Dungeons & Dragons
AD&D Commoner Cards
A good collection of commoners is essential for bringing any setting to life. You can build a lively tavern brawl, a feast hall filled with glamorous nobility or a bustling marketplace packed with peasants using these Commoner Cards.
A great way to go about this is by printing out small versions of the character cards and mounting them on a 23x19x12mm Plastic Card Stand - like the one here:
These holders can be had for pennies from places like Board Game Maker or other Hobby Outlets.
Full NPC Card Collection
• Complete Collection - (12.8 MB)
Blank Commoner Templates
• Template Front - (2.92 MB)
• Template Back - (2.66 MB)
• Font Set - (375 KB)
• Complete Collection - (12.8 MB)
Blank Commoner Templates
• Template Front - (2.92 MB)
• Template Back - (2.66 MB)
• Font Set - (375 KB)
Commoner Gallery:

The League of Outlaw Bloggers
‣ 12 Round Blog‣ Alt-Market
‣ American Partisan
‣ Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
‣ Ann Barnhardt
‣ Captain Capitalism
‣ Chateau Heartiste
‣ Cold Fury
‣ Daily Pundit
‣ Everything Yet Nothing
‣ Kiwi Farms
‣ Knuckle-Draggin' M.L.A.
‣ L.O. Outlaw Bloggers
‣ Liberty's Torch
‣ Men of the West
‣ NC Renegades
‣ Raconteur Report
‣ Sipsey Street Irregulars
‣ Sum. Patriot, Win. Soldier
‣ The Burning Platform
‣ The Captain's Journal
‣ The Intrepid Reporter
‣ The Market Ticker
‣ The Most Violent Element
‣ The Saker
‣ The Z Blog
‣ Western Rifle Shooters
‣ Woodpile Report
Comedy, Satire & Comics
‣ All the Tropes‣ Bounding Into Comics
‣ Day By Day
‣ Stilton's Place
‣ Stone Toss
‣ The Babylon Bee
‣ The People's Cube
‣ Bit-Chute‣ The Brave Browser
‣ Yandex Search Engine
‣ Gab
‣ Infogalactic
‣ Minds
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