Dungeons & Dragons
AD&D NPC Cards
As the old adage goes, "Pictures Tell One-Thousand Words," - and when playing Dungeons & Dragons, saving words dramatically helps move the encounters along. (And stops the Dungeon Master from continually needing to repeat himself).
These cards feature a detailed image of the NPC on the front, and, when appropriate, stats on the back. While a Player-Character might generally be aware of a common guard or merchant's abilities, some Non-Player-Characters have hidden stats - this helps preserve the sense of wonder and mystery in the game - and curbs the temptation to meta-game every single encounter.
• Complete Collection - (35.6 MB)
Blank NPC Templates
• Template Front - (8.33 MB)
• Template Back - (10.1 MB)
• Font Set - (375 KB)
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