Dungeons & Dragons
AD&D Player Cards
Presented here are a collection of player character cards specific to our ongoing Forgotten Realms campaign. We turned them into game pieces using Tabletop Simulator, which helps invest everyone in the scene and the overall story.
While these cards are specific to our universe, using the templates below, you could easily create your own player cards and game pieces. Your adventure awaits wanderer... what are you waiting for?
Full players Card Collection
• Complete Collection - (13.6 MB)
Blank Player Templates
• Template Front - (2.7 MB)
• Template Back - (2.4 MB)
• Font Set - (375 KB)
• Complete Collection - (13.6 MB)
Blank Player Templates
• Template Front - (2.7 MB)
• Template Back - (2.4 MB)
• Font Set - (375 KB)
Player Character Gallery:

The League of Outlaw Bloggers
‣ 12 Round Blog‣ Alt-Market
‣ American Partisan
‣ Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
‣ Ann Barnhardt
‣ Captain Capitalism
‣ Chateau Heartiste
‣ Cold Fury
‣ Daily Pundit
‣ Everything Yet Nothing
‣ Kiwi Farms
‣ Knuckle-Draggin' M.L.A.
‣ L.O. Outlaw Bloggers
‣ Liberty's Torch
‣ Men of the West
‣ NC Renegades
‣ Raconteur Report
‣ Sipsey Street Irregulars
‣ Sum. Patriot, Win. Soldier
‣ The Burning Platform
‣ The Captain's Journal
‣ The Intrepid Reporter
‣ The Market Ticker
‣ The Most Violent Element
‣ The Saker
‣ The Z Blog
‣ Western Rifle Shooters
‣ Woodpile Report
Comedy, Satire & Comics
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‣ Day By Day
‣ Stilton's Place
‣ Stone Toss
‣ The Babylon Bee
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‣ Yandex Search Engine
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