Nintendo Gameboy Advances
Gameboy Advanced
This is the Gameboy Advanced section of the site, featuring a host of saves for the platform. Each game has a small section dedicated to it, which includes:
• Guides and information packet.
• Several perfect or near perfect saves.
• Some include the game itself.
• A few have custom mod files.
• Many include an emulator.
The save files can be easily imported into emulators, or even real cartridges, using a variety of third party hardware options. (Most are a USB dongle with a cartridge slot).
The manufacturers and products used for importing/exporting game saves to physical cartridges are regularly sued into oblivion, so listing actual products is mostly pointless. The best option is to web search console name backup game saves, and then read some reviews - from other websites - about the product before you buy it. A decent one should run you about $25.00 to $30.00 USD.
Game Index
Gameboy Advanced Titles
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance is a melding of Action-Adventure-Role-Playing-Game and the aesthetic of Baldur's Gate II: SoA. The save features the most powerful class, the Elven Fighter, unlocked, and leveled to maximum. He is geared with the game's strongest weapons and armor, and a massive collection of equipment, jewelry and potions. The save is located at the top of the final dungeon.
• Game Saves - (1 KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (5.43 MB)
• Game Guides - (58 KB)
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon is the first "Metroidvania" game for the GBA. The save features a level 99 Vampire Killer, with every piece of equipment, card, relic, completed castle map, bestiary, and a huge array of consumables. Additionally, the other save slots have the optional classes at high level, with large collections of gear and cards. The save has Dracula's castle fully unlocked.
• Game Saves - (32 KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (3.77 MB)
• Game Guides - (116 KB)
Castlevania Double Pack

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance is a direct sequel to Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. The save's hero is leveled to maximum power, with ridiculous stats. He has every relic, all of Dracula's body, every spell, the best equipment, plus an inventory of consumable items. The bestiary is complete, as is the castle map and the champion's room. The data file also has a high level Maxim save.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow is the high-water-mark for GBA Metroidvania's. The save has a completed castle, bestiary and soul collection. It also boasts every piece of equipment - including the special unlockable weapons - and an inventory of consumables. Additionally, there are enough collected souls to max the Head-hunter Soul. Finally, the data file has a maxed Julius mode save for a more traditional Castlevania experience.
• Game Saves - (32 KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (9.15 MB)
• Game Guides - Aria of Sorrow - (123 KB)
• Game Guides - Harmony of Dissonance - (110 KB)
Final Fantasy I-II: Dawn of Souls

Final Fantasy I is the game that started the monstrously popular franchise. The save features a maxed party, each character fed scores of stat boosters and wearing the bonus dungeon's best gear. The inventory is packed with powerful consumables and every piece of equipment in the game. All the crystals are lit, the Shrines fully explored, and the party is ready for the attack on the Temple of fiends.
Final Fantasy II veers wildly from its predecessor, but its system lives on in the Saga series. The save features characters ground up to incredible levels, with massive stats and numerous spell and weapon masteries. The bestiary is complete, and the inventory contains every item in the game, including numerous consumables. The save is ready for Pandemonium.
Final Fantasy II: Soul of Rebirth takes over in the afterlife with the game's martyrs. The save has every character equipped in their ultimate gear, with masteries and maxed spells that compliment their special weapons. The inventory is packed with gear and weapons imported from the main game, and the bestiary is completed. The save is ready for the final battle with the emperor in the afterlife.
• Game Saves - (32 KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (10 MB)
• Game Guides - (308 KB)
Final Fantasy IV Advance

Final Fantasy IV was a huge jump from its predecessors, with excellent graphics and beautiful music. The save has every character at maximum level and wearing the bonus dungeon's equipment. The Fat Chocobo is full of powerful gear, and the inventory is packed with game-winning arrows and consumables. The bestiary is complete, and Rydia has every possible summon.
• Game Saves - (32 KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (4.3 MB)
• Game Guides - (221 KB)
Final Fantasy V Advance

Final Fantasy V pioneered the job system that would define the Ivalice Alliance series years later. The save has every character at max level with every job mastered. They are wearing the game's top equipment, and the inventory includes every item in the game, as well as a range of powerful consumables. Every blue magic spell and summoning magic has been collected, and the bestiary is full.
• Game Saves - (32 KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (4.83 MB)
• Game Guides - (337 KB)
Final Fantasy VI Advance

Considered by many to be the finest game in the series, Final Fantasy VI is cherished by its fans. The save features a full level 99 party with every spell and maximized stats. Every lore, rage, blitz, tool, dance and esper is available, and the inventory contains one of each item. The characters are wearing the bonus dungeon equipment and the bestiary is completed.
• Game Saves - (32 KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (4.97 MB)
• Game Guides - (389 KB)
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance is what happens when Ogre Battle breeds with final Fantasy V. The save has a maxed and carefully leveled guild, with all of the best gear, a full monster farm and every blue magic skill. The event level items are maxed. (sequencer, etc), and careful abuse of game link trading has landed ninja-tabi for the whole guild. The party also has the best law cards.
• Game Saves - (64 KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (5.1 MB)
• Game Guides - (359 KB)
Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade

Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade is a solid addition to the series. The saves features Lyn, Eliwood and Hector modes saved on the final battle. The party roster is full, with everyone maxed, with a strong selection of powerful gear. Each lord is nearly perfectly leveled, and every character has maxed supports. Finally, the saves have zero deaths, and all of the Mario Kart demo disk bonus items are included.
• Game Saves - (32 KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (10.9 MB)
• Game Guides - (3.90 MB)
Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones

Sacred Stones is a wonderful addition to the Fire Emblem library. (Before the series became waifu breeding simulators). Notably, this edition is one of the few titles which allows unrestricted advancement of your units. This save features every support conversation and BGM unlocked, as well as a perfect Creature Campaign file, complete with the secret characters and a massive arsenal of the game's finest equipment.
• Game Saves - (32 KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (9.65 MB)
• Game Guides: - (2.5 MB)
Golden Sun

Golden Sun is a fusion of The Legend of Zelda, Phantasy Star and Pokemon. The save features every Djinn, very high level characters - with powerful class builds - and all of the best equipment. The heroes have every psi-energy relic and full inventories of powerful consumables. The save also has a perfect transfer data file, with enough shirts and rings to equip all of The Lost Age characters.
• Game Saves - (64 KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (6.84 MB)
• Game Guides - (331 KB)
Golden Sun: The Lost Age

Golden Sun: The Lost Age is the direct sequel to Golden Sun, and allows you to import the save data from its predecessor. The save has all eight characters maxed, every possible Djinn from both games, all of the premier equipment, every psi-energy relic, and piles of crafting materiel for forging ultimate weapons. Additionally, the data file has enough shirts and rings for everybody, thanks to the import file.
• Game Saves - (64 KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (12.5 MB)
• Game Guides - (269 KB)
Phantasy Star Collection

Game save information pending completion.
• Game Saves: PENDING - (?? KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (3.61 MB)
• Game Guides: PENDING - (XXXXX KB)
Super Street Fighter II: Turbo Revival

Super Street Fighter II: Turbo Revival was a nice attempt at bringing the franchise to the GBA. Even with four buttons, they did a good job of translating the title. The save itself has every bonus character unlocked, as well as all of the galleries and bonuses modes. Beware the Akuma-Bug. If you play a perfect game, the cartridge will freeze when Akuma appears. There is no fix to this, and it's a shame, but it does little to diminish this fun title.
• Game Saves - (1 KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (4.79 MB)
• Game Guides - (27 KB)
Sword of Mana

Sword of Mana is a remake of the Final Fantasy Adventure - and was met with mixed fan reactions. The data file features a powerful hero and heroine save, each with the elemental sprits fully maxed, 100 amigos and all of the bonus card summons. Both accounts also have fully upgraded equipment, armor, and a huge number of consumables. The Bestiary and quest logs are also maxed, and the saves are located in the final dungeon.
• Game Saves - (64 KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (8.82 MB)
• Game Guides - (648 KB)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is considered by many to be one of the finest installments of the series. The save features a max heart Link, geared in the game's finest equipment. Additionally, his ammunition, rupee wallet and magical meter are fully maxed - and he has every key and piece of equipment in the game. The save has a nice mix of potions and fairies in Link's bottles, and is saved right before the final dungeon.
• Game Saves - (8 KB)
• Gameboy/GBC/GBA Emulator: Visual Boy Advanced - (20.4 MB)
• Game Backup File - (3.31 MB)
• Game Guides - (95 KB)
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