Politics & Rants
A Proper Dispensation of Justice
So we sat here for a while, staring at pictures like this one:

It occurs to us that thirteenth century barbarians are not the primary culprits in this. Oh sure... they did the killing. But in the final reckoning... they are nothing but wild animals. Lesser, baser creatures, acting on what is tantamount to instinct - a toxic ideology beaten, molested and bred into them for centuries. They’re the instrument used to slaughter. They are war dogs ushered into a flock of goats - deliberately.
The question is... who allowed the creatures into the pen? Do not misunderstand us - rabid dogs are fit only to be killed - and killed to the last howling, snarling, foam dripping pup. But on their own, they are poor, stupid and distant - wallowing in their backwards hell-hole of a culture, where women are stuffed into sacks with their genitals sliced to ribbons - and little boys are near universally the playthings of a "religion" of pedophiles. They’re a penny carnival freakshow on their own, who won’t ever accomplish much beyond garden variety thuggery and warlordism - they need assistance from "the masters" of western civilization" to aspire to greater savagery and destruction. The real villains are the soulless dretches releasing these beasts into the midst of a domesticated flock.
Wolves will be wolves - they can’t help themselves. Butchery comes instinctively to them. The malice lies in the hearts of those importing these brigands - these are the people who must face ultimate accountability alongside the dingoes. These craven, bought-out politicians, who throw their people, civilization and their culture to ruin - in exchange for tarnished silver and the drooling, simpering approval of the chattering caste. Notice how it is never the loved ones of the politicians, the captains of industry or the gentry who suffer, die and bleed on a bus. Oh no - these vermin have walled themselves away from the monsters they disperse. They have legions of servants, staff, butlers, minions and sphincter-licking toadies seeing to their every petulant whim - they don’t need to care that Coffee Shops are being blasted to bits by the hell-hounds they conjure.
That "absence of pain" needs to change. The political class and their gentry enablers have earned the privilege of bleeding, suffering and dying along with the rest of the "lessers." They desperately need to understand "accountability" for charging the weapon. And no, we don’t mean "at the ballot box" or "being sacked from their cushy bureaucratic desk jobs." They need to fear for their very lives when they offload cargo containers of jackals into the midst of people they have disarmed and cowed. They need to die in their homes like the peasants die. They need to be killed in the streets or at concerts or when riding home from work - they should meet their judgement whenever an opportunity arises - condemned in the same way they have condemned the serfs.
Dessert is due for the lives callously stolen at the whims of these swine. It is these politicians who take aim with the invaders as their rifle. These "elected" slime-piles are the ones who pull the trigger. It is THEY who bear the greatest guilt in this. These shit-weasels imported hyenas deliberately, knowing full well the consequences - and they didn’t give a good Goddamn - laughing off or feigning woe over the rivers of blood flowing in the streets - while privately lounging on piles of wealth lavished upon them by the corperatists and oligarchs who compose their true constituency.
Kill the wild beasts. Kill them until they refuse to leave their caves, castles and mud-huts - and then let them be, contained where they belong. But once that task is finished... the people must be prepared to bring just retribution on the architects of this farce. These masterminds must be destroyed in every way a human can be - to serve as an example to other would-be quislings, oath-breakers and traitors. The penalty for thus must be so severe that even entertaining the notion of such treachery is unthinkable for generations. Examples need to be made.
Slay the feral savages - but don’t neglect to punish the GUILTY.
"When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace."
"They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease."
"But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,"
"And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "Stick to the Devil you know."
- Rudyard Kipling, "The Gods of the Copybook Headings"
Yet again... Kipling is proven to be the unparalleled master of prognostication.
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