft Trap, Skill Focus: Lore, Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Silver Palm, Great Charisma +3, Great Intelligence +3.

Appraise: 49 | Bluff: 9 | Concentration: 35 | Craft Alchemy: 59 | Craft Armor: 59 | Craft Trap: 45
Craft Weapon: 59 | Diplomacy: 11 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 5 | Hide: 2 | Intimidate: 9
Listen: 5 | Lore: 65 | Move Silently: 2 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 2 | Perform: 0 | Search: 12 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 64 | Spot: 4 | Survival: 5 | Taunt: 9 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 46
Sand of Luskan

Lesser Eyes of the Coven, Wizard's Robe of the Archmagi, Kossuth's Belt of Might, Longstrider's Steps, Anagrys' Slave Collar, Cloak of Protection +5, Grips of Gond, Ring of Wizardry, The Wanderer's Ring, The Zhentil Fang, The Zhentil Fang.
Inventory:Imaskari Rod, Rod of Resurrection, Rod of Freedom, Wand of Armoring, 10x Healer's Kit +10, Magewrath.

Race: Moon Elf | Diety: Mystra | Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR: 14 | DEX: 16 | CON: 15 | INT: 26 | WIS: 19 | CHA: 14

Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Elf, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Weapon Proficiency: Wizard, Practiced Spellcaster, Greater Spell Focus: Transmutation, Spell Focus: Transmutation, Spell Penetration, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Brew Potion, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Items, Scribe Scroll, Able Leaner, Skill Focus: Appraise, Epic Spell Focus: Transmutation, Great Wisdom +1.

Appraise: 27 | Bluff: 2 | Concentration: 35 | Craft Alchemy: 53 | Craft Armor: 53 | Craft Trap: 36
Craft Weapon: 53 | Diplomacy: 2 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 37 | Hide: 3 | Intimidate: 2
Listen: 6 | Lore: 27 | Move Silently: 3 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 3 | Perform: 0 | Search: 10 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 12 | Spot: 6 | Survival: 4 | Taunt: 2 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Sendai Ri'Fialle

Matron's Scale Helm, Matron's Scale Scale Mail, Matron's Scale Drow Belt, Matron's Scale Scale Boots, Matron's Drow Necklace, Matron's Piwafi, Matron's Scale Gloves, Matron's Drow Signet, Matron's Drow Ring. Matron's Mithral Morningstar, Matron's Mithral Heavy Shield.
Inventory:Drow Knitting Moss, Drow Cleansing Mushrooms, Drow Smelling Salts, Drow Wand of Death, Drow Wand of Drowning, Drow wand of Spiderskin.

Race: Drow | Diety: Lolth | Alignment: Chaotic Evil
STR: 17 | DEX: 17 | CON: 21 | INT: 19 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 34

Devout, Greater Weapon Specialization: Morningstar, Improved Critical: Morningstar, Weapon Focus: Dagger, Weapon Specialization: Dagger, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Elf, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Augment Healing, Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Extra Smiting, Spellcasting Prodigy, Armor Skin, Epic Spell: Epic Gate, Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast, Great Smiting II.

Appraise: 4 | Bluff: 11 | Concentration: 39 | Craft Alchemy:4XXXX | Craft Armor: 4 | Craft Trap: 4
Craft Weapon: 4 | Diplomacy: 19 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 20 | Hide: 0 | Intimidate: 12
Listen: 5 | Lore: 4 | Move Silently: 0 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 0 | Perform: 0 | Search: 6 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 34 | Spot: 10 | Survival: 3 | Taunt: 12 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Septimund of Port Llast

Deathless Diadem, The Armor of Kelemvor, Girdle of Holy Might, Forest Walkers, The Ancient Sermon, Durthan Cloak, Imaskari Bracers of Immortality, Ring of Holiness, Lyonsbane Ring, Fatal Touch, The Shield of Kelemvor.
Inventory:Wand of Restoration, Wand of Cure Critical Wounds, Rand of Resurrection, Rod of Freedom, 10x Scrolls of Mass Cure Critical Wounds.

Race: Human | Diety: Kelemvor | Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR: 18 | DEX: 18 | CON: 22 | INT: 12 | WIS: 24 | CHA: 14

Death's Ruin, Power Critical: Bastard Sword, Improved Critical: Bastard Sword, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Divine Vengeance, Empower Turning, Extra Smiting, Extra Turning III, Improved Turning, Sacred Purification, Sacred Vengeance, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Armor Skin, Epic Toughness +60, Great Wisdom +2.

Appraise: 1 | Bluff: 2 | Concentration: 39 | Craft Alchemy: 1 | Craft Armor: 1 | Craft Trap: 1
Craft Weapon: 1 | Diplomacy: 34 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 40 | Hide: -9 | Intimidate: 7
Listen: 7 | Lore: 1 | Move Silently: -9 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: -9 | Perform: 0 | Search: 1 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 33 | Spot: 7 | Survival: 7 | Taunt: 2 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Shandra Jerro

Helm of Brilliance, Jerro family Chainmail, Ceremonial Uthgardt Belt, Boots of Striding +5, Shandra's Pendant, Cape of Winter, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Ring of Improved Evasion, Ring of Regeneration, Gungnir, Odin's Eye.
Inventory:Soul Fyre, Black lotus Extract, Wyvern Poison, Dragon Bile, 10x Potions of Greater Heroism, 10x Potions of Speed, 10x Potions of Visage of the Diety.

Race: Human | Diety: Chauntea | Alignment: Neutral Good
STR: 25 | DEX: 13 | CON: 23 | INT: 13 | WIS: 13 | CHA: 12

Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Disarm, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus: Spear, Greater Weapon Specialization: Spear, Extend Rage, Great Cleave, Improved Knockdown, Improved Parry, Improved Power Attack, Mobility, Monkey Grip, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Toughness, Use Poison, Weapon Focus: Spear, Weapon Specialization: Spear, Whirlwind Attack, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Spell Focus: Evocation, Armor Skin, Epic Toughness +30, Epic Weapon Focus: Spear, Epic Weapon Specialization: Spear.

Appraise: 1 | Bluff: 1 | Concentration: 6 | Craft Alchemy: 1 | Craft Armor: 1 | Craft Trap: 1
Craft Weapon: 34 | Diplomacy: 1 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 1 | Hide: -1 | Intimidate: 1
Listen: 1 | Lore: 34 | Move Silently: -1 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 42 | Perform: 0 | Search: 1 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 1 | Survival: 1 | Taunt: 28 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Soraevora Aeravand

The Imarskarcana, Soraevora's Glowing Chain, Belt of Cloud Giant Strength, Boots of the Shifting Sands, Archangel's Tears, Cloak of the Nymph, Greater Gauntlets of Swordplay, Ring of Universal Energy Resistance, Rashemi Wychlaran's Ring, Soraevora's Spear, Blessed Protector.
Inventory:10x Scolls of Implosion, 10x Scolls of Destruction 10x Scolls of Slay Living, 10x Scolls of Harm, 10x Scolls of Mass Inflict Critical Wounds.

Race: Sun Elf | Diety: Angharradh | Alignment: Chaotic Good
STR: 24 | DEX: 17 | CON: 12 | INT: 12 | WIS: 22 | CHA: 27

Greater Weapon Focus: Spear, Greater Weapon Specialization: Spear, Power Critical: Spear, Improved Power Attack, Monkey Grip, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Spear, Weapon Specialization: Spear, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Weapon Proficiency: Elf, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Augment Healing, Greater Spell Penetration, Empower Spell, maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Able Learner, Great Fortitude, Armor Skin, Automatic Quicken Spell 0-2, Epic Toughness +60, Epic Weapon Focus: Spear.

Appraise: 1 | Bluff: 8 | Concentration: 34 | Craft Alchemy: 1 | Craft Armor: 1 | Craft Trap: 1
Craft Weapon: 1 | Diplomacy: 8 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 49 | Hide: 0 | Intimidate: 8
Listen: 8 | Lore: 11 | Move Silently: 0 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 0 | Perform: 0 | Search: 3 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 34 | Spot: 8 | Survival: 6 | Taunt: 8 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
The Construct

4x Dust of Disappearance, 4x Dust of Appearance, 10x Perfect Tanglefoot Bag, 10x Perfect Choking Powder, 10x Perfect Thunderstone, 10x Perfect Alchemist's Fire, 10x Perfect Acid Flask, 10x Perfect Holy Water, 10x Blastglobes, 10x Fire Bombs, 10x Acid Bombs.

Race: Construct | Diety: None | Alignment: Neutral
STR: 31 | DEX: 20 | CON: 24 | INT: 14 | WIS: 10 | CHA: 8

Cleave, Combat Expertise, Disarm, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus: Creature, Greater Weapon Specialization: Creature, Power Critical: Creature, Improved Critical: Creature, Great Cleave, Improved Combat Expertise, Improved Knockdown, Improved Parry, Improved Power Attack, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Creature, Weapon Specialization: Creature, Whirlwind Attack, Weapon Proficiency: Creature, Resist Cold Energy, Resist Electrical Energy, Resist Fire Energy, Construct Upgrade: AC, Construct Upgrade: HP, Construct Upgrade: Str, Touch of Iltkazar, Epic Damage Reduction: 9, Epic Toughness +60, Epic Weapon Focus: Creature, Epic Weapon Specialization: Creature, Overwhelming Critical: Creature.

Appraise: 2 | Bluff: -1 | Concentration: 7 | Craft Alchemy: 2 | Craft Armor: 2 | Craft Trap: 2
Craft Weapon: 2 | Diplomacy: -1 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 0 | Hide: 5 | Intimidate: 31
Listen: 4 | Lore: 2 | Move Silently: 5 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 37 | Perform: 0 | Search: 4 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 16 | Survival: 0 | Taunt: 31 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
The Silver Death

Wormskull, Silks of the Victor, Snakecord, Marrowwalk, Clasp of the Arch-Mage, Greyform, Frostburns, The Band of Blade Turning, Reaching Ring, Blackbog's Sharp, The Lidless Wall.
Inventory:Wand of Eternal Decay, Rod of the Wild, Rod of Plagues, Wand of Force, Wand of Cloudkill, Rod of Blissfull Succor, Wand of Reduction, Rod of Physical Endowment.

Race: Human | Diety: Velsharoon | Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
STR: 19 | DEX: 17 | CON: 23 | INT: 33 | WIS: 15 | CHA: 15

Appraiser, Use Poison, Weapon Focus: Dagger, Weapon Specialization: Dagger, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Weapon Proficiency: Wizard, Augment Summoning, Combat Casting, Great Spell Focus Necromancy, Greater Spell Penetration, Spell focus: Conjuration, Spell Focus: Necromancy, Spell Penetration, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Brew Potion, Scribe Scroll, Able Learner, Spellcasting Prodigy, Armor Skin, Epic Spell Focus: Necromancy, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Spell: Epic Gate, Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast, Great Intelligence +1.

Appraise: 29 | Bluff: 33 | Concentration: 39 | Craft Alchemy: 44 | Craft Armor: 9 | Craft Trap: 9
Craft Weapon: 11 | Diplomacy: 2 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 35 | Hide: 34 | Intimidate: 2
Listen: 2 | Lore: 42 | Move Silently: 16 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 11 | Perform: 0 | Search: 12 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 43 | Spot: 1 | Survival: 2 | Taunt: 2 | Tumble: 17 | Use Magical Device: 18
Thollos Equitius Valerius

Atlantean Guru's Helm, The Guard of Valor, Atlantean Guru's Belt, Atlantean Guru's Boots, Atlantean Battlemaster's Amulet, Atlantean Guru's Cloak, Atlantean Guru's Gloves, Atlantean Guru's Ring, Atlantean Guru's Band, The Pike of Kings.
Inventory:The Clockwork Kestrel, 99x Acid Bolts, 99x Bolts of the Vampire, 99x Bolts of Petrification, 99x Wasp Stingers, 99x Bolts of Piercing.

Race: Aasimar | Diety: Savras | Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR: 37 | DEX: 21 | CON: 25 | INT: 23 | WIS: 18 | CHA: 20

Militia, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dash, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus: Halberd, Greater Weapon Specialization: Halberd, Power Critical: Halberd, Expert Tactician, Great Cleave, Improved Knockdown, Improved Power Attack, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Halberd, Weapon Specialization: Halberd, Whirlwind Attack, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Luck of Heroes, Armor Skin, Epic toughness +30, Epic Weapon Focus: Halberd, Epic Weapon Specialization: Halberd, Great Wisdom +1.

Appraise: 6 | Bluff: 5 | Concentration: 7 | Craft Alchemy: 6 | Craft Armor: 7 | Craft Trap: 6
Craft Weapon: 7 | Diplomacy: 5 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 15 | Hide: 2 | Intimidate: 37
Listen: 6 | Lore: 48 | Move Silently: 2 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 48 | Perform: 0 | Search: 6 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 36 | Spot: 6 | Survival: 4 | Taunt: 5 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Umoja of Chult

Chromatic Crown, Umoja's Armor, Umoja's Belt of the Avowed, Longstrider's Steps, The Unlikely Amulet, Cloak of Elvenkind, Thicketfavors, Bone Dancer's Ring, Ring of the Untherite Generals, Umoja's Harvester, Shield of the Magi.
Inventory:10x Healing Mushrooms, 10x Lantanese Healing Herbs, 10x Scrolls of Mass Cure Critical Wounds, 10x Scrolls of Mass Cure Serious Wounds, 10x Scrolls of Cure Moderate Wounds.

Race: Human | Diety: Ubtao | Alignment: Neutral Good
STR: 15 | DEX: 20 | CON: 19 | INT: 10 | WIS: 35 | CHA: 14

Expert Tactician, Natural Spell, Toughness, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Druid, Augment Summoning, Combat Casting, Spell Focus: Conjuration, Extend Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Epic Animal Companion, Epic toughness +30, Great Wisdom +4, Magical Beast Wild Shape.

Appraise: 0 | Bluff: 2 | Concentration: 37 | Craft Alchemy: 33 | Craft Armor: 0 | Craft Trap: 0
Craft Weapon: 0 | Diplomacy: 2 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 12 | Hide: 7 | Intimidate: 2
Listen: 45 | Lore: 0 | Move Silently: 2 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 2 | Perform: 0 | Search: 0 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 39 | Survival: 47 | Taunt: 2 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Xan of Evereska

The Forlorn Mage's Circlet, The Forlorn Mage's Robes, The Forlorn Mage's Belt, The Forlorn Mage's Boots, Amulet of Natural Armor +5, The Forlorn Mage's Cloak, The Forlorn Mage's Gloves, Ring of Universal Energy Resistance, Ring of Regeneration, Moonblade.
Inventory:10x Potions of Bless, 10x Potions of Rage, 10x Potions of Aid, 10x Potions of Displacement, 10x Potions of Spell Resistance, Vigor, 10x Potions of Antidote.

Race: Sun Elf | Diety: Oghma | Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR: 21 | DEX: 23 | CON: 14 | INT: 33 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 15

Wizard's Apprentice, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Power Critical: Rapier, Mobility, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus: Rapier, Weapon Specialization: Rapier, Weapon Proficiency: Elf, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Weapon Proficiency: Wizard, Arcane Defense, Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment, Great Spell Penetration, Spell Focus: Enchantment, Spell Penetration, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spellcasting Prodigy, Epic Spell Focus: Enchantment, Epic Spell Penetration.

Appraise: 11 | Bluff: 2 | Concentration: 35 | Craft Alchemy: 42 | Craft Armor: 11 | Craft Trap: 11
Craft Weapon: 41 | Diplomacy: 2 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 3 | Hide: 6 | Intimidate: 2
Listen: 12 | Lore: 4 | Move Silently: 6 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 49 | Perform: 0 | Search: 13 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 42 | Spot: 37 | Survival: 3 | Taunt: 2 | Tumble: 36 | Use Magical Device: 0
Xaylla the Bonedancer

Bogdar's Twisted Skull, Bogdar's Twisted Tunic, Bogdar's Twisted Girdle, Bogdar's Twisted Hobnails, Glacier Jewel, Bogdar's Twisted Flesh, Bogdar's Twisted Claws, Ring of Universal Energy Resistance, Reaching Ring, Bogdar's Twisted Spine.
Inventory:10x Dust of Monster Coercion, 10x Dust of Appearance, Imaskari Rod, Wand of Apprenti, Wand of Conjuration, Wand of Armoring, Wand of Spell Striking.

Race: Gray Orc | Diety: Kelemvor | Alignment: Neutral
STR: 21 | DEX: 17 | CON: 25 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 31

Devout, Blind-Fight, Track, Weapon Proficiency: Gray Orc, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Augment Summoning, Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration, Greater Spell Penetration, Spell Focus: Conjuration, Extend Spell, Improved Empower Spell, Improved Maximize Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Skill Focus: Concentration, Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Spellcasting Prodigy, Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast, Great Charisma +1.

Appraise: 3 | Bluff: 9 | Concentration: 44 | Craft Alchemy: 3 | Craft Armor: 3 | Craft Trap: 3
Craft Weapon: 3 | Diplomacy: 9 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 3 | Hide: 3 | Intimidate: 10
Listen: 3 | Lore: 11 | Move Silently: 3 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 3 | Perform: 0 | Search: 3 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 31 | Spot: 3 | Survival: 3 | Taunt: 10 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Xebeq the Black Archer

Bandanna of the Black Archer, Armor of the Black Archer, Quiver of the Black Archer, Boots of the Black Archer, Beaded Resisting Stones, Cape of the Black Archer, Gloves of the Black Archer, The Forester's Loop, The Ring of Ruin, The Duskwood Composite Longbow of Larson.
Inventory:Clarent, Damascus Steel Slasher, 99x Piercing Arrows, 99x Fire Arrows., 99x Cold Arrows, 99x Lightning Arrows, 99x Holy Arrows, 99x Arrows of Detonation.

Race: Human | Diety: Eldath | Alignment: Neutral Good
STR: 21 | DEX: 32 | CON: 17 | INT: 17 | WIS: 21 | CHA: 15

Wild Child, Builder's Ruin, Cleave, Death's Ruin, Deflect Arrows, Elemental's Ruin, Greater Weapon Focus: Longsword, Greater Weapon Specialization: Longsword, Greater Weapon Focus: Longbow Greater Weapon Specialization: Longbow, Power Critical: Longsword, Power Critical: Longbow, Great Cleave, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical: Longbow, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Nature's Ruin, Power Attack, Spirit's Ruin, Toughness, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus: Longsword, Weapon Specialization: Longsword, Weapon Focus: Longbow Weapon Specialization: Longbow, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Archery Combat Style, Improved Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Rapid Shot, Luck of Heroes, One Shot, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting.

Appraise: 1 | Bluff: 2 | Concentration: 3 | Craft Alchemy: 3 | Craft Armor: 3 | Craft Trap: 3
Craft Weapon: 3 | Diplomacy: 2 | Disable Device: 2 | Heal: 5 | Hide: 44 | Intimidate: 2
Listen: 29 | Lore: 1 | Move Silently: 44 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 10 | Perform: 0 | Search: 27 | Set Trap: 48
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 29 | Survival: 32 | Taunt: 2 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Yeslick Orithair

Orithair Clan Helmet, Orithair Clan Armor, Orithair Clan Belt, Orithair Clan Greaves, Greater Necklace of Fireballs, Orithair Clan Cape, Orithair Clan Gauntlets, Holy Symbol of Lathander, Ring of Holiness, Orithair Clan Hammer, Orithair Clan Shield.
Inventory:10x Healer's Kits +10, 10x Healer's Kits +6, 10x Healer's Kits +3, 10x Scrolls of Resurrection, 10x Scrolls of Greater Restoration, 10x Scrolls of Mass Heal.

Race: Gold Dwarf | Diety: Clangeddin Silverbeard | Alignment: Lawful Good
STR: 21 | DEX: 13 | CON: 31 | INT: 17 | WIS: 25 | CHA: 15

Blind-Fight, Weapon Focus: Flail, Weapon Specialization: Flail, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Dwarf, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Augment Healing, Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Persistent Spell, Empower Turning, Extra Turning, Skill Focus: Concentration, Luck of Heroes, Spellcasting Prodigy, Epic Damage Reduction 9.

Appraise: 3 | Bluff: 2 | Concentration: 46 | Craft Alchemy: 3 | Craft Armor: 3 | Craft Trap: 3
Craft Weapon: 3 | Diplomacy: 10 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 22 | Hide: -8 | Intimidate: 2
Listen: 7 | Lore: 5 | Move Silently: -8 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: -8 | Perform: 0 | Search: 5 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 13 | Spot: 12 | Survival: 7 | Taunt: 2 | Tumble: 0 | Use Magical Device: 0
Yurei Torquemada

Starkaskodd Helm, Starkaskodd Hauberk, Ceremonial Uthgardt Belt, Starkaskodd Boots, Amulet of Natural Armor +5, Tyr's Sanctified Silksteel Cloak, Starkaskodd Gloves, Ring of Power, Heart of Rashemen, Tyr's Waraxe, Rune Delinates Tower Shield.
Inventory:Slayer of Nature, Slayer of Death, Slayer of Elementals, Slayer of Spiders, Slayer of Trolls, Slayer of Spirits, Slayer of Moonbeasts, Slayer of Golems.

Race: Human | Diety: Leira | Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
STR: 29 | DEX: 21 | CON: 23 | INT: 21 | WIS: 10 | CHA: 8

Blind Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Disarm, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe, Greater Weapon Specialization: Dwarven Waraxe, Power Critical: Dwarven Waraxe, Extend Rage, Great Cleave, Improved Knockdown, Improved Power Attack, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe, Weapon Specialization: Dwarven Waraxe, Whirlwind Attack, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Weapon Proficiency: Martial Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Able Learner, Luck of Heroes, Epic Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe, Epic Weapon Specialization: Dwarven Waraxe.

Appraise: 21 | Bluff: -1 | Concentration: 6 | Craft Alchemy: 5 | Craft Armor: 5 | Craft Trap: 5
Craft Weapon: 5 | Diplomacy: 2 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 16 | Hide: -8 | Intimidate: 31
Listen: 0 | Lore: 5 | Move Silently: -8 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 25 | Perform: 0 | Search: 5 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 0 | Spot: 0 | Survival: 0 | Taunt: 32 | Tumble: 8 | Use Magical Device: 15

Snow Tiger Helm, Half Plate of Blending, Girdle of Holy Might, Gargoyle Boots, The Likely Amulet, Durthan Cloak, Sacred Hands, Ring of Power, Ring of Holiness.
Inventory:Ioun Stone - Wpng Fei's, Ioun Stone - Silver, Ioun Stone - Red Rhomboid, Ioun Stone - Green Rhomboid, Ioun Stone - Yellow Rhomboid, Ioun Stone - Pearly White, Ioun Stone - Blue Sphere, Ioun Stone - Lavender.

Race: Githzerai | Diety: None | Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR: 17 | DEX: 15 | CON: 19 | INT: 14 | WIS: 27 | CHA: 13

Deflect Arrows, Greater Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike, Power Critical: Unarmed Strike, Improved Critical: Unarmed Strike, Improved Knockdown, Improved Parry, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike, Weapon Specialization: Unarmed Strike, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Monk, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Augment Healing, Combat Casting, Practiced Spellcaster: Cleric, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Armor Skin.

Appraise: 2 | Bluff: 1 | Concentration: 37 | Craft Alchemy: 2 | Craft Armor: 2 | Craft Trap: 2
Craft Weapon: 2 | Diplomacy: 1 | Disable Device: 0 | Heal: 41 | Hide: -5 | Intimidate: 1
Listen: 8 | Lore: 15 | Move Silently: -5 | Open Lock: 0 | Parry: 28 | Perform: 0 | Search: 2 | Set Trap: 0
Slight of Hand: 0 | Spellcraft: 22 | Spot: 8 | Survival: 8 | Taunt: 1 | Tumble: 25 | Use Magical Device: 0
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