Dungeons & Dragons
AD&D Information Trackers
As your campaign drags on, record keeping quickly becomes one of your biggest challenges as both a DM and a player. Spell lists bloat, treasuries swell and the players hoard every single thing that's not both nailed down and on fire.
Due to this, we created a series of information trackers - both for use in PC simulations and on your actual tabletop.
With our stat tracking cards, you can keep critical data where you need and accessible when you need it - greatly reducing the game's overhead.
• Complete Tracker Collection - (8.7 MB)
Tracking Card Templates
• Projectile Counter Template - (21 MB)
• Font Set - (375 KB)
Projectile Counters:

Skill Counters:

Character Trackers:

Printable Projectile Counters:
(For best results, laminate them and use dry-erase-markers).

Printable Skill Counters:

Printable Character Trackers:

Party Letter-Sized Trackers:

Large Trackers, Counters & DM Screen:

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